Title: 1994 Group Management Programme
11994 Group Management Programme 7 January
2003 Birkbeck College planning, management
reporting David McGhie Director of Planning
2Birkbeck a brief introduction
- A distinctive mission
- to provide part-time HE courses which meet the
educational, cultural, personal and career needs
of adults. - serving the London region
- maintain and develop excellence in research
- 95 of our students attend PART-TIME
- 2001-02 Total income 45 MILLION
- 53 of income is from HEFCE recurrent grants
- Surpluses achieved every year
- but not in 2001-02 when a deficit of 690k was
4circa 16,500 students enrolled (headcount)
5but only 6,300 when viewed as FTEs
6Distribution of PT UG degree students across
London Boroughs
7Age Distribution of Birkbeck Students 2001/02
of students
Age group
8School / Faculty structure
- 4 Faculties
- Science 4 Schools
- Social Sciences 4 Schools
- Arts 7 Schools
- Continuing Education
- 3 Faculties headed by a Dean of Faculty who
serves a fixed term. The post is effectively
part-time - Faculty of Continuing Education a full-time
post - Each School has a Head of School who serves a
fixed term
9High-level management structure
- Strong central focus
- but management style is essentially light touch
- Committee structure plays essential role in
prioritising/deciding on competing claims for
resources - Senior Management team (SMT) meetings monitors
activities evaluates articulates new
initiatives - SMT meets every two weeks
- Financial Strategy Group - meets circa 6 times
10The Planning process(1)
- 4-yearly cycle currently 2002-2005
- Central Mission and objectives have not changed
- despite the many uncertainties in HE
- this provides a clear direction for Schools and
admin departments to follow.
11The Planning process(2)
- Overall strategy for College is set centrally
(i.e. SMT, FSG, Governors) and informs the set of
College-wide strategies - Growth in student numbers
- Learning and Teaching strategy,
- Information strategy,
- Estates development,
- Financial management,
- Human Resources, etc
12The Planning process(3)
- Each School compiles a planning statement
- Developments in Teaching and Research
- Constraints Problems SWOT analyses
- Identifies resource requirements
- Lack of accommodation frequently cited as the
biggest constraint
13The Planning process(4)
- Faculty Deans shape the School statements into
the Faculty plan which is incorporated into the
full planning document - Draft plan is taken through the committee cycle,
(autumn spring terms) - Monitoring updating of plans
14The Planning process(5)
- Value of the planning exercise?
- Originates with staff/schools and Administrative
departments engenders sense of ownership - Reveals problems/opportunities assists with
resource planning - Problems?
- Some schools are reluctant to become involved
- Difficulty in involving Governors in the process
15Resource allocation in practice(1)
- Staff costs gt60 of total expenditure
- Schools /Admin Units make bids to Staffing
Committee, which meets 3 times a year - Committee recommendations go for approval to
Finance General Purposes Committee - Salary levels set centrally
- Provides strong control of staff costs and
security in financial planning
16Resource allocation in practice(2)
- Staffing Committee make decisions based on agreed
criteria backed by management information - Strategic development of Schools (e.g.
introducing new subject areas) - Mgt Information SSRs - Research Income Cost
Centre outturn (surplus or deficit) - Delegated authority (Chairmans action) when an
immediate decision is needed
17Resource allocation in practice(3)
- Estates costs are circa 12 of expenditure
- Buildings Committee meets 3 times each year to
agree major projects,draw up minor works
programmes,and plans for accommodation
reorganisation - Recommendations made to F G P Committee
- Timing can be a problem!
- Delegate authority to Chairman and senior
officers when appropriate
18Resourcesmanaged at School and Faculty level (1)
- Schools control non-staffing budgets
- i.e. Recurrent costs - maintenance equipment
part-time staff short courses. - Allocated centrally on formula basis using
performance indicators, e.g. FTEs, RAE ratings - Research grants
- Fixed term posts - but not permanent
- Partnerships/collaborative arrangements
19Resourcesmanaged at School and Faculty level (2)
- Faculty Deans have primary responsibility for
budgetary control, Heads of School, secondary - Virement of funds between budgets
- All underspends are carried forward to the next
20Resourcesat School and Faculty level (3)
- Special funds schools are able to accumulate
resources to fund their development - Schools derive funds from Premium Fees on high
demand courses, 25 take on Overseas fees, 75 of
Short course and Consultancy income - Total of 2.7 million available to schools
- Rewards schools for their enterprise
- Library and Computing Service also carry forward
funds to aid their resource planning
21Monitoring and control (1)
- Heads of School have on-line access to Financial
reports - Monthly budgetary reports year to date spend
remaining budget - Training provided to staff new to managing
budgets - Finance Users Group meets regularly - informal
forum for advice and information
22Monitoring and control (2)
- Actual course enrolments versus Targets
reviewed each January - Research income monitored termly by Research
Committee and FGP Cttee - Overview of performance of all Schools to provide
whole College picture Cost Centre Model - Aggregated information presented as Total
income/expenditure for each school
23Monitoring and control (3)
- Cost Centre model produced bi-annually by
Finance Planning Offices (Estimated and
actual) - Financial Strategy Group (chaired by Master)
assesses cost centre reports - Schools in deficit are requested to bring forward
proposals for reducing or eliminating deficit - e.g. new courses/enrolments/research
activity/cost savings/discontinue unproductive
teaching or research - Recovery plans are they realistic?
24Birkbeck SchoolsSurplus/Deficit on DIRECT
income expenditure
25Birkbeck Schools Net Surplus/Deficit
including INDIRECT costs