Title: Little White Lake Prospect
1Little White Lake Prospect
- Vermillion Parish, Louisiana
2Executive Summary
- History
- Little White Lake (LWL) prospects 1,038 acres
are located in Vermillion Parish approximately 60
miles south of Lafayette, LA in shallow
near-shore waters. The LWL-field is operated by
Key Operating and Production Company (Key) of
Lafayette, LA who is certified by the State as an
Oil and Gas Operator. -
- The first well (Key No. 1 SL 16995) was spudded
on December 29, 2003 on State Lease 16995. The
well encountered five commercial gas sands, was
completed, and commenced production on July 15,
2004 after installation of processing equipment,
oil and water tanks, and pipeline for the gas - .
- A gas development well, Key No. 2 SL 16995 was
drilled to access the gas discovered by the No.1
well and commenced production from the Polaris-A
sand on February 8, 2005. - The Key No. 3 well was drilled in late 2005 and
after several interruptions, due to hurricane
related shut down, commenced production from the
Polaris-B sand on December 15, 2005. - Production and storage facilities damaged in the
Hurricanes of 2005 are fully repaired and in
place. - Current production from the three wells are 3
mill MCF/D and 190 bbl/day of associated
3Executive Summary
- The Seller
- Matrix Capital Funding, LLC will sell 5.7
Working Interest in the Little White Lake Project
for 1,500,000 cash.. - The last sale of interest in the Project was to
Texhoma (a public company) in April of 2006 at a
price of 4 mill in cash and stock for a 8 or
500,000 per 1 net working interest. - Prospects and Geology
- The LWL-prospects consist of an upthrown oil
prospect that has Proven Undeveloped Oil and Gas
reserves. Additionally, gas was identified in
four separate reservoirs, three of which contain
Proven Undeveloped reserves. - The 13,500 ft Godchaux sand is a prospect
upthrown in relation to a fault that is
estimated to contain 2.1 mill barrels of
recoverable oil - .
- The downthrown prospects consist of three
Proven Undeveloped (PUD) gas bearing reservoirs
and one exploratory sand. The shallow exploratory
sand is the 13,300 sand horizon, which was
identified after reviewing the 3-dimensional
seismic data acquired from Shell Oil Company. The
PUD sands are the 13,500, the 13,600 and the
13,700 sands. -
- Cash flow and Reserves
- The Reserve Report by Robert Lamb reflect Proven
Producing Reserves of 14.6 BCF of gas, Proven
Undeveloped Reserves of 10.97 BCF of gas and
2.35 mill bbl of oil, and Possible Reserves of 35
BCF of gas. (report enclosed)?
4Executive Summary
- Based on these reserves a cash flow forecast has
been prepared and was limited to six years. The
price assumptions of the cash flow model are
based on NYMEX futures price of gas for the next
two years and 7.00/MCF thereafter and 55.00/BBL
for the condensate and oil. Bear in mind that the
gas is of high calorific value and the oil of
premium quality. - The assumptions are that, in addition to the
three current production wells, at least one oil
development well will be drilled. The cash flow
forecast uses a capital investment of 3.5
million for a completed oil well to be drilled in
the third quarter of 2007 and commencing
production at the beginning of the fourth quarter
at 300 BBL/D. - Whilst gas and oil production are naturally going
to decline, a payout of less than 36 months is
expected with a cash flow of 100,000 plus per
month net to interest, whilst funding two wells. - Deep Gas Prospect
- A potential deep gas prospect is available on
the lease. The well is estimated to cost 6.5
million, but there are no drilling scheduled at
this time. However, if this gas target of some
35 BCF proves to exist, this could result in a
major development and would represent a
substantial value to the Purchaser. -
- Conclusion
- This is a rare opportunity to acquire a
non-operated interest in a cash flow producing
oil and gas field that provides upside in both
reserves and commodity pricing in combination
with protection against downside due to the
multiple reservoirs present on the property.
5Reserve ReportLittle White LakeVermillion
Parish, LouisianaPrepared by Robert R. Lamb
- Enclosed are several maps of the Little White
Lake portion of Intracoastal City Field. All, but
one, are mapped on oil and gas producing sands.
These maps show the areas that are now producing
as well as areas in which possible future oil and
gas production might be found. Subsurface and
seismic data have been integrated. - All reserve figures are estimates in both
producing as well as possible producing sands. At
this time, three wells have been completed - Key No. 1 S.L. 16995 produces gas from Discorbis
A sand and Discorbis B sand - Key No. 2 S.L. 16995 produces gas from the
Polaris A sand -
- Key No. 3 S.L. 16995 produces gas from Discorbis
A sand and Discorbis C sand - The enclosed maps show water levels and possible
producing areas in crosshatch. Reserves are
estimated in both areas. - Operc sands have been lumped together as one
6Lease Area and Location
7Drilling Program
- In order to capture the reserves indicated,
following wells have been or are scheduled to be
drilled - Completed
- !. Operc Polaris sand test
12,500 depth - 2. Discorbis sand test
13,650 depth - Scheduled
- 3. Godchaux sand test (oil well)
13,500 depth - Scheduled for drilling 3rd Quarter 2007
- 4. K Zone sand test
14,600 depth - Date pending
- 5. Planulina sand test
15,500 depth - Date pending
- All, but Planulina sand, are no-pipe tests.
8Reserve Report
- Sands Proven/Producing
PUD POD - Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas
- Operc 250,000 bbl 2.97 BCF
- Polaris 6.3 BCF
- Discorbis 8.3 BCF 4.5 BCF
- K-zone 3.5 BCF Godchaux 2,100,000
bbl - Planulina 35 BCF
- TOTAL 14.6 BCF 2,350,000 bbl 10.97 BCF
35 BCF -
- Reserve value
- Oil 71.4 mill
- Gas 285.3 mill
- Total 356.7 mill
- Based on