Title: OSL Agreement Completion
1OSL Agreement Completion
Customer contact This should be the end customer
primary contact
Street Address is a mandatory field MIOL will
invalidate any agreement submitted without a full
street address and telephone number. PO Boxes
will not be accepted!
Customer contact email address The domain of the
customer contact email address must correspond to
the company name
Country is a mandatory field MIOL will
invalidate any agreement submitted from a country
which is not a Microsoft approved sales location
for the program
Notices contact The contact e-mail information
must be entered because contractual notifications
for OSL are sent via e-mail. MIOL will
invalidate any agreement submitted with a Hotmail
Language option Customer should specify which
language they would like correspondence to be
sent in. If not completed, the default language
will be what the contact is in
Customer notices This must be completed. The
notices contact will receive all OSL contractual
correspondence (contract acceptance etc)
Customer telephone support contact This must be
completed. This contact will receive PSS welcome
documentation on PSS entitlements
2Section 1 Defining your Enterprise
Check the appropriate box indicating whether the
company has Affiliates An OSL customer can only
add Affiliates at a later stage in the
agreement if the first box is checked Check only
one box
3Section 2 Establishing Price Level
Enter no of desktops here
4Section 3 Desktop OSL Software Selection
Check the box for either the OSL Desktop
Professional Platform or any one of the components
5Section 4 Media Shipping Information Form
One media kit per language version chosen will be
shipped. Two language options may be chosen.
Multilanguage is not an option
Ship To To be completed. This will be the
person to whom we ship the media welcome pack