Title: Carrot or stick Student engagement with Turnitin
1Carrot or stick? Student engagement with Turnitin
- Implementing Turnitin as a formative writing tool
at the University of Kent - Judy Cohen
- Des Laffey
- Bill Collier
- Autumn 2005 pilot of Turnitin
- November 2005 Workshop by Jude Carroll
- March 2006 recommended purchase of Turnitin
licence - Autumn 2006 Turnitin made available to all staff
3Implementation of Turnitin
- Available via WebCT plug-in
- Available to all staff
- Guidelines for the use of Turnitin developed
- Additional web resources on using Turnitin,
plagiarism and good academic practice created
4Turnitin concerns for staff
- Electronic submission
- Matching printed and electronic assignments
- Some questions over using Turnitin as a sampling
tool - Confusion over percentages in OR
- Requests from other institutions?
5Student concerns before the trial
- Concern over IP rights to work (staff too)
- Introduction of bias in marking
- Acceptable minimum/maximum percentages
- Fairness of application
6Piloting Turnitin as a formative writing tool
- Autumn/spring piloting the formative use of
Turnitin in L2 Economics course and L3,L4
business courses - Economics (B Collier) Students given a
draft/revision assignment - Business courses (D Laffey) students given free
access to Turnitin - Both groups given two sessions with Turnitin
- Using Turnitin and uploading work
- Interpreting the originality report
- Students advised that Turnitin will be used
7Use by Des Laffey
- Used at Undergraduate (Years 2 and 3) and
Postgraduate Levels (MSc and MBA) - Found it to be a useful tool in identifying
plagiarism and the actual student contribution - It has not been a burden as DL previously spent
hundreds of hours per year manually searching for
8The Business School
- One of the largest departments at the University
of Kent - Turnitin has been used this academic year at
- Undergraduate Level All years
- Postgraduate Level
- Research PhD proposals
- Procedures were followed as laid down by UELT
9Implementation issues in KBS
- Turnitin has to be implemented carefully
- Need to be clear about what plagiarism is and
what constitutes good academic practice - Explaining how Turnitin works
- Live Demo listening to the pin drop
- The formative experience
- Tool not a replacement for the Lecturers
10Implementation issues in KBS (Cont.)
- Explaining why it is being used
- Getting student support for the use of Turnitin
- Protecting the reputation of their degrees
- Experience in KBS you cannot mention it enough
times in its early days - Part of a process of steering students to quality
11Implementation issues in KBS
- Reward good behaviour of those who do not
plagiarise - Do not just look at the headline number for the
report - Add value to feedback for the students
- Where they have referenced well, partially, not
at all - Speed camera problem what about modules where
no-one gets caught? - What about modules where Turnitin is not used and
students are told this?
12What would you recommend to staff?
- Use it on every student and every module
- Be specific about the processing time for
essays - Some of the matches are not the ones I used
- Its a very useful tool and should be used
often - It should be available to students
- It should be a policing tool with only one copy
to be handed in
13What did you like about using the software?
- Good way of encouraging students to use their
own words - Easy to use and I support its use
- Helped significantly with proper referencing
- Useful to see how my work matches up with other
texts - It improved my writing style and the layout of
my essay
14Did you find the workshop on the originality
report useful?
- I learned
- How to reference without plagiarism
- My work was fine
- How many references I used
- There will be a certain amount of matching text
- How I should reference and time management
- That I could have plagiarised unknowingly
- The level of plagiarism I had
- Nothing- I knew my references were correct
15What would recommend to students?
- The annoying thing is Turnitin shortens the
official deadline - Its necessary to ensure university standards
- It seemed daunting at first but its
beneficial - Helpful way to avoid plagiarism
- Can be over-sensitive
- Take the time to use it
16Final comments
- Pitfalls include
- setting up draft/revision assignments
- Promoting student engagement
- Future steps
- Write a specific ½ page outline and guide to
Turnitin - Formative assessment regular Turnitin assignment
with unlimited resubmissions - Summative assessment draft/revision assignment
and allow viewing of the OR - The first page of the OR printed and attached
behind cover sheet
17How would you use the originality report?
- How would you use the OR in a class? What would
you focus on? - Or
- How could you encourage students to take more
time over checking and proofreading their work?
Can the OR help? - Last word