Title: Background to the Structural Wind Engineering Committee
1Background to the Structural Wind Engineering
QUALITY CONSULTANTS 1415 Blue Spruce Drive Fort
Collins, Colorado, 80524, USA www.cppwind.com
2SEI/ASCE Wind Effects Committee
Created in the 1960s and has been a very active
Purpose To re-examine, improve and disseminate
present knowledge, and to enlighten the
engineering profession on the subject of wind
forces on structures, and the response of
structures to those wind forces to attempt to
clarify, coordinate and unify wind design
provisions on national and local building codes.
Information will be disseminated through ASCE
Journal papers and conferences.
Same Purpose Statement has been adopted by the
3- Absorbed into SEI when it was formed in October
1996. - Organized many sessions at the Structures
Congresses - Members active in many wind-related publications
and books - Members reviewed many wind-related journal
articles - Interacted with NSF, AAWE, ASCE-7,
- Combined efforts with other committees, like
Tall Buildings, - Aerodynamics, Special Structures, Aesthetics
- But to work better across ASCE and to minimize
duplication - the Technical Council on Wind Engineering was
formed. - Should be able to better promote wind-engineering
4Technical Council on Wind Engineering
Created in January 2007 and met for the first
time in Long Beach
5- Many of the less structural aspects of the old
Wind - Effects Committee have been taken over by the new
- Environmental Wind Engineering Committee. The
- Structural Wind Engineering Committee now has
- these Subcommittees
- Wind Induced Motion of Tall Buildings (Denoon)
- Computer-Aided Wind Engineering (Hangan)
- Full-Scale Testing of Buildings (Galsworthy)
- Wind Energy Structures (Ben-Hassine)
- (see www.windenergystructures.com)
6- Additionally the Structural Wind Engineering
- Committee has two active Task Committees
- Computer-Aided Wind Engineering Task
- Committee which has the task of developing a
- State of the Art document about CWE (Kopp)
- Wind Effects Booklet Task Committee which is
- in the final stages of publishing Wind Issues in
- the Design of Buildings (Cochran)
7The SWEC meets in Long Beach in 2007
8Wind-Induced Motion of Tall Buildings Subcommittee
9Wind-Induced Motion of Tall Buildings Subcommittee
10Wind-Induced Motion of Tall Buildings Subcommittee
Key to the success of any tall building project
11Wind-Induced Motion of Tall Buildings Subcommittee
12Wind-Induced Motion of Tall Buildings
Taipei 101 (508 m)
13Computer-Aided Wind Engineering Subcommittee
14Full-Scale Testing of Tall Buildings Subcommittee
Taking natural frequency and damping measurements
15Wind Energy Structures Subcommittee
16Wind Energy Structures Subcommittee
17The Structural Wind Engineering Committee
will carry on a 40-year-old tradition of serving
ASCE members and the broader engineering
community with the latest wind-engineering
knowledge. Join the SWEC at the ASCE website You
never know wholl you meet!