Title: Layered Structures Detected in GroundWinds New Hampshire Data
1Layered Structures Detected in GroundWinds (New
Hampshire) Data
- Rama.Mundakkara_at_noaa.gov
- james.g.yoe_at_noaa.gov
2Data Used
- From the September, 2000 GW Demonstration
Campaign - GroundWinds Aerosol-Molecular Ratio (AM)
- AM ( Number of aerosol photons)/(Total number
of photons) - Local Radiosonde
- Vertical Temperature profiles (T)
- Vertical Profiles of Relative Humidity (RH or q)
- ETA Model Analysis
- Vertical Profiles of Relative Humidity
- Vertical profiles of vertical velocity
3Time_Height Section of AM 09/25/00,
144304-154404 (Z)LT 1043-1144
- Note maxima _at_
- In the BL
- 5 6 km
- 9 11 km
4Time-Height Section, 09/25/00, 1617-1820
(Z)1217-1420 (Local noon)
- Diurnal Variation Layers replaced by low A/M
thru entire troposph.
509/25/00, 1919-2017 (Z)1519-1617 (Local
- Layers return _at_ evenings onset
609/25/00, 2256-2438 (Z)1856-2038 (Local Time
- Strong layering
- At 9 10 km cirrus cloud with fine scale
709/26/00, 1422-1702 (Z)1022-1303 (Local
morning time to noon)
- Cirrus layer breaking, descending
809/26,1937-2051 (Z)1537-1651 (Local evening)
909/27, 1427-1525 (Z)1027-1125 (Local Time)
- Layers not apparent
- Convection?
10Vertical Profiles
- Comparison with ETA model analyses
- Fine scale enhanced structures in GWM AM Ratio
and Relative Humidity profiles
11 - Tendency for Vertical Gradient of RH to be
positive near the layers of increasing vertical
velocity convergence
12 13Sep 25
14Sep 25
- Can detect layers using GW A/M as tracer
- Layers show diurnal variation
- RS Relative Humidity ETA Model Analysis
Relative Humidity show corresponding layered
structures - Comparison with ETA model analysis of vertical
velocity suggests that the enhanced aerosol/RH
layers in the upper troposphere are tending to
occur in the layers of vertical velocity
convergence - It would be interesting to compare these layered
structures with the directly observed vertical
velocity profiles
16 1709/27/00, 1729-1845 (Z)1329-1445 (Local
- Layered Structure starts restoration
- Relative minimum in the free troposphere between
2 and 8 km levels
1809/27/00, 1957-2029 (Z)1557-1630 (Local Time
- Layered Structure reappears
1909/27, 2035-2136 (Z)1635-1731 (Local evening
to night)
2009/28, 2046 gt8hrs (Z)1646gt8hrs (Local
Evening to night time)
- Distorted Layered Structure
- Descending Cirrus Cloud
21 22 23 24SUMMARY
- Spatial Contour patterns of Vertical Velocity
from temporally nearest ETA model analysis also
suggests the existence of alternate upward and
downward motions horizontally and do show a
pattern of 500 km to 1000 km wavelength - Possibly these are inter-mediate scale
inertio-gravity waves and layered structure might
be related to these waves. However, more
investigations are necessary to bring out this
possibility in a clear way.