Title: Naicam Coop
1Naicam Co-op
- Gord Dmytruk, GM
- Cory Willness, Agronomist
- Naicam, Spalding, Lake LenoreCo-operatives
- located 120 miles NE of Saskatoon
- in the heart of excellent farmland
- strong Co-operative membership in all communities
4Credit Management
- Credit committee meets monthly
- Capping program began in 1993
- 44 farmers were capped
- 160 farmers were capped in 1998
- Caps based on equity, past history
5Credit Management
- Member communicated with before season begins
- Crop Insurance contracts signed
- Accounts monitored daily duringthe spring
- Credit the foundation of Marketing
6Full ServiceMarketing
7Custom Spraying
- Past
- 1988 3,000 acres with lease operator
- 1990 10,000 acres with our own
- Present -3 High-Clearance Sprayers
- 1998 67,000 acres
8Custom Anhydrous Application
- Past
- 1994 5,000 acres
- JD 300 hp tractor /applicator
- Present
- 2 JD tractor / applicator units
- 1998 10,000 acres
9Custom Combining
- Past
- 1994 1,700 acres
- Present
- 1998 4,000 acres
- 2 JD CTS with Greenstar (GPS)
10NEW Custom additions
- Custom Seeding
- available in 1999
- Custom Hauling
- grain and fertilizer
12What is Co-op Crop Scouting?
- Crop Monitoring
- Fertility soil and plant tissue testing
- Weeds staging, id, herbicide options
- Diseases id, fungicide staging
- Insects monitoring, thresholds
- Crop Management Services
- services designed to meet customers needs
131997 Season
- 350 per field - complete Crop Monitoring from
seeding to harvest - 8,300 acres Crop Monitoring
- 52 customers
- Information transfer a problem
- Field benefits, not Farm benefits
141998 Season
- Faxed reports directly from field to farmer by
laptop computer - 3.95 per acre canola and peas
- 2.50 per acre cereals and flax
- 4,400 acres Crop Monitoring
- 6,100 acres Weed id, herbicide recom., and
follow-up for 1.00 per acre
151999 Season
- NEW - Canola disease and pest monitoring for
1.50 per acre - NEW - Manure and Crop
Management - - working with consultant
- Customer base established on 10,000 acres per
16Future of Crop Scouting
- Adding another Agronomist to meet the market
potential - Current market will Grow
- New Markets Precision Ag, specialty crops,
on-farm research
18Agronomy Centre
- 40 acres of land purchased
- 7 offices and a large meeting room
- Anhydrous, dry, and liquid fertilizer
- Seed and Crop Protection products
- Agronomy Services
19Agronomy Centre
- Working with 5 other co-ops on a throughput basis
- 5 co-operatives benefit from tech-nical expertise
and commodities they never had before - Completion in fall of 1999
20AIMAgricultureInput Management
21Agriculture Input Management
- Take care of crop inputs and financing at one
location - Flexible repayment timing
- Available in March at Naicam, Spalding, and Lake
22Inputs which Qualify
- Fuel
- Seed, fertilizer, crop protection products
- Agronomy Services
- Custom Services
- Wages, repairs, maintenance, etc.
23 Easy Application, Fast Approval
- Apply at the co-op
- No long forms to fill out
- Fast approval on loans
- less than 100,000 within 2 days
- 100,000 to 250,000 within 2 days
- 250,000 to 600,000 within 5 days
24Benefits of AIM
- Allows you to market your grain wherever and
whenever you choose - Up to 1 year to repay your input costs
- Farmers take advantage of cash discounts in
various commodities
- Continue to provide services to farmers that they
never had before - Partnering with other co-ops heading into the
millennium - Make other co-ops stronger, which makes us all
27Thank You!