Title: Wind Driven Rain Forces on Buildings
1Wind Driven Rain Forces on Buildings
- Presented by Charles R. Norman P.E.
- Consulting Engineer
3Source 2005 Disasters in numbers. Inter-agency
Secretariat of the International Strategy for
Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR). Press Release,
January 30, 2006.
4Defining Wind Driven Rain ForcesWDR
- Rain Drops being caught by winds
- Catch Ratio
- Rain Drop Intensity from Weather Data
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- WDR loading the structure
- WDR infiltrating the structure
5Issues-IBC Building Codes
- Hygrothermal issues
- Including WDR as per Building Codes
- Choosing Material of Construction
- WDR forces as per Building Codes
- Importance of following Code
- Moisture Vapor Retarder
- Protection Against Decay
- Other issues
6Hygrothermal Analysis of Wall Construction
- Oak Ridge National Laboratories
- Designing for Hygrothermal issues using IBC
- Hygrothermal Analyis
- Minimizing Hygrothermal Damages from WDR
7Design Data
- Event
- Hurricane, Tropical storm, Tornado
- Wind speed
- Rainfall and raindrop intensity
- Catch ratio
- Building envelope
- Weather data after the event
- Review the available Data
8Location of Structure
- Geographic Location - Map
- Site location (City, subdivision, etc.)
- IBC and ASCE-07 requirements
- Calculating wind and WDR loads
- Temporal and spatial nature of wind
9Characteristics of Building
- Exposure A, B, C, D (IBC and ASCE-7-05)
- Envelope
- Cross section of wall
- Identify material of construction through wall,
etc. - Properties of material
10Material Properties
- Thermal properties
- Mechanical properties
- Physical properties
- Hygrometric Properties
- Water Absorption coefficient
- Liquid transport Coefficient
- Free water saturation
11Resistance of Home to Damage
- Determining Humidity, Air Moisture (HAM)
Invasion - Determining WDR and Moisture accumulation
- Base Line Evaluation
- Storm Event Evaluation
12Resistance, contd.
- Component Analysis
- Roofs
- Siding
- Windows
- Moisture Barriers
- Insulation
- Sheetrock
- Brick walls
- Engineering Analysis
13Design Assessment
- Exterior
- Interior
- Materials
14Assessment, contd.
- Interior
- Overloaded members
15Assessment, contd.
- Identifying the Damages-Hygrothermal Loss of
Use -
- Structural
- Mechanical
- Cosmetic
- Safety Health Issues
- Environmental Issues
- Economic Issues
16Assessment, contd.
- Documenting the Moisture Buildup
- Analysis
- Moisture measurements
- Inspections of walls
- Wind Flood
- Extreme Events
- Accumulation of Damages
- Remodeling
18Role of Engineer
- Evaluate WDR and Hygrothermal
- Physical Resistance to WDR
- Loads and Energy
- Establish Specifications
- More than one event
- Employ Engineering Methods
19Review of WDR Research
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- WUF1
- Hygrothermal
21Rain Fall Intensity
22Building Invasion
23Raindrop Size Distribution
24Computation of WDR Forces
- Ft Fasce 07 Fs x ? (lb / sq ft)
(8) - Ft .00256 KzKzt u2 I Fwdr Kz Kzt I
(9) - Â
- where
- Â
- Kz, Kzt, Kz, Kzt are coefficients from ASCE
07. I is the importance factor. Kz and Kzt
may vary from normal wind coefficients. See
Table 6-3 of ASCE 07.
25Computation of WDR (contd)
- Fwdr Fs x ? (7)
- where
- ? no. of rain drops per unit area per unit
26Computation Model for WDR
- Purpose
- Impact forces
- Wetting Patterns
- Findings
- Minimum Design Loads
27Rain fall Data
- Importance of WDR to Design
- Importance of WDR to Hygrothermal Issues
- Utilize Engineering Building Codes, Standards,
and Good Engineering Practices - Expected Results with design more resistant to
WDR - Future Research