Title: Exercises of the Tutorial on Advanced Web Programming
1Exercises of the Tutorial on Advanced Web
- Authors
- Miroslava Mitrovic (mirka_at_galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu)
- Dragan Milicev (emiliced_at_etf.bg.ac.yu)
- Nino Stojcic (nstojcic_at_yubc.net)
- Veljko Milutinovic (vm_at_etf.bg.ac.yu)
2Exercise 1 Develop Your Own HTML Web Form
- Design a web form
- that contains the following controls
- - Name (Text box)
- - Address (Text box)
- - Age (Text box)
- - Mr. / Mrs. / Miss (Radio button group)
- - Reset and Submit buttons
3(No Transcript)
4- lt ! Exercise1.html
- ltHTMLgt
- ltTITLEgtExercise1lt/TITLEgt
- ltHEADgt ltFONT SIZE"6"gtExercise1lt/FONTgtlt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt
- ltBRgt
- ltHRgt
- ltFORM NAME"Form1"gt
- Namenbsp
- ltINPUT TYPE"text" NAME"Name"
SIZE"25" MAXLENGTH25gt - ltBRgt
- Address
- ltINPUT TYPE"text" NAME"Address"
SIZE"25" MAXLENGTH25gt ltBRgt -
- Age
- ltINPUT TYPE"text" NAME"Age"
SIZE"2" MAXLENGTH2gt ltBRgtltBRgt - Mr.
- ltINPUT TYPE"radio" NAME"Group1" CHECKED
VALUE"Mr.gt - Mrs.
- ltINPUT TYPE"radio" NAME"Group1" VALUE"Mrs."gt
- Miss
- ltINPUT TYPE"radio" NAME"Group1" VALUE"Miss"gt
- ltBRgtltBRgt
- ltINPUT TYPE"submit" VALUE"Submit" gt
- nbspnbsp
- ltINPUT TYPE"reset" VALUE"Reset"gt
- lt/FORMgt
- ltHRgt
- lt/BODYgt
6Exercise 2Validate Your Forms Data
- Enhance the form from Exercise1
- so that the user cannot submit the Form
- if the Name field is empty
- or the Age field contains a negative number
- (provide a message in these cases).
- Validation upon pressing the submit button
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10- lt! Exercise2.html
- .
- ltBODYgt
- ltBRgtltBRgt
- ltHRgt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE"JavaScript"gt
- lt!
- function checkData (theForm)
- var ReturnValfalse
- var nametheForm.Name.value
- var addresstheForm.Address.value
- var ageNumber(theForm.Age.value)
- if (name"")
- alert("Name must not be empty!")
- else if (address"")
- alert("Address must not be empty!")
- else if (isNaN(age))
- alert("Age must be non
negative number!") - else if (agelt0)
- alert("Age must be non negative number!")
- else ReturnValtrue
- if (ReturnVal)
- alert("Your order has been submitted")
- return ReturnVal
- //--gt
- lt/SCRIPT gt
- ltFORM NAME"Form1" ONSUBMIT"return
checkData(this) "gt
12Exercise 3Make Your Web Form Live
- Make your web form alive,
- by adding a simple applet to your web form
- that will demonstrate the possibility
- of creating dynamic contents.
- Using a scrolling box
13(No Transcript)
14 lt! Exercise3.html . ltBODYgt ltBRgt
ltAPPLET CODE"Ticker.class" WIDTH200
HEIGHT35gt ltPARAM NAME"fontname"
VALUE"Times New Roman"gt ltPARAM
NAME"fontsize" VALUE24gt ltPARAM
NAME"text" VALUE"Fill out this form!"gt
lt/APPLETgt ltHRgt
15Exercise 4Develop Your Own Servlet
- Develop a servlet that accepts the submitted
- page from Exercise 3, and returns a page
- with the following contents to the user
- Hello ltMr.Mrs.Missgt ltNamegt,
- glad to meet you. Ill stay in contact with you
- by e-mailing to the address ltAddressgt.
16(No Transcript)
17- lt! Exercise4.html
- //--gt
- lt/SCRIPTgt
- ltFORM NAME"Form1" ONSUBMIT"return
checkData(this)" METHOD"POST" ACTION"../servlet/
Exercise4Servlet" gt -
- Namenbspnbspnbspnbsp
- ltINPUT TYPE"text" NAME"Name"
SIZE"25" MAXLENGTH25gt - ltBRgtltBRgt
- ..
18(No Transcript)
19- // Exercise4Servlet. Java
- import java.io.
- import java.util.
- import javax.servlet.
- import javax.servlet.http.
- public class Exercise4Servlet extends
HttpServlet - //overloading the doPost() method inherited from
HttpServlet class - public void doPost(HttpServletRequest
req,HttpServletResponse res) - throws ServletException, IOException
- //setting the content type of response to
"text/html" - res.setContentType("text/html")
- //PrintWriter converts Java's Unicode
characters to locale-specific encoding - //For an English locale, it behaves same as a
PrintStream - PrintWriter out res.getWriter()
- String name1req.getParameter("Nam
e") - String address req.getParameter("Address")
- String mrMrsMissreq.getParameter("Group1")
- out.print(
- "ltHEADgtltTITLEgtExercise4lt/TITLEgt"
- "ltFONT SIZE\"6\"gtExercise4lt/FONTgtlt/HEADgt"
- "ltBRgtltBRgtltHRgt"
- "ltBRgtltFONT SIZE\"5\"gtServlet Response
ltBRgtltBRgtltBRgt" - "lt/FONTgtHello nbsp"mrMrsMiss"nbsp
name1 ",nbspglad to meet you!ltBRgtltBRgtI'll
contact you by e-mailing to the - "addressnbsp address
"ltBRgtltBRgtltBRgtltBRgtltHRgtlt/BODYgt") -
- out.close()
21Exercise 5Make Your Own Application Access the
- Enhance the servlet from Exercise 4,
- so that it inserts a new record
- into the database table of the users
- with the submitted data, before returning
- the Hello confirmation page.
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24- // Exercise5Servlet.java
- import java.io.
- import java.util.
- import javax.servlet.
- import javax.servlet.http.
- import java.sql.
- import sun.jdbc.odbc.
- public class Exercise5Servlet extends
HttpServlet -
- public void doPost(HttpServletRequest
req,HttpServletResponse res) - throws ServletException, IOException
- String status "nix"
- res.setContentType("text/html")
- PrintWriter out res.getWriter()
- String name1req.getParameter("Name")
- String mrMrsMissreq.getParameter("Group1")
- String agereq.getParameter("Age")
- Connection connull
- try
- //load the JdbcOdbcDriver
- Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDri
ver") - String url "jdbcodbcExercise5Base"
- //get a connection to the database
- con DriverManager.getConnection(url,"E
xercise5Base", "sql") - //create a statement object
- Statement stmt con.createStatement()
- //execute an sql query
- String sql "Insert into Members
(Name,Address,Age,Title) values" - "('" name1 "','" address "','" age
"','" mrMrsMiss "')" - stmt.execute(sql)
- catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
- System.out.println("Couldn't load database
driver " e.getMessage()) -
- catch(SQLException e)
- System.out.println("SQLException caught "
e.getMessage()) -
- //close the database connection
- finally
- try
- if (con!null) con.close()
- catch (SQLException ignored)
27- out.print(
- "ltHEADgtltTITLEgtExercise5lt/TITLEgt"
- "ltFONT SIZE\"6\"gtExercise5lt/FONTgtlt/HEADgt"
- "ltBRgtltBRgtltHRgt"
- "ltBRgtltFONT SIZE\"5\"gtServlet Response
ltBRgtltBRgtltBRgt" - "lt/FONTgtHello nbsp"mrMrsMiss"nbsp"name1
- ",nbspglad to meet you!ltBRgtltBRgtI'll
contact you by e-mailing to the - addressnbsp "
- address "ltBRgtltBRgtltBRgtltBRgtltHRgtlt/BODYgt")
- out.close()
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29Exercise 6Develop Your First Simple Web
- Using the given infrastructure, develop
- an application
- Select a user from the database
- by his/her name in the list box,
- modify data for the selected user,
- using the page from Exercise 5,
30Exercise 6Develop Your First Simple Web
- and on the submit command go to
- the confirmation Hello.. page.
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34- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgt
- ltTITLEgtExercise6lt/TITLEgt
- ltFONT SIZE"6" gtExercise6lt/FONTgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ltBODY BACKGROUND"/examples/images/Back.gif"gt
- ltBRgtltBRgtltBRgt
- ltjspplugin type"applet" code"Ticker.class"
codebase"applets" width"200" height"35"gt - ltjspparamsgt
- ltjspparam name"fontname" value"Times
New Roman"/gt - ltjspparam name"fontsize" value"24"/gt
- ltjspparam name"text" value"Fill out
this form!"/gt - lt/jspparamsgt
- ltjspfallbackgt
- ltPgtUnable to load appletlt/Pgt
- lt/jspfallbackgt
- lt/jspplugingt
35- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE"JavaScript"gt
- lt!--
- function checkData (theForm)
- var ReturnValfalse
- var addresstheForm.Address.value
- var ageNumber(theForm.Age.value)
if(address"") - alert("Address must not be empty!")
- else if(isNaN(age))
- alert("Age must be non negative
number!") - else if(agelt0)
alert("Age must be non negative number!") - else ReturnValtrue
- return ReturnVal
- //--gt
- lt/SCRIPTgt
- ltHRgt
- ltFORM NAME"Form1" ONSUBMIT"return
checkData(this)" METHOD"POST" ACTION"/examples/s
ervlet/Exercise6Servlet"gt - lt_at_ page language'java' import
"Exercise6Bean" gt - ltjspuseBean id"Bean"
class"Exercise6Bean" scope"page"/gt
- Namenbspnbspnbspnbsp
- lt Bean.getName()gt
- lt/SELECTgt
- ltBRgtltBRgt
- Address
- ltINPUT TYPE"text" NAME"Address"
SIZE"25" MAXLENGTH25gt - ltBRgtltBRgt Agenbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp
nbspnbsp - ltINPUT TYPE"text" NAME"Age"
37- ltBRgtltBRgt
- Mr
- ltINPUT TYPE"radio" NAME"Group1" CHECKED
VALUE"Mr."gt - nbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp
- Mrs
- ltINPUT TYPE"radio" NAME"Group1" VALUE"Mrs."gt
- nbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp
- Miss
- ..
38- // Exercise6Bean.java
- import java.beans.
- import java.io.
- import java.sql.
- public class Exercise6Bean
- private String name""
- public String getName()
- Connection connull
- ResultSet rsnull
- try
- //load the JdbcOdbcDriver
- Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDrive
r") - String url "jdbcodbcExercise5Base"
- //get a connection to the database
- //create a statement object
- Statement stmt con.createStatement()
- //execute an sql query
- String sql "Select Name from
Members" - rsstmt.executeQuery(sql)
- while (rs.next())
- name name"ltOPTIONgt"
rs.getString("Name") - // end try
- catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
- System.out.println("Couldn't load
database driver " e.getMessage()) -
- catch(SQLException e)
- System.out.println("SQLException caught "
e.getMessage()) -
- //close the database connection
- finally
- try
- if (con!null) con.close()
- catch (SQLException ignored)
- return name
- //end of function
- // end of class
41(No Transcript)
42- //Exercise6Servlet. Java
- import java.io.
- import javax.servlet.
- import javax.servlet.http.
- import java.sql.
- public class Exercise6Servlet extends HttpServlet
- public void doPost(HttpServletRequest
req,HttpServletResponse res) - throws ServletException, IOException
- ServletOutputStream out
res.getOutputStream() - String mrMrsMissreq.getParameter("Group1")
- String name1req.getParameter("Name")
- String address req.getParameter("Address")
- String agereq.getParameter("Age")
- Connection connull
43- try
- //load the JdbcOdbcDriver
- Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcD
river") - String url "jdbcodbcExercise5Base"
- //get a connection to the database
- con DriverManager.getConnection(url,"
Exercise5Base", "sql") - PreparedStatement stmt
con.prepareStatement( - "UPDATE Members SET Address ?, Age?,
Title? WHERE Name ?") - stmt.setString(1, address)
- stmt.setString(2, age)
- stmt.setString(3, mrMrsMiss)
- stmt.setString(4,name1)
- stmt.executeUpdate()
- catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
- System.out.println("Couldn't load
database driver " e.getMessage()) -
- catch(SQLException e)
- //close the database connection
- finally
- try
- if (con!null) con.close()
- catch (SQLException ignored)
- out.print(
- "ltHEADgtltTITLEgtExercise6lt/TITLEgt"
- "ltFONT SIZE\"6\"gtExercise6lt/FONTgtlt/HEADgt
- "ltBODY BACKGROUND\"/examples/images/Back.gi
f\"gt" - "ltBRgtltBRgtltIMG SRC\"/examples/images/Aswoosh
.gif\"gt" - "ltBRgtltBRgtltFONT SIZE\"5\"gtServlet Response
ltBRgtltBRgtltBRgt" - "lt/FONTgtHello nbsp"mrMrsMiss"nbsp"name1
- ",nbspglad to meet you!ltBRgtltBRgtI'll
contact you by e-mailing to the addressnbsp
address"." - "ltBRgtltBRgtltBRgtltBRgtltIMG SRC\"/examples/images
/Aswoosh.gif\"gtlt/BODYgt") - out.println()
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46ConclusionWhat you have learned?