Title: Understanding The Rotary Foundation
1Understanding The Rotary Foundation
- Basic Overview
- Fund Development / SHARE
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
2Where do we Begin?
- Where does the money come from?
- Where does the money go?
- How do I get some of that money?
- Rules of a Rotary International Matching Grant
- The Match of a Rotary International Matching
Grant - Questions or Comments?
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
3Two Ways of Giving
For support today Our Checking Account
To secure tomorrow Our Savings Account
Interest pays The Rotary Foundation Management
Matching Grants
District Designated Fund (DDF)
The World Fund
Matching for Matching Grants
3-Year Investment
Rotary District Programs
The Rotary Foundation
Paul Harris Recognition
Local Club Individual Donations to Annual
Programs Fund
5How do I get some of that money?
- It is REALLY simple. It is called a Rotary
International Matching Grant
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
6Rules of Matching Grant
- Support International Humanitarian Service
Projects - Must be between Rotary clubs or Rotary Districts
- Must have active Rotarian participation and
oversight - The grant must fund eligible projects
- The grant request must be 5,000.00 to
150,000.00 - Reports are required at least every 12 months of
the life of the project
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
7The Match of a Matching Grant
- This is where it REALLY gets fun. Show me the
Money - The Rotary Foundation matches
- 0.50 for every 1.00 of a cash contribution
- 1.00 for every 1.00 from the District
Designated Fund (DDF)
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
8An Example of a Matching Grants Match
- A Grant of 45,650.00 Cash DDF
- Host Partner 2,000.00 2,000.00
- International Partner 5,100.00 5,500.00
- District 5490 - 0 - 5,000.00
- District 5830 - 0 - 5,000.00
- Subtotal 7,100.00 17,500.00
- The Rotary Foundation 3,550.00 17,500.00
- Total 10,650.00 35,000.00
- Grand Total 45,650.00
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
9What did our Rotary Club REALLY do?
5,100.00 allowed Four Peaks Rotary Club to
provide 45 beds, sheets and pillows for children
sleeping on the floor A library for the
children Playground equipment for the children A
well for clean water for the children Repairs to
a leaking roof of this
wonderful orphanage.. Thank you Four Peaks
Rotary Club !
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
10Understanding The Rotary Foundation
Fund Development / SHARE
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International