Title: Development of Ukrainian Banking System in 2006
1Development of Ukrainian Banking Systemin 2006
Olexandr Kirieiev, Executive Director of Banking
RegulationAnd SupervisionThe National Bank of
2Main Legislative Acts that Regulatethe Banking
System Activity
- Laws of Ukraine
- On Banks and Banking
- On the National Bank of Ukraine
- On Economic Entities
- On Individuals Deposit Guarantee Fund
- On Securities and Stock Market
- On Prevention and Counteraction of Legalization
(Laundering) of Earnings Received from Criminal
Activities - On Ensuring Creditors Claims and Lien
Registration - On Mortgage
- On Mortgage Lending, Operations with
Consolidated Mortgage Debt and Mortgage
Certificates - On Mortgage Bonds
- On Organization of Forming and Circulation of
Credit Histories
3General Characteristic
4The Number of the Ukrainian Banks (as of January
01, 2007)
- The number of banks registered in the State
Register of Banks 193 - The number of banks with banking licenses 170
- The number of banks with foreign capital 35,
including 13 ones with 100 foreign capital
5Macroeconomic Situation and the Banking System
(as of December 01, 2006)
- Banks assets to GDP ratio 66
- Credit portfolio/GDP 54
- Banks liabilities/GDP 58
- Individuals deposits/GDP 20,5
- Capital/GDP 8
6Dynamics of the Main Banking System Indicators to
7The Main Indicators of Ukrainian Banks Activity
(as of January 01, 2007)
- Assets 340 billion UAH ( 51 billion Euro)
- Credit portfolio -270 billion UAH (40.6 billion
Euro) - Banks liabilities 298 billion UAH (45 billion
Euro) - Funds of economic agents 77 billion UAH (11.6
billion Euro) - Deposits of individuals 106 billion UAH (16
billion Euro) - Regulatory capital 41 billion UAH (6.2 billion
8Dynamics of assets and credit operationsof
Ukrainian banking System
9The Structure of Credit Operationsof Ukrainian
Banking System(as of 01.01.2007, )
10Dynamics of credits granted by Ukrainian banks
(in the national and foreign currency)
11Dynamics of Liabilities, Funds of Economic Agents
and Individual Deposits
12Dynamics of Individuals Deposits in Ukrainian
13Dynamics of the Regulatory Capital and Capital
Adequacy Ratio of Ukrainian Banks
14(No Transcript)
15Foreign capital participationin Ukrainian
banking system
16Share of Foreign Capitalin the Total Amount of
Foreign Capital of Banksin the context of
countries ()
17Main Achievements in the Development of Effective
Banking Supervision
- Full or significant compliance with the majority
of Basle Core Principles (23 of 30) - Transition to risk-based supervision in process
- Early warning system is functioning
- Audit of banks financial reporting is conducted
in accordance with International Standards of
Audit - Introduction of IAS/IFRS
- Prevention of money-laundering is based on FATF
Recommendations and international principles
18Measures Taken to Increase Capitalization Level
- Capital adequacy ratio increased from 8 to 10
- Accrued but not received income is excluded from
the regulatory capital calculation - Changes to the core capital components
undistributed profit of previous years and that
of the reporting year which is to be approved are
included into the supplementary capital - Increased minimum capital requirements to conduct
certain bank operations - More strict requirements on inclusion of fixed
assets revaluation results into the regulatory
19Changes in the Legislative BaseIntroduced in 2006
- Changes to the Law of Ukraine On Banks and
Banking regarding the form of banks
establishment (OJSC) and increase of the minimum
authorized capital necessary for a bank
registration up to 10 million Euro. - Changes to the Law of Ukraine On Bank and
Banking which provided for the right of foreign
banks to open branches on the territory of
Ukraine. - Law of Ukraine On Introducing Changes to Certain
Laws of Ukraine Concerning the Improvement of
Legal Regulation of the International Cooperation
in the Area of Terrorism Financing Prevention
(effective from January 1, 2006).
20Legislative Acts under Consideration ofVerkhovna
Rada of Ukraine
- 1. Draft law on introduction of changes to
certain Laws of Ukraine (with regard to the
regulation of banks activities) which envisages
the following - Improvement of banks state registration
procedure - Determination of beneficial owners of banks
- Peculiarities of conducting audit examinations of
banks as well as enhancement of cooperation
between supervisory bodies and external auditors
of banks - Cancellation of privileges for connected parties
while concluding the agreements on bank services - Improvement of internal financial monitoring
procedures in banks to prevent using them for
money laundering purposes. - (This Draft law has passed the first reading in
January 2007). - 2. Draft law on introduction of changes to
certain Laws of Ukraine aimed at strengthening
the role of Individuals Deposit Guarantee Fund in
the development of the banking system.
21Draft Laws to be submittedto Verkhovna Rada of
- Draft Law on introduction of changes to the Law
of Ukraine On Banks and Banking aimed at the
improvement of corporate governance in banks - Draft Law on introduction of changes to the Law
of Ukraine On Banks and Banking aimed at the
development of consolidated supervision.
22Tasks of the National Bank of Ukraineon the Way
of Further Development of Ukrainian Banking System
- Increase of banks capital concentration and
improvement of its quality - Improvement of corporate governance and risk
management systems in Ukrainian banks - Enhancement of banking system transparency
- Further improvement of banking supervision by
means of introducing the risk-based supervision - Strengthening of control over the related parties
transactions - Introduction of supervision on consolidated basis