Title: Curve
- Curve The image of a continous map from 0,1 to
R2. - Polygonal curve A curve composed of finitely
many line segments. - Polygonal u,v-curve A polygonal curve that
starts at u and ends at v.
2Drawing of G
- Drawing of a graph G A function f defined on
V(G)?E(G) that assigns each vertex v a point f(v)
in the plane and assigns each edge with endpoints
u,v a polygonal f(u),f(v)-curve. - Crossing A point in f(e)?f(e) that is not a
common endpoint.
3Planar Embedding of G
- Planar graph A graph has a drawing without
crossings. - Planar embedding of planar graph G A drawing of
G that has no crossings. - Plane graph A particular planar embedding of a
planar graph. - Closed curve A curve whose first and last points
are the same. - Simple closed curve A closed curve that has no
repeated points except possibly firstlast.
- Chord of cycle C An edge not in C whose
endpoints lie in C
5Proposition 6.1.2
- K5 and K3,3 cannot be drawn without crossings.
- Proof. 1. Let C be a spanning cycle in a drawing
of K5 or K3,3. - 2. If the drawing does not have crossing edges, C
is drawn as a closed curve.
6Proposition 6.1.2
3. Two chords conflict if their endpoints on C
occur in alternating order. 4. When two chords
conflict, we can draw only one inside C and one
outside C.
Two Chords Conflict
7Proposition 6.1.2
5. K3,3 has three pairwise conflict chords.
We can put at most one inside and one outside, so
it is not possible to complete the embedding.
8Proposition 6.1.2
5. In K5, at most two chords can go outside or
inside. Since there are five chords, it is
not possible to complete the embedding.
Red Line chord
- Open set A set U that belongs to R2.
- Region An open set U that contains a polygonal
u, v-curve for every pair u, v belongs to U. - Face A maximal region of the plane that contains
no point used in the embedding.
10Dual Graph
- Dual graph G of a plane graph G
- 1. The vertices of G correspond to the faces of
G. - 2. The edges of G correspond to the edges of G
- If e is an edge of G with face X on one side and
face Y on the other side, then the endpoints of
the dual edge e?E(G) are the vertices x, y of
G that represent the faces X, Y of G. - The order in the plane of the edges incident to
x?V(G) is the order of the edges bounding the
face X of G in a walk around its boundary.
11Dual Graph
- Two embeddings of a planar graph may have
non-isomorphic duals - 1. Each embedding shown below has 3 faces, so in
each case the dual has 3 vertices. - 2. In the embedding on the right, the dual vertex
corresponding to the outside face has degree 4. - 3. In the embedding on the left, no dual vertex
has degree 4, so the duals are no isomorphic.
12Face Length
Length of a face in a plane graph G The total
length of the closed walk in G bounding the face.
13Example 6.1.12
1. A cut-edge belongs to the boundary of only one
face, and it contributes twice to its length. 2.
In the embedding on the left the lengths of three
faces are 3, 6, 7 on the right they are 3, 4,
9. 3. The sum of the lengths is 16 in each case,
which is twice the number of edges.
14Proposition 6.1.13
- If L(Fi) denotes the length of face Fi in a plane
graph G, then 2e(G) ??L(Fi).
15Eulers Formula
- If a connected plane graph G has exactly n
vertices, e edges, and f faces, then n e f
n 7 e 8 f 3 n e f 2
16Eulers Formula
- Proof. 1. Use induction on n (number of
vertices). - 2. Basis (n 1)
- G is a bouquet of loops, each a closed curve in
the embedding. If e 0, then f 1, and the
formula holds. - Each added loop passes through a face and cuts it
into 2 faces (by the Jordan Curve Theorem). This
augments the edge count and the face count each
by 1. Thus the formula holds when n 1 for any
number of edges.
17Eulers Formula
- 3. Induction step (ngt1)
- There exists an edge e that is not a loop because
G is connected. - Obtain a plane graph G with n vertices, e
edges, and f faces by contracting e. - Clearly, nn1, ee1, and ff.
- n-ef2 by the induction hypothesis, implying n
e f 2.
18Theorem 6.1.23
- If G is a simple planar graph with at least three
vertices, then e(G)3n(G)6. - If also G is triangle-free, then e(G) 2n(G)4.
- Proof. 1. It suffices to consider connected
graphs otherwise, we could add edges. - 2. If n(G) ? 3, every face boundary in a simple
graph contains at least three edges (?L(Fi)? 3f). - 3. By Proposition 6.1.13, 2e?L(Fi), implying
2e?3f. - (2e?4f)
- 4. By Eulers Formula, nef2, implying e 3n
6. - (e 2n4)
(?L(Fi)? 4f)
19Nonplanarity of K5 and K3,3
- These graphs have too many edges to be planar.
- For K5, we have e 10gt9 3n-6.
- Since K3,3 is triangle-free, we have e 9gt8