Title: From Images to 3D Models
1From Images to 3D Models
CS788 Topics in HCI
By Marc Pollefeys and Luc Van Gool
- Ma, Jae Hwan
- 2003. 10. 13
- Introduction
- Making 3D models
- Issues
- From 3D models to images
- Conclusion
How computers can automatically build 3D
models from 2D images?
3D modeling package sampling the world -
laser range scanner - using images various
approaches - computer-vision -
photogrammetry - computer graphics
5Making 3D models
A sequence of images
Relating images
compute relative motion between consecutive
Structure motion recovery
projection skew removal by self-calibration
Dense matching
match all image pixels of an image with pixels in
neighboring images
3D model building
3D model
- getting initial matches from real images
automatically - - feature detector
- - epipolar geometry
- avoiding the need for calibration
- - recover projective structure of the scene and
- camera geometry, and add constraints
7From 3D models to images
rendering novel vies of the recorded scene -
lightfield rendering view-dependent image can
be easily reproduced measurement and
visualization - cultural heritage - planetary
exploration - virtual, augmented, and mixed
3D models can be applied to various field with
great flexibility and low cost