Title: Diapositive 1
1 Safety from external danger is the most
powerful director of national conduct. Even the
ardent love of liberty will, after a time, give
ways to its dictates. The violent destruction of
life and property incident to war, the continual
effort and alarm attendant on a state of
continual danger, will compel nations the most
attached to liberty to resort for repose and
security to institutions which have a tendency to
destroy their civil and political rights. To be
more safe, they at length become willing to run
the risk of being less free.
2 Safety from external danger is the most
powerful director of national conduct. Even the
ardent love of liberty will, after a time, give
ways to its dictates. The violent destruction of
life and property incident to war, the continual
effort and alarm attendant on a state of
continual danger, will compel nations the most
attached to liberty to resort for repose and
security to institutions which have a tendency to
destroy their civil and political rights. To be
more safe, they at length become willing to run
the risk of being less free.
Alexander Hamilton, The Consequences of
Hostilities Between the States, The Federalist,
N 8, Tuesday, November 20, 1787. lt
http//www.constitution.org/fed/federa08htm gt
3Limpasse de l économie de guerre
permanente Luc Mampaey(l.mampaey_at_grip.org)
Conférence 22 avril 2008
Safety from external danger is the most
powerful director of national conduct. Even the
ardent love of liberty will, after a time, give
ways to its dictates. The violent destruction of
life and property incident to war, the continual
effort and alarm attendant on a state of
continual danger, will compel nations the most
attached to liberty to resort for repose and
security to institutions which have a tendency to
destroy their civil and political rights. To be
more safe, they at length become willing to run
the risk of being less free.
CGRI 22 avril 2008
4Limpasse de l économie de guerre
permanente Luc Mampaey(l.mampaey_at_grip.org)
Conférence 22 avril 2008
Safety from external danger is the most
powerful director of national conduct. Even the
ardent love of liberty will, after a time, give
ways to its dictates. The violent destruction of
life and property incident to war, the continual
effort and alarm attendant on a state of
continual danger, will compel nations the most
attached to liberty to resort for repose and
security to institutions which have a tendency to
destroy their civil and political rights. To be
more safe, they at length become willing to run
the risk of being less free.
Alexander Hamilton, The Consequences of
Hostilities Between the States, The Federalist,
N 8, Tuesday, November 20, 1787. lt
http//www.constitution.org/fed/federa08htm gt
CGRI 22 avril 2008
5 to render the United States, independent on
foreign nations for military and other essential
supplies. Alexander Hamilton, Report on
Manufactures,December 5, 1791lt
actures.html gt
CGRI 22 avril 2008
6 to render the United States, independent on
foreign nations for military and other essential
supplies. Alexander Hamilton, Report on
Manufactures,December 5, 1791lt
actures.html gt Nothing should ever be accepted
which would require a navy to defend it. Thomas
Jefferson, correspondance avec le président James
Madison, à Monticello, 27 avril 1809, dans Albert
Ellery Bergh (ed.), Writings of Thomas Jefferson,
vol. XII, 1905, p. 277. lt http//www.constitution
.org/tj/jeff12.txt gt
CGRI 22 avril 2008
7Les dépenses militaires des États-Unis, de
1789-2013 (prévisions), en milliards de dollars,
aux prix de 2006 (sur base du déflateur du PIB
depuis de 1789)
Sources compilation des statistiques du U.S.
Bureau of the Census (1975), du U.S. Department
of Defense (2007), et de SAHR Robert (2007).
CGRI 22 avril 2008
8Les dépenses militaires des États-Unis, un
agrandissement de la période 1789-1917, en
milliards de dollars, aux prix de 2006 (sur base
du déflateur du PIB depuis de 1789)
Sources compilation des statistiques du U.S.
Bureau of the Census (1975), du U.S. Department
of Defense (2007), et de SAHR Robert (2007).
CGRI 22 avril 2008
9Les dépenses militaires des États-Unis, en du
PIB, de 1789 à 2008
Sources compilation des statistiques du U.S.
Bureau of the Census (1975), du U.S. Department
of Defense (2007), et de SAHR Robert (2007).
CGRI 22 avril 2008
10Les dépenses militaires des Etats-Unis (DoD
051 , BA),par catégorie, en milliards de
dollars, aux prix de 2006, de 1948 à 2010
Sources DoD Greenbook 2009
CGRI 22 avril 2008
11CGRI 22 avril 2008
12Comparaison des indices boursiers, du 30
septembre 1996 au 17 avril 2008
CGRI 22 avril 2008
13Les dépenses militaires des Etats-Unis (National
Defense 050 ), en milliards de dollars, aux
prix de 2006, et en des dépenses fédérale et
du PIB, 1940-2013
CGRI 22 avril 2008
14CGRI 22 avril 2008
15Merci ! Luc Mampaey l.mampaey_at_grip.org
CGRI 22 avril 2008