Title: Minnesota State Parks
1Minnesota State Parks Trails
Protecting natural resources and . . .
. . connecting people with the environment.
2Minnesota State Parks Mission
- We will work with people to provide a state park
system which preserves and manages Minnesotas
natural, scenic and cultural resources for
present and future generations while providing
appropriate recreational and educational
3Minnesota Statutes State Parks
- MS 86A.05 subd. 2c directs state parks to
- preserve, perpetuate interpret natural
features that existed in the area of the park
prior to settlement. - To also preserve perpetuate other significant
natural, scenic, scientific or historic features
that are present. - To maintain a balance of plant animal life.
- Re-establish desirable plants animals that
were formerly indigenous to the park.
4Minnesota Trails Waterways Mission Statement
- "To create recreation opportunities through a
system of trail and water recreation facilities
that contributes to a sustainable quality of
5Minnesota Statutes Trails Waterways
- MS 86A.05 subd. 4 - State trails shall be
established to provide recreational travel routes
which - connect areas or points of natural, scientific,
cultural, and historic interest. - enhance and utilize the unique qualities of a
particular manner of travel in harmony with the
natural environment - provide maximum potential for the appreciation,
conservation, and enjoyment of significant
scenic, historical, natural, or cultural
qualities - shall be managed to provide a travel route
through an area with a minimum disturbance of the
natural environment.
6Minnesota State Parks Trails
- 67 State Parks
- 6 State Recreation Areas
- 10 State Waysides
- 21 State Trails
- Over 1,100 state trail miles
7Minnesota State Parks Trails provide
homes/habitat for
326 bird species 123 fish species 76 mammal
species 27 reptile species 18 amphibian
species 1000s of invertebrates
8. . . Including over 100 species of State or
Federally Endangered, Threatened or Special
Concern Species such as
Found at gt 830 locations within 60 of the state
park systems 80 units.
9Preserving Perpetuating Wildlife on State Parks
Trails Requires Active Management
- Average of 21 deer hunts conducted annually in
state parks to prevent negative impacts to
natural communities.
3,000 acres of prescribed burning conducted
annually to restore maintain habitat.
Preserve rare species like timber rattlesnakes
through field surveys, habitat improvement,
establishment of restricted areas protect from
10Environmental Interpretation
- Annually more than 1.5 million visitors
- Attend environmental education programs
- Participate in nature walks.
- Go on self-guided nature tours
- Visit State Park Interpretive Centers
11- Outdoor Recreation
- Over 8 million visitors a year to state parks.
- About 1 million overnight visits annually.
- 1.14 million trail use occasions per year.
12Land Protection
- In addition to habitat management, land
protection is critical to helping preserve many
species which utilize state parks and trails. - State parks and trails protect provide examples
of nearly all of Minnesotas distinct ecological
sub-sections (Blufflands, Big Woods, etc). - On average 3 of the state park system is roads,
trails and use areas. Most is natural area
wildlife habitat.
13Trust Fund Future Resource Fund Land Protection
Projects Since 1993
- 14.5 million allocated from Future Resources
Fund and Trust Fund - 5700 acres acquired
- 31 parks benefited
14Parcels Within Crow Wing State Park Acquired By
Trust Fund
- Preserved 2.5 mile corridor along Mississippi
- Acquired 4 parcels totaling over 400 acres
15Benefits of the Crow Wing Acquisitions
- Have increased the amount of protected habitat in
the park by almost 30 - Provides additional habitat for the great variety
of wildlife ( gt 230 species of birds, 59 species
of fish, etc) found in the park. - Augments the exceptional mix of woodlands, oak
savanna and prairie landscape found in Crow Wing
State Park and helps protect Mississippi River
water quality.
Crow Wing State Park left hand bank is part of
recent acquisition.
16Sakatah Singing Hills Trail
- Provides a corridor connecting
- 3 Wildlife Management Areas
- 1 State Park
- 1 Nature Conservancy Preserve
- Several communities
17Eggers Prairie along the Sakatah-Singing Hills
- State Trail corridors preserve natural resources
are managed to restore native plant communities
within the right of way (6,400 rail trail acres),
thereby fostering user awareness and
appreciation. - State Trail corridors connect to other natural
areas, public or private, for the benefit of
18Continuing Acquisition Funding Needs
- LCCMR can help state parks trails protect and
restore critical wildlife habitat, provide
habitat corridors and opportunities for outdoor
recreation and environmental education. - Many parcels within statutory state park
boundaries along state trails are currently for
sale. Acquisition of selected high priority
parcels will preserve protect the natural
resources on these parcels, and allow DNR to
manage the land for enhanced fish, wildlife, and
plant communities.