Title: Energy Efficiency
1The 40 house future
Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes 15.06.05
Dr Brenda Boardman, MBE
Lower Carbon Futures Environmental Change
InstituteUniversity of Oxford
2Hierarchy of targets
Kyoto 5.2 drop in GHG emissions by 2008-12 EU
8 cut in GHG emissions by 2008-12 UK 12.5 drop
in GHG emissions by 2008-12 UK 20 reduction in
CO2 by 2020 UK 60 reduction in CO2 by
2050 Emissions Trading Scheme
non-domestic Domestic? Regional?
3Personal carbon allowances (or tradable domestic
THE alternative to taxation Equal allowance of
carbon for every adult Can be traded Allowance
reduced each year All gas, electricity, petrol
and aviation Parallels non-domestic Emissions
Trading Scheme, Climate Change Levy
4GB residential energy trends1970-2001
Based on Shorrock and Utley (2003)
5Demolition rates - UK
ODPM 2003
6Housing stock changes UK, 20042050
Net additions 1996-2004
New build 2005-50
7Transforming the housing stock
8Home and energy survey
- Specific targets, over time
- Devolved to each housing authority
- All uses of energy in the home
- Address specific data
- Upgraded HECA
9Market transformation - housing
10Building Regulations
- Existing home upgrades THE challenge
- Enforce better, now, eg random pressure tests
- Upgrade to zero heating by 2010, in practice
- From 2005, LZC are vital in BR. When and how to
incorporate LZC ?
11Space standards
3m individuals live alone in a house in UK More
sheltered housing schemes What size should we
build? 80m2 house / 2.6 p 30m2 pp 65m2 house /
2.1 p 30m2 pp
12Residential lights and appliances UK, 2050
Annual UK residential sector energy consumption
and 40 House energy consumption 2050
13Energy efficiency vs energy conservation
- Emphasis on energy efficiency
- Increasing size
- Increasing electricity consumption
470 litres
130 litres
14Low- and Zero-Carbon technologies (LZC)
15LZC ownership, 2050
- 60 of homes on combined heat and power (local
and micro) - 30 of homes with photovoltaics
- Almost all homes generating electricity
- Reduce peak demand by 25GW in 2050
- Net exporter of electricity from 2045
- 60 of homes have solar thermal
- Around two LZCs per house
16(No Transcript)
17Isolated policies - EEC
- UK utilities have energy reduction targets
- Achieved partly by giving away CFLs
- Most people acquire CFLs for free
- Few sales in shops
- Shops stop stocking CFLs
- Growth in CFL ownership dependent upon continuing
distribution by utilities - No exit strategy
18European legislation
- Eco-design directive published imminently. MEPs
for 12 product groups (D and ND) - Energy services directive British Presidency
priority - Procurement - ?
- Energy Labelling soon?
19Buy a CFL now...
so your grandchild can drive 1400 kilometres
20 The 40 house www.eci.ox.ac.uk Oxford
University is the 7th largest purchaser of green
electricity in Europe