You Look Like Risu: Two Approaches to an Image Similarity Function - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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You Look Like Risu: Two Approaches to an Image Similarity Function


You Look Like Risu: Two Approaches to an Image Similarity Function ... Human Perception is final arbiter. Query by image content ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: You Look Like Risu: Two Approaches to an Image Similarity Function

You Look Like Risu Two Approaches to an Image
Similarity Function
  • Brendan Elliott Casey Kretschman

Image Similarity
  • Human Perception is final arbiter
  • Query by image content
  • Methods based on color, shape, texture and
  • Query by keyword
  • Keywords assigned by human input
  • Information represented in high dimensionality

The M-tree
  • Dynamic distanced based index structure much like
  • Balanced
  • Bottom Up construction
  • Supports insert and delete
  • Creates nodes of data like GNAT
  • Nodes may overlap
  • Stores distance of parents
  • Supports range and kNN queries

The M-tree
  • Split
  • Nodes overflow in dynamic structures
  • Split data between overflow and new node
  • Pass pointer up tree
  • Ideally splits would have min overlap and min
  • Execution is expensive
  • Must also select a routing object to promote
  • Routing objects are pointed to by the parent and
    are the center of the node

The M-tree
  • Promotion heuristics
  • m_RAD minimum RADii
  • Calculate all possible pairs and covering radii
  • Promotes pair with minimum combined covering
  • Optimal, but most expensive
  • mM_RAD
  • Similar, but promotes pair with minimum maximum

The M-tree
  • Promotion heuristics
  • M_LB_DIST Maximum Lower Bound on Distance
  • Only uses stored distances to find farthest entry
    from nodes routing object
  • Calculates by triangle inequality
  • RANDOM selects randomly
  • Used as reference to compare other policies

The M-tree
  • Promotion heuristics
  • SAMPLING set of RANDOM results
  • Select the best RANDOM result
  • Analysis
  • Low node capacity favors Random and M_LB_DIST
  • Higher node capacity favor more complex heuristics

The M-tree
  • Split heuristics
  • Generalized Hyperplane Same as weve seen in
  • Balanced Each node contains the same number of
  • Routing objects take turns selecting their
    nearest neighbors
  • Select based on data distribution

Implementation Environment
  • RisuPicWeb 3.0 (http//
  • Provide User with k-NN searching
  • C/ASP.NET front end
  • SQL2000 back end with 26,000 images
  • M-tree written in C, wrapped to be used in .NET
  • Involved a few modifications to meet our needs
    and for more robust error handling

RGBAvg Metric Definition
  • Based off davg by Faloutsos et al.
  • Averages RGB of all pixels in an image
  • Maps these to 3 dimensional space
  • No information based on pixel position

RGBAvg Metric Definition
  • RGB does not map to human perception
  • Easily verified by human perception
  • Selected as a bad method to compare CSH metric

RGBAvg L value
  • Distance function used in paper is standard L2
    metric distance
  • Experiment on L value
  • Use L 1, 2, 3, 10
  • Hope to find different list of results, and then
    select the one closest to human perception
  • Also hope to evaluate performance

RGBAvg Data Distribution
L 2
RGBAvg Construction
RGBAvg Query Efficiency
RGBAvg Results
  • See Handout

RGBAvg Analysis
  • L2 is the most efficient
  • 2nd best construction, best query
  • Query results all are about equal

CSH Metrics Overview
  • Based off Color-Shape by Stehling et al.
  • Contains information about color, as well as
    color position
  • Overcomes RGB to human perception and average
    color drawbacks of RGBAvg

CSH Image Ratio Metric Definition
  • Create histograms for each image
  • Histograms cover RGB color-space
  • Partition images into cells
  • Partitions equidistance and the same number
    vertically and horizontally
  • Stehling only required non-overlapping cells
  • Create 2d matrix holding the ratio of pixels of
    that color in cell to pixels of that color in the
  • Percentage of that bucket represented in that

CSH Image Ratio Distance
  • Stehlings distance function
  • Our distance function
  • where
  • She, hd) distance between hq, hd, i number of
    cells per image, j number of colors available,
    hij value of the jth cell of the ith color
    of an image, aqi adi sum of the areas of
    the regions described by each histogram wi
    min(aqi, adi)

CSH Color Correlation Matrix
  • CCM idea presented by Faloutsos et al.
  • Applied to davg for dhist
  • Increased complexity distance function
  • davg presented as filter for dhist metric

CSH Color Correlation Matrix
  • Correlates colors that humans would consider
    close to each other
  • CMxy Euclidian distance between colors x
    and y in RGB color-space

CSH CCM Distance Function
  • The same image preprocessing can be used as CSH
    Image Ratio, but a new index tree must be
  • Could break symmetry
  • Obj1xj CMix Obj2ij !
    Obj1ij Obj2xj CMix
  • Use the average of the two terms to keep symmetry

CSH CCM Distance Function
CSH Noise Reduction
  • During preprocessing, many histograms with a
    single cell with a 1 where noticed
  • Many where due to color buckets represented by a
    small number of pixels in 1 cell
  • Human perception would not put much weight to
    these few pixels, so neither should a good metric

CSH Impact of Noise
  • Compare images that are identical except for
    noise pixels
  • Impact for 1 color 1 / cells
  • Impact for an image 1 / ( cells colors)
  • Impact on results unknown at time, but worth

CSH Noise Reduction Method 1
  • If the number of pixels of a color is low, it
    could be noise
  • Lower than the amount of a cell it represents
  • Use min( percentage of color in the cell,
    percentage of the cell that is the color)
  • If there is a color that is represented in many
    cells, but only represents a small portion of the
    cell, this information will be lost

CSH Noise Reduction Method 2
  • Set noise thresholds
  • If the original value is high, and the ratio of
    color pixels in a cell to total pixels in a cell
    is low, we can identify this as noise
  • Set to a predetermined noise value

CSH Noise Reduction Method 2
  • Not every color histograms value will add to one
  • Setting by trial and error is most logical, but
    time prohibitive
  • Would require new preprocessing for each trial

CSH Noise Reduction Method 3
  • Change the way value is computed
  • Was percentage of the images color in a cell
  • Change to percentage of the cell color
  • Each color histogram will still not add up to 1
  • But each cell across the histograms will add to 1

CSH Cell Ratio Metric
  • We select Method 3 as our new metric and name it
    CSH Cell Ratio
  • The same distance function as CSH Image Ratio may
    be used
  • Different image and tree preprocessing needs to
    be done, but only once
  • As opposed to trial and error

CSH Cell Ratio with Color Correlation
  • CSH Cell Ratio can incorporate the Color
    Correlation Matrix
  • Uses the same image preprocess as CSH Cell Ratio,
    but new tree preprocessing
  • Uses the same distance function as CSH Image
    Ratio with Color Correlation

CSH Data Distributions
CSH Construction Costs
Due to Bulk Loading errors, CSH trees where
constructed with less efficient individual
loading, and can not be compared to the RGB
trees The exact information for this was lost
during tree construction
CSH Query Efficiency
CSH Results
  • See handout

CSH Image Ratio Dark Returns
  • Very few colors match everything, because 0 0

CSM Improving Performance
  • Increased Fanout
  • Tight data distribution leads to a lot of overlap
  • Bulk loaded M-tree
  • Bulk loaded have been proven to allow for more
    efficient querying than individual loading
  • Reason for failure in bulk loading our CSH trees

Comparison of Metrics
  • RGBAvg
  • Efficient
  • Results are bad
  • CSH
  • CSH Node Ratio returns better results than CSH
    Image Ratio
  • Query is very inefficient
  • CSH shows more promise for improvement

Further Research Image Subset
  • Searching for a section of an image
  • Treating the query object as a single cell, and
    all search objects as the target cells
  • Obstacles
  • Query object spans cells in search object
  • Query object present in search object, but larger
    than a single cell

Further Research RGBAvg in CSH Metrics
  • Crosshatch or old tri-color comic book art is
    represented with small marks that human
    perception takes the average of
  • Applying RGBAvg to the cell by cell comparisons
    of CSH may return good results

Custom Crosshatch by Mikael Noguchi
Further Research Special Case CCM
  • Many objects come in a range of colors
  • Leaves Green, Brown, Red, Orange
  • Sky Blue, Grey, Black, White
  • Leather Black, Brown, Red
  • Creating a specialized CCM that ties these colors
    together may allow for better searching by content

Further Research Cell Count in CSH
  • Will query images with larger, simple shapes
    benefit from fewer cells per image
  • Will query images with small, complex shapes
    benefit from fewer cells per image

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