Title: Cascading Style Sheets CSS
1Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- World Wide Web Technology
- Fashions fade, style is eternal.
- Yves Saint Laurent
- To
- control appearance of a Web site by style sheets
- use a style sheet to provide uniform appearance
- use the CLASS attribute to apply styles
- specify element backgrounds and colours
- use the box model to control margins, borders and
padding - separate content presentation
3Cascading Style Sheets
- Allow the specification of the style of the page
separately from the structure and content - spacing, margins, fonts
- the look and feel
- Allows better management
- Makes changing style easier
4Inline Styles
- ltHTMLgtltBODYgtltPgtSome Text - just plainlt/PgtltP
STYLEfont-size 20ptgtSome more textlt/PgtltP
STYLEfont-size 20pt color 0000FFgtAnd even
more textlt/Pgtlt/BODYgtlt/HTMLgt
5Inline Styles
- Each CSS property is followed by a colon then the
value of the attribute - Properties are separated by semicolons
- The STYLE attribute allows the specification of a
style property
6The STYLE Element
- In the HEAD section of the document styles may be
applied to the whole document by using the STYLE
element (not attribute) - The style sheet begins with
- ltSTYLE TYPE text/cssgt
- The TYPE attribute specifies the MIME type -
standard for specifying the format of content -
text/html, image/gif, text/javascript
ltHEADgt ltTITLEgtStyle Sheetslt/TITLEgt lt!-- This
begins the style sheet section. --gt ltSTYLE TYPE
"text/css"gt EM background-color
8000FF color white H1
font-family Arial, sans-serif P
font-size 18pt .blue color blue
lt/STYLEgt lt/HEADgt ltBODYgt lt!-- This CLASS
attribute applies the .blue style --gt ltH1 CLASS
"blue"gtA Headinglt/H1gt ltPgtHere is some
text.lt/Pgt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
8The Style Sheet
- The body of the style sheet (red) declares the
CSS rules for this sheet - Rules for EM H1 and P elements are declared
- These elements will be modified in the specified
manner - Each rule body begins and ends with a curly brace
9Style Class
- A style class named blue is declared
- Class declarations are preceded with a period
- The rules have the same format as inline styles
- property value property value
- Background-color
- font-family specifies the name of the font
- Arial, the second value sans-serif is a generic
font family - used if Arial is not found on the
system - font-size
- specified in pt
- also relative - xx-small .. xx-large
- The CLASS attribute applies a style class
- Example The .blue class
- ltH1 CLASSbluegt A Headinglt/H1gt
- both the properties of H1 and the .blue style
- Stylesheet rules are inherited from parent to
child - Example B color blue
- What does the browser do with the following
- ltBgtAll Web pages should use ltIgtCSSlt/Igtlt/Bgt
- There is no rule set for the ltIgt tag but because
it occurs within a ltBgt tag with a rule set. The
child displays in blue.
- ltH1gtAll Web pages should use ltEMgtCSSlt/EMgtlt/H1gt
- In this case the child element has a rule of its
own and this rule is in conflict with the rule of
the parent - The rule of the child is more specific and
overrides the style set for ltH1gt
14Another example of specificity
ltHTMLgt ltHEADgt ltTITLEgtMore Styleslt/TITLEgt ltSTYLE
TYPE "text/css"gt A.nodec text-decoration
none Ahover text-decoration underline
color red
background-color CCFFCC LI EM color
red font-weight bold
UL margin-left 75px UL UL
text-decoration underline
margin-left 15px lt/STYLEgt lt/HEADgt
15Example cont.
ltBODYgt ltH1gtShopping list for ltEMgtMondaylt/EMgtlt/H1gt
ltULgt ltLIgtMilklt/LIgt ltLIgtBread ltULgt
ltLIgtWhite breadlt/LIgt ltLIgtRye breadlt/LIgt
ltLIgtWhole wheat breadlt/LIgt lt/ULgtlt/LIgt ltLIgtRicelt
/LIgt ltLIgtPotatoeslt/LIgt ltLIgtPizza ltEMgtwith
mushroomslt/EMgtlt/LIgt lt/ULgt ltPgtltA CLASS "nodec"
HREF "http//food.com"gtGo to the Grocery
storelt/Agtlt/Pgt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
16The result
17The result while hovering
- A.nodec text-decoration none
- applies the text-decoration property to all A
elements whose CLASS attribute is set to nodec - default is to underline but here it is set to
none - Ahover text-decoration underline
color red background-color
- The code specifies a style for hover which is a
pseudo-class - Pseudo-classes give the author access to content
not specifically declared in the document - The hover pseudo-class is dynamically activated
when the user moves the mouse cursor over an A
20LI EM is different from LI, EM
- LI EM color red font-weight
bold - declares a style for all EM elements that are
children of LI elements - LI, EM would declare the style for both
- UL UL text-decoration underline
margin-left 15px - specifies that all nested lists will be
underlined and have a left-hand margin of 15
21Length measurements
- Px - pixel - relative - screen resolution
- em - the size of the font - relative
- ex - x height of the font
- in - inches - absolute
- pt - 1 pt 1/72 in
- pc - 1 pc 12pt
22Linking External Style Sheets
- External linking of style sheets can give the
whole site a uniform look - Only need to modify a single file to make changes
to the whole site - The external style sheet is referenced by using
the ltLINKgt tag in ltHEADgt - ltLINK REL "stylesheet" TYPE "text/css" HREF
"styles.css"gt - LINK a specifies a relationship between the
current document and another using the REL
23Example External SS
ltHTMLgt lt!-- imported.html --gt lt!-- Linking
external style sheets --gt ltHEADgt ltTITLEgtImporting
style sheetslt/TITLEgt ltLINK REL "stylesheet"
TYPE "text/css" HREF "styles.css"gt lt/HEADgt ltBO
DYgt ltH1gtShopping list for ltEMgtMondaylt/EMgtlt/H1gt ltU
Lgt ltLIgtMilklt/LIgt ltLIgtBread ltULgt ltLIgtWhite
breadlt/LIgt ltLIgtRye breadlt/LIgt ltLIgtWhole
wheat breadlt/LIgt lt/ULgtlt/LIgt ltLIgtRicelt/LIgt ltLIgtP
otatoeslt/LIgt ltLIgtPizza ltEMgtwith
mushroomslt/EMgtlt/LIgt lt/ULgt ltA HREF
"http//food.com"gtGo to the Grocery
storelt/Agt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
- Declare the linked document to be a stylesheet
- TYPE attribute is used to specify the MIME type
as text/css - URL for the style sheet is provided by the HREF
- Other relationships that can be specified between
documents are next and previous - Allow a whole series of documents to be linked
- In IE Print all linked documents uses this info
26Positioning Elements
- Usually positioning was up to the browser in HTML
- CSS has a position property and a capability
called absolute positioning
27Absolute positioning
ltBODYgt ltIMG SRC "i.gif" STYLE "position
absolute top 0px left 0px z-index
1"gt ltH1 STYLE "position absolute top 50px
left 50px z-index 3"gtPositioned
Textlt/H1gt ltIMG SRC "circle.gif" STYLE
"position absolute top 25px left 100px
z-index 2"gt lt/BODYgt
- Specifying an elements position removes it from
the normal flow of elements on the page - Positions the element according to distance from
top, left, right or bottom margins of its parent
element - I.gif is 0 pixels from top and left margins of
the BODY element - z-index attribute allows layering of overlapping
elements (1 back - 2 front)
30Absolute positioning
- Where does the H1 element go.
- Layer 3 in front of both
31Relative positioning
- Setting the position property to relative will
first lay out the element on the page, then
offset the element by the specified top, bottom,
left or right values - Relative positioning keeps elements in the
general flow of elements on the page
32Relative Positioning
ltHEADgt ltSTYLE TYPE "text/css"gt P
font-size 2em font-family
Verdana, Arial, sans-serif SPAN color
red font-size .6em
height 1em .super position relative
top -1ex .sub position
relative bottom -1ex .shiftl
position relative left -1ex
.shiftr position relative
right -1ex lt/STYLEgtlt/HEADgt
33Relative positioning
ltBODYgt ltPgt Text text text text ltSPAN CLASS
"super"gtsuperscriptlt/SPANgt text text text text
ltSPAN CLASS "sub"gtsubscriptlt/SPANgt text Text
text ltSPAN CLASS "shiftl"gtleft-shiftedlt/SPANgt
text text text ltSPAN CLASS "shiftr"gtright-shift
edlt/SPANgt Text text text text text
lt/Pgt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
- CSS allows more control over background than HTML
attributes - ltSTYLE TYPE "text/css"gt BODY
background-image url(watermark.gif)
background-position bottom right
background-repeat no-repeat
background-attachment fixed P
font-size 2em color AA5588
text-indent 1em font-family
Arial, sans-serif .dark font-weight bold
- background-image property specifies the URL of
the image to use - can also specify background-color in case the
image is not found - background-position property positions image on
page - background repeat property controls tiling no
repeat, repeat, x-repeat or y-repeat
- Background-attachment fixed fixes the image in
the position specified by background-position - scrolling the browser window will not move the
image - default scroll moves the image - text-indent 1em indents the first line of text
- .dark font-weight bold
- font weight specifies the boldness - bold,
normal, bolder, lighter
- Font-style - none, italic or oblique
- SPAN is a generic grouping element which does not
apply any formatting to its contents - Its use is to apply styles or ID attributes to a
block of text. It is displayed inline - DIV element also applies no inherent styles but
is displayed on its own line. - A block-level element
ltHEADgt ltTITLEgtBox Dimensionslt/TITLEgt ltSTYLE TYPE
"text/css"gt DIV background-color
FFCCFF margin-bottom .5em
lt/STYLEgtlt/HEADgt ltBODYgt ltDIV STYLE "width
20"gtHere is some text that goes in a box which
is set to stretch across twenty precent of the
width of the screen.lt/DIVgt ltDIV STYLE "width
80 text-align center"gt Here is some CENTERED
text that goes in a box which is set to stretch
across eighty precent of the width of the
screen.lt/DIVgt ltDIV STYLE "width 20 height
30 overflow scroll"gt This box is only twenty
percent of the width and thirty percent of the
height. What do we do if it overflows? Set
the overflow property to scroll!lt/DIVgt lt/BODYgt
- ltDIV STYLE "width 20 height 30 overflow
scroll"gt - width is 20 and height 30 the overflow may
exceed the boundaries so the overflow property is
set to scroll
42Text Flow
- Elements normally appear in the order that they
do in HTML source - Floating allows movement of an element to one
side of the screen - Other content will flow around the floated
element - Also each block-level element has a box drawn
around it - box model - adjustable properties
43Example Floated text
ltHEADgt ltTITLEgtFlowing Text Around Floating
Elementslt/TITLEgt ltSTYLE TYPE "text/css"gt DIV
background-color FFCCFF
margin-bottom .5em font-size
1.5em width 50
"text-align center"gtCentered textlt/DIVgt ltDIV
STYLE "text-align right"gtRight-aligned
textlt/DIVgt ltDIV STYLE "float right margin
.5em"gtThis is some floated text, floated text,
floated text, floated text.lt/DIVgt
44ltPgt Here is some flowing text, flowing text,
flowing text. Here is some flowing text, flowing
text, flowing text. Here is some flowing text,
flowing text, flowing text. Here is some flowing
text, flowing text, flowing text. Here is some
flowing text, flowing text, flowing text. Here is
some flowing text, flowing text, flowing
text. Here is some flowing text, flowing text,
flowing text. Here is some flowing text, flowing
text, flowing text. lt/Pgt ltPgtltDIV STYLE "float
right padding .5em"gtThis is some floated text,
floated text, floated text, floated
text.lt/DIVgt Here is some flowing text, flowing
text, flowing text. Here is some flowing text,
flowing text, flowing text. Here is some flowing
text, flowing text, flowing text. ltSPAN STYLE
"clear right"gtHere is some unflowing text. Here
is some unflowing text.lt/SPANgt lt/Pgt lt/BODYgt lt/HTML
.5em margin
.5em padding
46Text flow and the Box Model
- Note that the DIV elements are 50 width
- STYLE text-align center allows the text
inside an element to be aligned left, center,
right or justify - STYLEfloat right margin .5emgt
- floats the DIV element to the right side of
screen - margin specifies the distance between
the element and any text outside.
47Text flow and the Box Model
- Can set margins for individual sides by using
margin-top, margin-right etc - Padding is the distance between the content
inside the element and the edge of the element - padding-top, padding-right etc.
- The flow of text around a floated element can be
interrupted - ltSPAN STYLEclear rightgt
- Box model applies to DIV, P
ltHEADgt ltSTYLE TYPE "text/css"gt BODY
background-color CCFFCC DIV
text-align center margin-bottom
1em padding .5em .thick
border-width thick .medium border-width
medium .thin border-width thin
.groove border-style groove .inset
border-style inset .outset border-style
outset .red border-color red
.blue border-color blue lt/STYLEgtlt/HEADgt
ltBODYgt ltDIV CLASS "thick groove"gtThis text
has a borderlt/DIVgt ltDIV CLASS "medium
groove"gtThis text has a borderlt/DIVgt ltDIV CLASS
"thin groove"gtThis text has a borderlt/DIVgt ltP
CLASS "thin red inset"gtA thin red
line...lt/Pgt ltP CLASS "medium blue outset"gtAnd a
thicker blue linelt/Pgt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
51User Style Sheets
- Users have the option to define their own user
style sheets to format pages based on their
preferences - visually impaired - Possible conflicts between user styles and author
styles - Most conflicts are resolved by using relative
measurements such as em or ex
52User Style Sheets
- Adding a user style sheet in IE is done by
ToolsInternet OptionsAccessibilityFormat
documents using my style sheet
- http//www.w3.org/T/REC-CSS2/
- http//style.webreview.com