Title: Biomonitors and Bioindicators
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Prof. Jacob Garty????' ???? ???? Â Britannia,
Room 632, Tel 03-6407468 E mail
garty_at_post.tau.ac.il Â
Biomonitors and Bioindicators
Our lab studies the impact of natural and
anthropogenic stress on the physiology and
biochemistry of lichens. Â Recent
publications Weissman, L., Garty, J., Hochman,
A., 2001. The antioxidant system of the lichen
Ramalina lacera. Abstracts of the annual meeting
of the Israel Society for Oxygen and free Radical
Research, Felsenstein Medical Center, Petach
tikva, Israel, 16 December 2001. Â Garty, J.,
2001. Biomonitoring atmospheric heavy metals with
lichens theory and application. Critical Reviews
in Plant Sciences 20, 309-371. Â Garty, J.,
Kunin, P., Delarea, J., Weiner, S. (2002).
Calcium oxalate and sulphate-containing
structures on the thallial surface of the lichen
Ramalina lacera. Plant, Cell and Environment 25,
1591-1604. Â
 Graduate Students Lior Weissman  Ela
sela Shmuel Levy  Research Associate  Haya