Title: Pictures of Renewal
1Pictures of Renewal New City Renewed
2Renewed Restoration
- Some background
- Some models of restoration
- Some steps towards restoration
3Renewed Restoration Some Background
The Promise of Restoration!
Jeremiah 331-11
- A prophecy of Jeremiah written from prison.
(circa 580bc) - A prediction of the return from exile of the
people of Israel, and the pending overthrow of
their Babylonian captors (c.562bc) - God was working his purpose out. After a period
of exile, judgement and waywardness- He would act
to bring a new healing, abundance, peace,
prosperity and security to his people (Return
from exile started in 539 bc) - He would restore the relationship, the
temple,the city, and the honour of his people
(516bc onwards)
4Renewed Restoration Some Background
A Picture of Renewal that shows us
- God responding to the cries of his people (v3)
- God acting to bring blessing, healing, peace and
prosperity to his people (v6) - God providing forgiveness and cleansing of sin
(v8) - Gods name being honoured by His people being a
good news people (v9) - Gods patience, love and endurance (v11)
5Renewed Restoration Some Background
A picture of a people well established with their
God and displaying good news!!
In those days ten people from nations and
languages around the world will clutch at the hem
of a Jews robe and they will say please let us
walk with you for we have heard that God is with
you Zechariah 823
6Renewed Restoration So what is Restoration?
Taking the raw ingredients and making some
7Renewed Restoration A model of RestorationFromt
8Renewed Restoration A model of RestorationFromt
L R e s t o r a t i o n J
9Renewed Restoration A better model of Restoration
Virtuous circles
Model of Restoration
10Renewed Restoration Some Steps towards restoration
- Start with the raw ingredients
- Face up to the issues
- Beware patterns of behaviour and resistance to
change - Participate with the work of the restorer
11Pursue and seek a new work of the Spirit in
Relationship, Refinement, and Release
12Pictures of Renewal New City Renewed