Title: Minnesota Department of Transportation District 2
1Minnesota Department of TransportationDistrict 2
Headwaters of the Mississippi
Red River Valley
Paul and Babe
2MnDOT District 2 - Staff
- Lynn Eaton District Engineer
- Craig Collison Asst District Engineer
- Project Delivery
- Bill Pirkl Design Engineer
- Consultant Coordinator
- (218) 755-6561
- bill.pirkl_at_dot.state.mn.us
3Project Managersfor Consultant Projects
- Bill Pirkl - Design
- Dean Robertson Design
- Mike Kamnikar Traffic
- Michelle Buller Traffic
- Larry Randall Construction
- Joe McKinnon R/W
4District 2 Consultant Allocation
- FY 08, 09, 10, 11 - 1,000,000 / FY
5Current Consultant Projects
- Contract Administration
- - CPM Schedule Management
- -TH 34 Park Rapids reconstruction
- -2007 2008 Construction
- Planning
- - Access management study
- - TH 197, City of Bemidji
- - Fall 2008 anticipated completion
6Current Consultant Projects
- R/W assistance titles, appraisals, etc.
- Regulated Waste Assessment
- Contaminated Soil Investigations
- Cultural Resource Investigations
- Vibration Analysis Monitoring
7Future Consultant Projects(2008)
- Materials Testing
- Geotechnical Studies
- Slope Failure - City of Crookston
- Foundation Recommendation, Cost Estimate,
Preliminary Design - Fall of 2008 Anticipated Start
8Future Consultant Projects(2008)
- Preliminary Design
- Geometric Layout / Corridor Study
- - USTH 2 West of Bemidji
- - Fall 2008 Anticipated start
9Potential Future Consultant Projects(1-3 Years)
- Preliminary Design ICE Study
- Geometric Layout / Roundabout
- USTH 59 1St SE
- City of Thief River Falls
10Potential Future Consultant Projects(1-3 Years)
- Preliminary Design
- Geometric Layout / Corridor Study
- USTH 71 South of Park Rapids
- Urban section expansion
- Frontage road extension
11Potential Future Consultant Projects(Future
Funding Dependent)
- Preliminary Design
- Geometric Layout / Corridor Study
- MNTH 1 Between Red Lake Redby
- Rural/Urban Area Designations
- Access Management
12Future Trends
- Preliminary Design / Geometric Layout
- R/W Assistance
- Contract Inspection Assistance
- Signal Lighting Design
13Minnesota Department of TransportationDistrict 2
Headwaters of the Mississippi
Red River Valley
Paul and Babe