Title: Native Americans: The First Peoples
1Native Americans The First Peoples
- By
- Peggy Schafer
- Gasconade County R-II
- Social Studies
- Summarize the viability and diversity of Native
American cultures before Europeans came - Communication Arts
- Develop research questions in order to establish
a focus and purpose for a project - Â Locate and use various resources to acquire
information to answer questions
- Social Studies
- General Objective 5-5The student will describe
and/or identify causes, consequences (effects)
and sequences of historical events and
developments in American History - E. Research causes and consequences of
historical events and/or developments in American
history. - Communication Arts
- General Objective 5-8The student will create
print and nonprint communications to publish or
formally present information and ideas. - General Objective 5-9A. Gather and process
information for composing limit topic and take
notes from sources read or from interviews.
3Native American Cultures
4Task                  Â
               Your group will be assigned a
Native American tribe for you to research. You
will explore the internet to learn information
about your tribe. You will use this information
to create a display. This display will include
replicas of your tribe's clothing, shelter, art,
and tools. It will include a map of the area of
the United States that your tribe inhabits and/or
once inhabited. Your group will also provide
information about how your tribe used the
resources of their environment for food, shelter,
and clothing.Your group will also be making a
group presentation. You will include information
about what you have in your display, as well as
information regarding your tribe's customs, daily
lives, roles of the men, women, and children, and
spiritual beliefs.
5Evaluation                   http//eprentice.
sdsu.edu/S04X/deggleston/wq/index.htm            Â
                Your grade will be based on
the following rubric.
6As you explore the various activities included in
this WebQuest, try to get a sense of where the
Indians lived, what were their beliefs, what
caused differences in their lifestyles, how they
adapted to their environment, and how important
the earth and nature were to them.
7Conclusion            Students will be aware
of the vast cultural heritage of Native American
tribes and their places in our history.