Software Usability Course notes for CSI 5122 University of Ottawa

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Software Usability Course notes for CSI 5122 University of Ottawa

Description: ... Magazine style. ACM SIGCHI Bulletin. Columns, reports, etc. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Software Usability Course notes for CSI 5122 University of Ottawa

Software UsabilityCourse notes for CSI 5122 -
University of Ottawa
  • Section 2
  • Conducting Research and Project requirements
  • Timothy C. Lethbridge
  • lttcl_at_site.uottawa.cagt
  • http//

Main topics for these notes
  • Places to search for background information
  • Writing a report
  • How you will be marked
  • Presenting the results

General Research Sources - 1
  • Databases that the University of Ottawa Library
    maintains a subscription to
  • Must be using an on-campus computer
  • Or connected by the VPN or proxy server
  • See http// for details on
    how to access the librarys digital resources
  • Scopus
  • http//
  • Very good general meta-search for scientific
  • Example searches to try
  • Use colour user interface
  • Cognitive walkthrough
  • Usability engineering

General Research Sources - 2
  • IEEE Xplore
  • http//
  • ACM Digital library and giude to literature
  • http//
  • Springerlink
  • Access to Springer journals and Lecture Notes in
    Computer Science
  • http//
  • Google Scholar
  • http//
  • Science Direct
  • http//
  • HCIBib
  • http//

Key Journals
  • ACM transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • http//
  • International Journal of Human Computer
  • http//
  • International Journal of Human Computer Studies
  • http//
  • Interacting With Computers

Other periodicals
  • ACM interactions
  • Magazine style
  • http//
  • ACM SIGCHI Bulletin
  • Columns, reports, etc.
  • http//

Key conferences
  • Up to date list of some upcoming conferences
  • http//
  • CHI
  • http//
  • HCI International
  • http//
  • Proceedings published by Springer
  • Interact
  • http//

Key websites for usability
  • The Nielsen- Norman Group Jakob Nielsen and Don
  • http//
  • Some stuff is free, other material is not
  • Don Normans Essays
  • http//
  • Usability First
  • http//
  • World Usability Day
  • http//
  • Usability Professionals Association
  • http//
  • Resource list
  • http//

A sample of books on usability
  • See here for a good list of books
  • http//
  • Some particularly noteworthy books
  • A. Dix, J. Finlay, G. Abowd R. Beale.
    Human-Computer Interaction. 3rd Edition. Prentice
    Hall, 2004
  • H. Sharp, Y. Rogers, J. Preece Interaction
    Design Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, John
    Wiley Sons, Inc, 2007
  • D. J. Mayhew The Usability Engineering
    Lifecycle A Practitioner's Handbook for User
    Interface Design, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999
  • B. Shneiderman. Designing the User Interface
    Strategies for Effective Human-Computer
    Interaction,Third Edition, 1997
  • Donald A. Norman. The Psychology of Everyday
    Things., 1990
  • Randolph G. Bias Deborah J. Mayhew (Eds.)
    Cost-Justifying Usability. Boston Academic
    Press, 1994
  • Jakob Nielsen. Usability Engineering, Academic
    Press, 1993

Patent searches
  • US patents
  • http//
  • Canadian patents
  • http//
  • Do a search on
  • User interface

Examples of topics for one of your work items in
this course - 1
  • A survey of usability metrics
  • Discuss papers where different metrics were used
  • Measuring individual differences
  • There is a large body of research literature on
  • You could do a small experiment, or just report
    on some narrow topic from the literature
  • Making software usable for the disabled
  • Pick a type of disability and a class of
  • You can combine literature research with your own
  • A comparison of software usability research and
    usability or ergonomics studies in other
    engineering disciplines

Work item topic ideas - 2
  • International standards for usability
  • See http//
  • Also see http//
  • A study of how usability improvements have helped
    organizations financially.
  • Research on the effects on usability of various
    design issues
  • modality, choice of colours, menu design
    alternatives, etc.
  • Reliability and validity of usability testing
  • If you do two similar studies, will you get the
    same results?
  • What are the threats to validity?

Work item topic ideas - 3
  • Rapid (discount) approaches to usability
  • Perhaps you could compare this to more expensive
  • Ethics in usability testing
  • What different approaches are taken in different
  • What issues arise
  • Effects of alternatives in experimental design
  • Focus on what aspect of experiments
  • Threats to validity
  • Blocking
  • Statistical analysis
  • Compare some experiments in the literature

Work item topic ideas - 4
  • Usability studies of a certain class of
  • help systems
  • web search engines
  • word processors

No need to rush now but dont leave too late
  • We will cover much material in the course
  • So waiting for classes where I cover some
    material could help you
  • But get working on your first project by the
    start of October
  • Or else you will have too much to do at the end

Consider threats to validity - 1
  • What could make your conclusions less valid?
  • Conclusion validity
  • Factors leading you to incorrectly believe some
  • Seeing things that arent there due to bias
  • Working with only one group of participants
  • Participants learn from one step to the next
  • Many other bias sources
  • Certain statistical errors, like doing many
  • Factors leading you to not reach a conclusion you
    should reach
  • Not finding the needle in the haystack
  • Not enough data
  • Not enough participants
  • Too much noise in the data
  • Not asking the right questions
  • Not using the right statistics

Consider threats to validity - 2
  • Internal validity - are the relationships causal
  • Could something other than what you think be
    causing the results you see
  • Construct validity - did we measure what we
    wanted to measure?
  • External validity - can we generalize the
  • Are the results just true in this specific
  • Good website on threats to validity
  • http//

Writing a good research paper(for this course) -
  • Step 1 Have something to say
  • Learn the relevant background
  • Search and read/skim the literature
  • Follow the citations to read
  • Papers that cite what you are reading
  • Papers that what you are reading cites
  • For studies you do yourself sketch out
  • Method you followed
  • Hypotheses
  • Research questions answered
  • Analysis of results
  • Threats to validity
  • Key conclusions

Writing a good research paper - 2
  • Step 2 Develop a structure
  • E.g.
  • Abstract
  • Introduction (write at end)
  • Background
  • Method
  • Results and discussion
  • Conclusions and future work (write at end)
  • References

Writing a good research paper - 3
  • Step 3 Fill in details
  • When you get stuck, work on a different section
  • Step 4 Review many times
  • Does it tell a story?
  • Are there details that could be left out?
  • Are important elements missing?
  • Is each sentence/paragraph well written?
  • Have you used citations/references well?
  • Ask somebody else to proofread

Write according to a publication format
  • Here are some possibilities
  • SIGCHI format
  • http//
  • ICSE format
  • http//
  • ACM Journal formats
  • http//

Some references on writing good papers
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

How I will evaluate research papers - 1
  • 25 Writing quality
  • Clarity, conciseness, ease of reading
  • Document structure
  • Introductions, body, conclusions
  • If your first language is not English, you should
    consider getting somebody to proofread your
    report for you.
  • 10 Quality of visual material
  • Tables, lists, diagrams, figures, and appendices.
  • If you are presenting data, focus on highlighting
    the most important aspects of the data.

How will I evaluate research papers - 2
  • 25 Incorporation of background material
  • Synthesis of ideas from various sources
  • Journals and conferences (peer reviewed)
  • A goal is to cite 10 of these
  • Use online databases (discussed earlier)
  • Books
  • Good quality, reliable web-based material
  • Should not be a majority

How will I evaluate research papers - 3
  • Reference any relevant ideas discussed in the
  • Do not repeat material I discussed in class
  • Brief paraphrasing or quoting of my material is
  • Properly formatted the bibliography at the end
  • Give proper citations in the text for all the
    ideas you include that are not your own.
  • Quotations must be clearly marked.
  • At all costs, avoid accidental plagiarism

How will I evaluate research papers - 4
  • 40 Depth of understanding, scientific maturity
    and/or originality
  • You do not have to discover new principles,
  • But a paper should be interesting for me to read,
    and make me think.
  • Appropriateness of study design and execution
  • If you are reporting on a study or experiment
  • report what you did in detail,
  • problems you encountered
  • the rationale for choices
  • Validity of conclusions
  • You will lose marks if you did everything in a
    rush at the end.

Class presentation marking scheme - 1
  • 25 Quality of overheads (or other A/V elements).
  • Use large fonts (20 point or higher) and point
  • Use diagrams, tables etc. if possible.
  • Each slide should have about 7-15 lines of text,
    or a graphic.
  • Avoid more than about 7 chunks in a list
  • Use subheadings as on this page
  • Each point should take no more than 2 lines.
  • 25 Organization of material presented
  • Did you provide enough background (but not to
  • Did you explain the experimental or study design
    (if appropriate)?
  • Did you show interesting data?
  • Did you show conclusions?

Class presentation marking scheme - 2
  • 25 Delivery
  • Pacing (1 slide every 1-5 minutes)
  • Speaking clearly
  • Avoiding reading what is written
  • Leaving time for questions
  • Handling of questions
  • 25 Information content
  • Amount the class would have learned from your
  • You will not get good marks if you just repeat
    material from lectures
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