Title: My Piece of Homeland Security
1- My Piece of Homeland Security
- Benefits of Self-Generation
- to Homeland Security
- Frank Dunay
- Project Manager
- Energy Industries of Ohio
- The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
- Case No. 05-1500-EL-COI
- February 24, 2006
2- Non Profit 501(c) 3 Corp
- Facilitate Technology Development for Ohios
Power Generation and Energy Intensive User
Industries - Actively leading projects important to reducing
the threat of terrorist effected power outages
and meeting citizens critical power needs in
such incidents
3 EIO to work with Ohio Homeland Security,
Domestic Preparedness - Protect Committee
EIO additions included in updated Ohio HS
Strategic Plan
- Strategic Goal Prevent terrorists from using
energy production, systems, distribution and
supplies to disrupt and/or debilitate the economy
or to endanger the safety and well-being of
Ohios citizens. - Â
- Develop a detailed threat assessment of Ohio
energy infrastructure - Form an advisory committee for energy security
- Assist Ohio-based energy sector leaders
w/security plans - Provide resources for WMD detection equipment
4EIO additions included in updated Ohio HS
Strategic Plan - continued
ASSETS - Strategic Goal Establish Energy (supply and
distribution) as being the primary set of
critical infrastructure and assets underpinning
all other Homeland Security Efforts. Elevate the
priority of Ohio HS efforts focused on energy
related detection, protection, response and
restoration to the level commensurate with its
significance. - Â
- With corresponding objectives in
- - Electric Sector
- - Oil and Natural Gas Sector
- - Shared Electric and Oil Natural Gas
Sector objectives
5Energy Assurance Projects Overview
Facilitate Citizen Level Energy Assurance
Emergency Power Demo blueprint for emergency
shelters Identify legislation policy changes
needed to expand emergency power base broadened
DG integration Develop curriculum for first
responders on connection start-up of emergency
generators Preliminary curriculum is developed
to be fine-tuned Project Plan for mass
implementation of training being
developed Develop assessment solutions
template for Industrial-Commercial-Institutional
(ICI) incident based emergency needs Â
Ohio funded
DOE funded
Planned project
6SEP-FUEL CELL Awareness Infrastructure
Developmentfor Homeland Security Needs
- Funded by the Ohio Department of Development
- in partnership with the Village of Brooklyn Hts,
Ohio. -
- Practical demo of fuel cell, diesel engine and
microturbine - DG devices at Brooklyn Hts. Community Ctr.
- (Red Cross Facility) - testing a system to
meet response - strategy needs for Homeland Security
emergencies - Provide DG Recipe for citizens security
safety needs - secure shelter with heat, electricity, lighting
7 SEP-FUEL CELL Awareness
Infrastructure Development Cont.
- Identify changes in legislation policies needed
for broadened use of emergency power and DG
overall - Define requirements and obstacles for
transporting the blueprint model to broad
scale - Examine interconnect issues, safety and training,
practicality and incentives for expanding DG
capacity and reliance - Explore means to facilitate expansion of mobile
and permanent, stationary DG to also be used in
emergency situations
8 Training Development Plan Sponsored by U.S.
DOE OEDER First Responder Training (Seed
- Objective Develop plan for training that will
ensure emergency DG devices are brought on-line
and monitored by trained first responders in
Homeland Security situations - Assess training needs of first
- responders
- Developing necessary
- curriculums
- Develop blueprint of training
- program model
- Actual training as follow-on
- project
9 EIO Other Current Projectswww.energyinohio.c
- Ohios Industries of the Future
- UltraSuperCritical Materials for Coal Fired Power
Generation - Advanced High Temperature Materials - hoods and
roof used in steel making - High Value Utilization of Coal Combustion
By-Products - Syntactic Aluminum Foams - fly ash
- National Compact Stellerator Experiment
10Why DG? Which DG? Trends
- Refocused on importance of energy
- via Homeland Security
- - Iraq sabotage, WWII Germany Japan
- - Decentralized power low vulnerability
- - DG security investments
- Â
- Efficiency, renewables DG add
- reliability and energy independence
- - Augment the grid ? more secure
- homeland
- - Higher penetration, more affordable,
- financing ?
11 Benefits and Motivations
- DG Benefits and staying online
- no matter what
- - Value of reliability growing
- - DG Easier, faster, scalable.
- Action focus on customer side
- - Adds to security
- - Costs to bear, incentives to use
- User side DG ? independence, economic
- stability
- - Enhancing My piece of Homeland Security
12 Broader Thinking
- A thorough cost-benefit analysis
- - Broader losses costs of down time
- Is it worth it yet?
- Worth it and affordable.
- Â
- Owning My piece of homeland
- security entails DG and more
- - Entrepreneurial character own my fate
- - Economic stability for me and mine
- - Community perspectives
- private sector DG
13Bob Purgert Frank
Dunay President
Energy Assurance 216.533.1309
Project Manager
Park Center One, Suite 200 6100 Oak Tree
Blvd Independence, OH 44131 Office
216.518.0131 Fax 216.662.6052