Viewing and Projections - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Viewing and Projections


(eyex, eyey, eyez): Coordinates of the camera (eye) location in the world coordinate system ... glFrustum(left,right,bottom,top,near,far) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Viewing and Projections

Viewing and Projections
  • Viewing Transformations in 3D Graphics
  • OpenGL functions to set up camera view
  • Orthographic and Perspective projection
  • Projective matrices
  • OpenGL function for setting up projection

Viewing Transformation
  • Another change of coordinate systems
  • Maps points from world space into eye space
  • Viewing position is transformed to the origin
  • Viewing direction is oriented along some axis
  • A viewing volume is defined
  • Combined with modeling transformation to form the
    modelview matrix in OpenGL

  • In the scene shown, the world space is convenient
    for orienting the objects, for example floor,
    walls, and the chair.
  • However, it is not convenient for describing the
    camera view.
  • The goal of a viewing transformation is to
    specify a coordinate system that is the most
    convenient for the camera given the position and
    orientation of our camera in the scene.

Camera View
  • Camera coordinate system
  • the camera is located at the origin.
  • The cameras optical axis is along one of the
    coordinate axes (-z in OpenGL convention)
  • The up axis (y axis) is aligned with the camera's
    up direction
  • we can greatly simplify the clipping and
    projection steps in this frame.
  • The viewing transformation can be expressed using
    the rigid body transformations discussed before.

Viewing Transformation Steps
  • Viewing transformation should align the world and
    camera coordinate frames.
  • We can transform the world frame to the camera
    frame with a rotation followed a translation.

Intuitive Camera Specification
  • How to specify a camera
  • gluLookAt(eyex, eyey, eyez, centerx, centery,
  • centerz, upx, upy, upz).
  • (eyex, eyey, eyez) Coordinates of the camera
    (eye) location in the world coordinate system
  • (centerx, centery, centerz ) the look-at point,
    which should appear in the center of the camera
    image, specifies the viewing direction
  • (upx, upy, upz) an up-vector specifies the
    camera orientation by defining a world space
    vector that should be oriented upwards in the
    final image.
  • This intuitive specification allows us to specify
    an arbitrary camera path by changing only the eye
    point and leaving the look-at and up vectors
  • Or we could pan the camera from object to object
    by leaving the eye-point and up-vector fixed and
    changing only the look-at point.

  • void display()
  • glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER)
  • glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)
  • glLoadIdentity()
  • glLookAt(ex, ey, ez,
  • 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
  • 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
  • glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES)
  • glVertex3f(2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
  • glVertex3f(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f)
  • glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f)
  • glEnd()
  • glFlush()

The Matrix for glLookAt
  • (u, v, w, eye) forms the viewing coordinate
  • w eye look
  • u up w
  • v w u
  • The matrix that transforms coordinates from world
    frame to viewing frame.
  • dx - eye u
  • dy - eye v
  • dz - eye w

Setup Camera
  • Since viewing transformation is a rotation and
    translation transformation. We can use
    glRotatef() and glTranslatef() instead of
  • In the previous example (view a scene at origin
    from (10, 0, 0) ), we can equivalently use
  • glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)
  • glLoadIdentity()
  • glTranslatef(0, 0, -10)
  • glRotatef(-90, 0, 1, 0)
  • Since the viewing transformation is applied after
    modeling transformations, it should be set before
    modeling transformations.

Set Viewing Transformation
  • Furthermore, glTranslatef() and glRotatef() can
    be used to define custom viewing control.
  • Example Plane View -- display the world from the
    point of view of a plane pilot.
  • Void PlaneView(GLfloat planex, GLfloat planey,
  • GLfloat planez, GLfloat roll,
  • GLfloat pitch, GLfloat yaw)
  • glRotatef(roll, 0, 0, 1)
  • glRotatef(yaw, 0, 1, 0)
  • glRotatef(pitch, 1, 0, 0)
  • glTranslatef(-planex, -planey, -planez)

Projection Transformations
  • The projection transformation maps all of our 3-D
    coordinates onto our desired viewing plane.
  • Greatly simplified by using the camera (viewing)
  • projection matrices do not transform points from
    our affine space back into the same space.
  • Projection transformations are not affine and we
    should expect projection matrices to be less than
    full rank

Orthographic Projection
  • The simplest form of projection
  • simply project all points along lines parallel to
    the z-axis (x, y, z)-gt(x, y, 0)
  • Here is an example of an parallel projection of
    our scene. Notice that the parallel lines of the
    tiled floor remain parallel after orthographic

Orthographic Projection
  • The projection matrix for orthographic projection
    is simple
  • Notice the units of the transformed points are
    still the same as the model units. We need to
    further transform them to the screen space.
  • OpenGL functions for orthographic projection
    gluOrtho2D(left, right, bottom, top),
    glOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)

Mapping to Pixel Coordinates
  • This process is often called the viewport
    transformation. OpenGL function
  • glViewport(x, y, width, height)
  • The variables, left, right, top, bottom, near and
    far in glOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, near,
    far) refer to the extents of the viewing frustum
    in modeling units.
  • The values width and height are in unit of
    pixels. This transformation is little more than a
    scale and a translation.

Perspective Projection
  • Perspective projection is important for making
    images appear realistic.
  • causes objects nearer to the viewer to appear
    larger than the same object would appear farther
  • Note how parallel lines in 3D space may appear to
    converge to a single point when viewed in

Perspective projection
  • Also called central projection
  • All points on projection lines passing through
    the center (eye point) are projected to the same
    point on the image plane
  • Not an affine transformation
  • Projection transformation properties
  • Angles are not preserved (not preserved under
    Affine Transformation).
  • Distances are not preserved (not preserved under
    Affine Transformation).
  • Ratios of distances are not preserved.
  • Affine combinations are not preserved.
  • Straight lines are mapped to straight lines.

Perspective mapping in eye coordinate system
  • Given a point S, we want to find its projection
  • Similar triangles P(xn/z, n)
  • In 3D,
  • Have identified all points on a line through the
    origin with a point in the projection plane.
  • If we have solids or colored lines, then we need
    to know which one is in front''.
  • This map loses all z information, so it is

Why Map Z?
  • 3D-gt2D projections map all z to same value.
  • Need z to determine occlusion, so a 3D to 2D
    projective transformation doesn't work.
  • Further, we want 3D lines to map to 3D lines
    (this is useful in hidden surface removal)
  • The mapping maps lines to lines, but
    loses all depth information.
  • We could use
  • Thus, if we map the endpoints of a line segment,
    these end points will have the same relative
    depths after this mapping.
  • BUT It fails to map lines to lines

Bad mapping
  • In this figure, P,Q,R map to P',Q',R' under a
    pure projective projection.
  • With the mapping                             
    P,Q,R actually map to             , which fail
    to lie on a straight line.

Viewing Frustum and Clipping
  • The right picture shows the view volume that is
    visible for a perspective projection window,
    called viewing frustum.
  • It is determined by a near and far cutting planes
    and four other planes
  • Anything outside of the frustum is not shown on
    the projected image, and doesnt need to be
  • The process of remove invisible objects from
    rendering is called clipping

OpenGL Perspective Projection
  • Set viewing frustum and perspective projection
  • glFrustum(left,right,bottom,top,near,far)
  • left and right are coordinates of left and right
    window boundaries in the near plane
  • bottom and top are coordinates of bottom and top
    window boundaries in the near plane
  • near and far are positive distances from the eye
    along the viewing ray to the near and far planes
  • Projection actually maps the viewing frustum to a
    canonical cube the preserves depth information
    for visibility purpose.

The OpenGL Perspective Matrix
Matrix M maps the viewing frustum to a NDC
(canonical cube)
We are looking down the -z direction
Projective space
The fourth coordinate is not 1. What is the
meaning of this coordinates? Homogenous
coordinates (x, y, z, w) -gt (x/w, y/w, z/w, 1)
glFrustrum(l, r, b, t, n, f)
Mapping z
  • The perspective transformation maps a line to a
  • P(f) 1 and P(n) -1.
  • What maps to 0?

Note that
Z mapping formula
  • What happens as f and n move away from each
  • Look at size of the regions n,2fn/(fn) and
  • When f is much larger compared to n, we have
  • So
  • and
  • But both intervals are mapped to a region of size
  • Thus, as we move the clipping planes away from
    one another, the far interval is compressed more
    than the near one. With floating point
    arithmetic, this means we'll lose precision.
  • In the extreme case, think about what happens as
    we move f to infinity we compress an infinite
    region to a finite one.

Near/Far and Depth Resolution
  • It may seem sensible to specify a very near
    clipping plane and a very far clipping plane
  • Sure to contain entire scene
  • But, a bad idea
  • OpenGL only has a finite number of bits to store
    screen depth
  • Too large a range reduces resolution in depth -
    wrong thing may be considered in front
  • Always place the near plane as far from the
    viewer as possible, and the far plane as close as

Perspective Projection (2)
  • If the viewing frustum is symmetrical along the x
    and y axes. It can be set using gluPerspective().
  • gluPerspective(?,aspect,n,f)
  • ? the field of view angle
  • aspect the aspect ratio of the display window

Perspective Projection
  • Suppose we have transformed from the viewing
    frustum from Eye coordinate space to Canonical
    viewing volume
  • How do we project onto image plane?
  • Simply ignore z coordinate.
  • Then why do we map z coordinate?
  • Hidden-surface removal!

3D Clipping
  • We could clip to all 6 sides of the truncated
    viewing pyramid. But the plane equations are
    simpler if we clip after projection, because all
    sides of volume are parallel to coordinate plane.
  • Clipping to a plane in 3D is identical to
    clipping to a line in 2D.
  • We can also clip in homogenous coordinates.

  • Modeling transformations transform objects into
    the world coordinate system
  • Viewing transformations change from world
    coordinate system to eye coordinate system
  • Projection transformations map eye centered
    viewing frustum to a canonical viewing volume
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