Title: Wisconsin Chapter Appraisal Institute
1 Wisconsin Chapter Appraisal Institute
- Year in Review
- November 19, 2008
2Retail Market Overview
Driven by Retail Sales
Driven by Capital
3Retail Sales
- August, September, October
Each worse than previous year by 1.0 1.2
4Comparable Store Sales
Abercrombie Fitch - 20.0 Gap
- 16.0 Nordstrom - 15.7 JC
Penny - 11.8 Kohls - 9.0
Target - 4.8 Walmart
5Retail Bankruptcies Closures
Circuit City Linens N Things Steve
Barrys Boscovs Sharper Image
148,000 retail stores will close in 2009
6Capital Sources
Debt Equity
7 Debt
CMBS Volume
2007 210.2 Billion
2008 12.1 Billion
Down by 90!
8CMBS Market Statistics 10/30/08
9Bank Lending
Liquidity Crisis 700 Billion Bailout Banks
Wouldnt Use Money to Lend Bailout Directed
10Impact on Developers
General Growth Bankruptcy?? DDR Halts
Development Kimco Halts Development Vornado
Realty Trust Halts Development
11Local Impact
Suspended transaction volume. Store openings
delayed until 2011. Sleep drop in land values but
there wont be transactions to prove it. Rising
cap rates for sales that occur.