Title: The American Youth Soccer Organization AYSO
1The American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO)
- Presents
- The AYSO U-8 Coaching Course
2U-8 Coaching Course
- Presented by
- The American Youth Soccer Organization
AYSO 2006
3U-8 Coaching Course
- The AYSO National Coaching Program is
- accredited by
- The National Council for Accreditation of
Coaching Education.
4U-8 Coaching Course
- Overview
- AYSO Vision Statement Mission Statement
- The Psychology of Coaching
- Team Management
- Training Overview for U-8 Players
- Objectives Principles of the game
- Teaching Methods
- Techniques
- On the field
- Training Games
- On the field
- Vision Statement
- To provide world class youth soccer programs that
enrich childrens lives
- Mission Statement
- To develop and deliver quality youth soccer
programs, which promote a fun, family environment
based on the AYSO Philosophies
6Open Registration Everyone Plays Balanced Teams
Positive Coaching Good sportsmanship
7AYSO Philosophies
- Everyone Plays
- Our programs goal is for kids to play soccerso
- mandate that every player on every team must play
at least
- half of every game.
- Balanced Teams
- Each year we form new teams as evenly balanced as
- possiblebecause it is fair and more fun when
teams of
- equal ability play.
- Open Registration
- Our program is open to all children between 41/2
and 19
- years of age who want to register and play
soccer. Interest
- and enthusiasm are the only criteria for playing.
8AYSO Philosophies
- Positive Coaching
- Encouragement of player effort provides for
greater enjoyment by the players and ultimately
leads to better-skilled and better-motivated
players. - Good Sportsmanship
- We strive to create a positive environment based
on mutual respect rather than a win at all costs
attitude, and our program is designed to instill
good sportsmanship in every facet of AYSO.
9The Psychology of Coaching
10Working with Young Athletes
- As coaches we need to recognize that each athlete
is an
- individual with unique needs and that we treat
- accordingly
- Understand that players want to enjoy attending
- and games.
- Organize your practices and games so that every
athlete on your team has an opportunity to
develop and maintain
- positive feelings of self-worth.
- Provide positive encouragement to all players for
- accomplishments and mistakes.
11Working with Young Athletes (Continued)
- Play in this very young age group is meant
- to give a taste of the game, some
- experience in working together as a team,
- and, most of all, a positive introduction to
- The sports experience.
12What to Expect from U-8 Players
- New and exciting adventures begin to open up
- to the U-8 players as their coordination
- improves and their size and strength increase.
- However, new challenges are often met with a
- mixture of enthusiasm and frustration.
13What to Expect from U-8 Players
- They typically set unrealistically high standards
- themselves, have difficulty making choices and,
- times, are overwhelmed by unfamiliar situations.
- At the same time, changes in their cognitive
- abilities enable them to see that underlying
- are often useful for understanding everyday
- events, objects and the behavior of others.
14U-8 Physical/Gross Motor Development
- They work and play hard.
- They exhibit significant improvement in
- agility, balance, endurance, timing and
- hand-eye coordination
15 U-8 Social/Emotional Development
- Have definite likes and dislikes.
- Friendship is important.
- Enjoy purposeful play.
- Afraid of failure.
- Beginning to compare themselves to others
- self-esteem and self concept are big
- issues
16U-8 Social/Emotional Development
- Actions can be influenced by peer
- acceptance.
- Quick to tattle when others arent
- obeying.
- Will cooperate with adults.
- Likes to feel like they belong to a group
17U-8 Cognitive/Thought Development
- Begin to grasp moral rules of the
- game.
- Problem solving skills are improving.
- Understand that parts make up a whole
- (for example, that individual players
- make up a team)
18U-8 Cognitive/Thought Development
- Need concrete reinforcement.
- Apply a rigid understanding of justice and
- fair play even a small infraction can be a
- BIG deal.
- Beginning to rank importance of things
- based on real criteria
19Things To Remember About The U-8 Player
- Despite possible turmoil and trying times (for
- players and coach), U-8 players will
- experience an abundance of good times
- marked by a lively curiosity, an eagerness
- to learn, a endearing sense of humor and
- exuberant outbursts of affection and good
- will.
20Team Management
- There are off-the-field responsibilities that
- affect the team and the players before they
- ever step on the field. These practices are
- referred to as team management and they
- are important!..
21Team Management
- Organizing the Team This should be your
- first priority!
- 1. Develop a Team Goal
- 2. Develop a Coaching Philosophy
- 3. Conduct a Parents Meeting
22Develop a Team Goal
- Try
- Players having FUN while learning about
- soccer is a good base for a team goal.
- You, the parents and players can build on
- that foundation.
23 Develop a Coaching Philosophy
- Why are you Coaching
- Why should you be coaching?...
24Conducting a Parents Meeting
- Discuss AYSOs Vision and Mission Statements.
- Discuss the teams goals.
- Explain your coaching philosophy.
- Explain short-sided soccer and why we play it.
- Educate parents briefly on the Laws of the
- game specific to this age group.
- Discuss player equipment needs
25Conducting a Parents Meeting
- Set team policies.
- GET HELP You will need (at a minimum)
- Assistant Coaches
- Team Manager
- Team Parent
26Coach Equipment
- The following is a basic list of the minimum
- equipment you should have with you on activity
- day
- Player medical release forms
- A basic first-aid kit
- A water container (filled with water) and
- Soccer balls
- An extra pair of shinguards
- A marking pen for labeling
- A whistle
- Your players should bring a soccer ball to every
- activity and must be wearing shinguards..
27U-8 Practice
- Be prepared.
- Elements of a Practice
- Warm Up Stretch
- Introduce Technique
- Skill-Based Activity (dribbling, passing)
- Small sided game
- Cool down
- Remind players and parents about game
- Day (times and location)
28Activity Day (Game day)
- Before the Activity Starts
- Arrive early
- Get organized
- Gather Team
- Have FUN!..
29Game Day
- After Activity
- Shake hands with the other team!
- Congratulate players
- Reminder on next activity date
30You are now ready for the field segment of the
U-8 Coach Training.
- Any Questions?
- See you on the field!