Title: Professionalism and Personal Skills
1Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Lecture 19
- NT In The Home
2Professionalism and Personal Skills
- By the end of this lecture the student should
- Appreciate some past technological advances
- Understand the some implications of technological
advances - Understand how these can affect people in the home
3Professionalism and Personal Skills
- NT has significantly affected the workplace
- Also significantly affected the home
- Lecture will examine effect of NT/IT in home
4Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Perspectives
- Forms of Application
- The Hunt Report
- Cable and Broadcasting Act 1984
- Internet
- Summary
- Further Reading
5Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Historical Perspective
- NT in the home not a new phenomenon
- Telephone
- Radio
- Washing Machine
- Television
6Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Optimistic Perspective
- Reduces Domestic Chores
- Electronics Networks
- Fibre-optics
7Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Pessimistic Perspective
- Reduces Social Interaction
- Computer Phobia
8Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Forms of Application
- Basis of New Products
- Replace Conventional Circuitry
- Change the production process itself
- Affect basic information systems
9Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Television
- Pessimistic Perspective
- Optimistic Perspective
10Professionalism and Personal Skills
- British Experience
- Colour Television
- Personal Computers
11Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Technology is loved in the home
- Traditional systems
- Limited fibre cables
- Interactive Systems
- TV was tied up in legislation
- Hunt committee
12Professionalism and Personal Skills
- The Hunt Report Proposed
- Rewire Britain
- Expanded Channel Capacity
- Two-way Communication
- Work with other Communications Technologies
13Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Satellite
- British Sky Broadcasting
14Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Optimistic View
- Pay-Per-View
- Appointment TV
15Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Pessimistic View
- Private Profit Narrowcasting
- Pay-Per-View
- More Choice
16Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Whats happened?
- TV Games
- CD/DVD Roms
- Smart Cards
- ATM machine fraud
- Criminal tagging
- Childrens TV
- Cable
17Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Whats happening
- Teletext
- EMail
- Internet/WWW
- Video Conferencing
- Mobile Phones
- Mobile Office
18Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Internet/WWW
- Optimistic View
- Pessimistic View
19Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Internet/WWW
- PC has become a multimedia centre in home
- E-Business
20Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Further Reading
- People and Chips
- Chapter 7 and 10
21Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Summary
- Perspectives
- Forms of Application
- The Hunt Report
- Cable and Broadcasting Act 1984
- Internet
- Summary
- Further Reading
22Professionalism and Personal Skills
- Appreciate past technological advances
- Appreciate forthcoming technological advances
- Understand the implications of technological
advances - Understand how these will affect society