Title: The SNAP Noncompeting Award Process:
1Agenda for CWG Meeting, May 16, 2001Afternoon
- The SNAP Noncompeting Award Process
- Policy and Procedural Considerations for
Streamlining - Grants Policy Considerations
- Historical Perspective
- What weve tried before
- Proposed changes in current SNAP process
- Administrative information
- Scientific Progress Report and Related
information - Assurances and Certifications
2Progress ReportingPolicy Historical Perspective
3Scientific Reporting Requirements45 CFR Pt 74.51
- At least annually, not more frequently than
quarterly - Final report within 90 days after expiration
- Should include 1) comparison of actual
accomplishments w/goals objectives 2) reasons
why established goals were not met 3) other
pertinent info e.g., cost overruns - Should immediately report developments that have
significant impact on the award-supported
activities, including problems, delays or adverse
4Scientific Reporting Requirements(HHS GAM)
- HHS GPD 2.04 B.2 Optional Policy for
Noncompeting Continuation Applications - OPDIVs can accept progress reports in lieu of
complete application packages when evaluating
noncompeting continuation award.
5Fiscal Monitoring (45 CFR Pt 74.52)
- Financial Status Report (SF269 or SF269A)
- Due 90 days after the end of each specified
reporting period - Annual requirement can be waived when PMS272 will
provide adequate information to meet its needs.
However, final FSR still required at completion
of the project period - Report of Federal Cash Transactions
(PMS-272)--Quarterly submission
6Efforts to Streamline Progress Report
- FDP T-5 Simplification Pilot
- Began 10/1/89
- Eliminated Budget Page (unless change of scope)
- Eliminated Other Support (unless changed)
- NIH Withdrew from pilot 9/30/92
7Efforts to Streamline Progress Report (cont.)
- SNAP Phase 1 (FY 95)
- Eliminated budget page
- Eliminated estimated report of expenditures
- Added SNAP Qs on key personnel changes,
significant rebudgeting, other support,
unobligated balances gt 25
8Efforts to Streamline Progress Report (cont.)
- SNAP Phase II (FY96)
- For T-5s, eliminated categorical awards (lump sum
DC FA costs only) - Simultaneously implemented total cost commitments
for future years for all awards - Also implemented most recent definition of
significant rebudgeting
9Efforts to Streamline Progress Report (cont.)
- SNAP Phase III (July 1996)
- Eliminated annual FSR--required only at end of
competitive segment - NIH staff uses PMS 272 as fiscal monitoring tool
- Still have 1 SNAP question that addresses large
10Efforts to Streamline Progress Report (cont.)
- Revised 2590 (4/98)
- SNAP Process incorporated in instructions
- Eliminated Checklist unless change in performance
site that affects FA - 7/99 Amended instructions to include requirement
of checklist if program income anticipated
11Efforts to Streamline Progress Report (cont.)
- Development began FY97
- Pilot began 7/99
- Pilot concluded 3/01
- Revised NIH GPS (3/01)
- Redefined Significant Rebudgeting (now only a
change in scope indicator)
12Efforts to Streamline Progress Report (cont.)
- Revised 2590Proposed Changes FY01
- Changed name to Progress Report
- Eliminates concept of Application
- SNAP Q on significant rebudgeting eliminated
13SNAP Progress Reporting
14SNAP Progress Reporting
15SNAP Progress Reporting
16SNAP Progress Reporting
17SNAP Progress Reporting