Title: Materials ManagementResource Conservation
1Materials Management/Resource Conservation
Trish Erickson Acting Director, Land Remediation
Pollution Control Division National Risk
Management Research Laboratory
BOSC Midcycle Review - Land Research Program
April 24, 2008
2Materials Management
- Materials assessment for disposal
- New materials
- Newly-recognized concerns
- Landfills
- Alternative covers
- Landfill bioreactors
- Energy linkage
3Disaster Debris
- Evaluation of volume reduction (aka Burn Grind)
- Can shredding/ grinding safely reduce debris
volume with possible recovery of recyclables? - Can incineration safely destroy debris, including
asbestos-containing materials?
Formosan termite
4Disaster Debris
- Burn Grind project
- 3 ORD labs/centers
- 3 program offices
- Region 6 LDEQ
- CRADAs with equipment suppliers
5Alternative Asbestos Control Method
- NESHAPS method is expensive
- Safe, less expensive alternative may stimulate
more brownfields redevelopment - Three tests on different materials, fiber types
- First test at Ft. Chafee, AACM was 5 times
faster, 50 less costly than NESHAPS - http//www.epa.gov/region06/6xa/asbestos.htm
Building demolished with asbestos in place
controlled by foam, being loaded into lined
trucks. Alternative method cost is about half
the cost of conventional asbestos removal.
- Past work on liners, covers, QA, and performance
over time - Still finding questions
- Alternative covers
- Methodology to demonstrate functional equivalency
- Field tests at 12 sites
- Extensive outreach and tech transfer
To our Valued Customers,YOUR IMMEDIATE ACTION IS
REQUIRED with this urgent product recall of
canned products that may be contaminated with
botulinum toxin which could cause botulism. The
recalled products potentially pose a life
threatening hazard to health.
Recent Publications Assessment of the
Performance of Engineered Waste Containment
Barriers http//www.nap.edu/catalog/11930.html In
-Service Hydraulic Conductivity of GCLs in
Landfill Covers EPA 600/R-05/148
Ohio EPA Declares Countywide Landfill a Public
Nuisance Agency Orders Landfill to Reduce Odor
Asks U.S. EPA and ATSDR for Assistance Citing
hundreds of citizen complaints and the foul odor
- Region 5 RARE funding to investigate
water-reactive waste from secondary aluminum
production - CRADA in development with waste generators,
owner/operators, state regulators - Pharmaceuticals disposal
- Estimated 1040 tons of active ingredients enter
U.S. landfills each year - PhD student research on fate of pharmaceuticals
in landfills
9More Integrated Waste Management
10Landfill Evapotranspiration Covers
- December 2005 BOSC poster reported cost savings
of 155 million - Summer 2007 estimate is over 200 million savings
at gt35 sites using ACAP data in design and/or
regulatory approval
11Landfill Bioreactors
- Field studies at 3 sites
- Highly leveraged resources, with owners/operators
contributing in-kind - Bioreactor Landfill Performance Second Interim
Report - EPA/600/R-07/060
- Developed and co-instructed ITRC Bioreactor
Course 2003-2008
LFG Collection
12Resource Conservation
- Assessing beneficial use
- Brownfields and land reutilization
13Resource Conservation
- Assessment tools - Application of common approach
to evaluate beneficial use, appropriate disposal,
and remediation - Speciation
- Leachability testing
- Fate transport
- Degradation/transformation testing
- Capabilities being migrated to nanomaterials
- Brownfields/Land revitalization
- Began as transfer of knowledge from Superfund,
RCRA Corrective Action to less contaminated
brownfields - Documents on common site types
- International workshops on overcoming barriers
- Tool development
- SMARTe decision support system
- Extensive partnership and outreach
- Funded directly by the program office through
FY07 - Evolved to incorporate more sustainable land use
15SMARTe Sustainable Management Approaches and
Revitalization Tools electronic
- Level 1 Information, Resources, Knowledge Bases
- Level 2 Analysis Tools
- Level 3 My Project Compare Reuse Options
Decision options
- My Project released October 2007
- Web statistics 35K-55K hits/month average of
55 countries hit/month - gt300K invested by partners plus in-kind
contributions, including - Paola Agostini (University of Venice) Public
Participation/Community Involvement tool - Sabine Martin (Kansas State University) Select
a Consultant checklist - Peter Meyer (University of Louisville) and
Kristen Yount (Northern Kentucky University)
Finding an Insurance Broker checklist - Doug MacCourt (Ater Wynne)/Charlie Bartsch (ICF
Consulting) Financial Resources tool (in
development) - Jim Weaver (EPA) Fate and Transport tool
- ITRC Model Projects, Peer Review, Section
Leads, Trainers - BMBF Model Projects, five workshops and two
conferences - Trainers in each region EPA, State government,
private consultants (donate time) TABs - Exploring CRADAs for future development and OM
17Land Reutilization
- Developed metrics for sustainable development/
redevelopment - Native species
- Habitat
- Soil
- Water
- Air
- Applied in master plan developed with residents
of Stella, MO