Title: Chapter 1: Sample and Population
1Chapter 1 Sample and Population
- Data summary and display
- Random Sampling
- Estimation
- Sampling distributions
3Data Summary and Display
4Example 1
5Data Summary and Display
The sample mean as a balance point for a system
of weights.
6Minitab Practice for Examples 1- 2
- Objective to Obtain Descriptive Statistics
- Data file File ? open worksheet ?.xls ?
EX06_29 - From the menus choose
- Stat
- Basic Statistics
- Store Descriptive Statistics
Select - Select
7Data Summary and Display
Population Mean For a finite population with N
measurements, the mean is
The is a reasonable estimate of the
8Data Summary and Display
9Data Summary and Display
How Does the Sample Variance Measure Variability?
How the sample variance measures variability
through the deviations .
10Example 2
11Data Summary and Display
12Data Summary and Display
Computation of s2
13Data Summary and Display
Population Variance When the population is finite
and consists of N values, we may define the
The is a reasonable
estimate of the .
14Data Summary and Display
15Random Sampling
16Random Sampling
Relationship between a population and a sample.
17Random Sampling
18Frequency Distributions and Histograms
- To construct a frequency distribution, we must
divide the range of the data into ,
which are usually called class ,
or - Constructing a Histogram (Equal Bin Widths)
19Frequency Distributions and Histograms
Histogram of compressive strength data.
20Frequency Distributions and Histograms
A histogram of the compressive strength data with
17 bins.
21Frequency Distributions and Histograms
A histogram of the compressive strength data with
nine bins.
22Frequency Distributions and Histograms
A cumulative distribution plot of the compressive
strength data.
23Frequency Distributions and Histograms
Histograms for symmetric and skewed
24Box Plots
- The is a graphical display that
simultaneously describes several important
features of a data set, such as center, spread,
departure from symmetry, and identification of
observations that lie unusually far from the bulk
of the data. - Whisker
- Outlier
- Extreme outlier
25Box Plots
Description of a box plot.
26Time Sequence Plots
- A or is a data set in which the
observations are recorded in the order in which
they occur. - A is a graph in which the vertical axis
denotes the observed value of the variable (say
x) and the horizontal axis denotes the time
(which could be minutes, days, years, etc.). - When measurements are plotted as a time series,
we - often see
- trends,
- cycles, or
- other broad features of the data
27Time Sequence Plots
Company sales by year (a) and by quarter (b).
28Probability Plots
- is a graphical method
for determining whether sample data conform to a
hypothesized distribution based on a subjective
visual examination of the data. - Probability plotting typically uses special
graph paper, known as ,
that has been designed for the hypothesized
distribution. Probability paper is widely
available for the normal, lognormal, Weibull, and
various chi-square and gamma distributions.
29Probability Plots
Normal probability plot
30Probability Plots
Normal probability plot obtained from
standardized normal scores.
31Probability Plots
Normal probability plots indicating a non-normal
distribution. (a) Light-tailed distribution. (b)
Heavy-tailed distribution. (c ) A distribution
with positive (or right) skew.
32Minitab Practice for Data Display
- Data file EX06_29
- Histogram
- Option 1 Graph ? ? Select Graph
variable ? Select option - Option2 Stat ? ? descriptive
statistics ? - Box plots
- Option 1 Graph ? ? Select variable Y ?
Options ? check Transpose X and Y - Option2 Stat ? ? descriptive statistics
? - Time sequence
- Graph ? ? Select variable
- Probability plot
- Graph ? ? Select distribution ? Select
option ? Deselect include confident intervals in
33Statistical Inference for Population
- The field of statistical inference consists of
those methods used to make decisions or to draw
conclusions about a . - These methods utilize the information contained
in a from the population in
drawing conclusions. - Statistical inference may be divided into two
major areas -
34Statistical Inference for Population
35Statistical Inference for Population
36Statistical Inference for Population
37General Concepts of Point Estimation
- Unbiased Estimators
- Definition
38General Concepts of Point Estimation
- Variance of a Point Estimator
- Definition
The sampling distributions of two unbiased
39General Concepts of Point Estimation
Theorem 1
40General Concepts of Point Estimation
- Standard Error Reporting a Point Estimate
- Definition
41General Concepts of Point Estimation
42Example 3
43Example 3
44General Concepts of Point Estimation
- Mean Square Error of an Estimator
- Definition
45General Concepts of Point Estimation
- Mean Square Error of an Estimator
46General Concepts of Point Estimation
A biased estimator that has smaller variance
than the unbiased estimator
47Methods of Point Estimation
48Example 4
49Methods of Point Estimation
- Method of Maximum Likelihood
- Definition
50Example 5
51Example 5
52Methods of Point Estimation
Properties of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator
53Methods of Point Estimation
The Invariance Property
54Example 6
55Methods of Point Estimation
- Complications in Using Maximum Likelihood
Estimation - It is not always easy to maximize the
likelihood function because the equation(s)
obtained from dL(?)/d? 0 may be
. - It may be possible to use
calculus methods directly to determine the
56Example 7
57Methods of Point Estimation
The likelihood function for the uniform
distribution in Example 7.
58Sampling Distributions
is concerned with
making about a population based on
the information contained in a random sample from
that population. Definition
59Sampling Distributions of Means
Theorem 2 The Central Limit Theorem
60Sampling Distributions of Means
Distributions of average scores from throwing
dice. Adapted with permission from Box, Hunter,
and Hunter (1978).
61Example 8
62Sampling Distributions of Means
Probability for Example 8.
63Sampling Distributions of Means