In China - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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In China


... trade something that would be the same price as the silk or anything that you trade. ... Katie's name is Peng Kang Tan. Cool, isn't it? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: In China

In China
By and
Niña Sabado
Sarah Osborn
Sally Parker
Katie Parker
Dear diary, I am so excited! Tomorrow we will go
to China to learn about its culture, its famous
landmarks and more! I keep my Mandarin
encyclopedia close by, who knows, maybe I will
use it! Katie is coming too! I am SO excited!
I am so excited I cant sleep! Have you ever
had that feeling? I have it ALWAYS! I am always
so excited. Oh well, I wouldnt want to be late
for the bus. Goodnight, diary. Sweet
dreams. Love, Sally Parker P.S. Did you know a
quarter of the worlds population is in China?
Fun fact!
Katie Ruth Parker
Sally Heather Parker
Dear diary, We are now in China. When we were
back at World Intl. School Private Plane, I saw a
long, twisty thing as thick as a pencil. Soon, I
found out it was the Great Wall Of China! No
wonder it was so long! I thought it looked like
the thinnest and longest snake I have ever seen.
It just looks thin and much smaller because we
are up so high! It was super neat! My
11-year-old sister, Sally (Sal) is obsessed with
that dictionary. She memorized common words. She
is always like that whenever we go somewhere. Oh
well. I already miss mom and dad in Los Angeles.
I wonder if they are missing me? Night diary! -
Shhh. Dont disturb me!!!!
sigh thats Sally!
  • Dear diary,
  • Boy, was it HOT! But it was also terribly
    interesting. I bet Mr. Whither used a ton of
    money to buy drinks. Mr. Whither is our tour
    guide. Today, he took us to the Great Wall of
  • Here are the facts I learned about the Great
  • It was made by the Emperor Qin Shi Huang
  • He made it because the Mongolians were attacking
    them. It never did work but it was so long, it
    was famous anyway!
  • How long did it take to complete? 200 years.
  • It was over 6,000 kilometers.
  • They started building it in 700 B.C.
  • It was six horses wide at the top, eight horses
    at the bottom and five men tall
  • Every one hundred yards, they built a watchtower
    to see if enemies are coming.
  • Chinese worked day and night. Workers who
    complained or escaped were buried alive in the
    Great Wall. Eek!
  • The Great Wall is so old, it is starting to rot.
  • --Sally Parker?

Mr. Whither
Dear Diary, After the Great Wall of China, we
went to Beijing, the Forbidden City. Beijing has
over 12 million people and is enormous! The
Forbidden City is around 250 acres big and has
almost 9,000 rooms and 800 buildings! Beijing
was off-limits to ordinary people for more than
500 years. The best craftsmen were chosen to make
Beijing magnificent. 24 Ming and Qin dynasty
emperors lived there aided by 70,000 eunuchs and
9,000 ladies-in-waiting. King Wu was the guy to
declare that Beijing was the capital city in 1057
B.C. This city has gone through a LOT of names.
The names are Ji, Zhongdu and Dadu. Finally,
this new emperor (Cheng Zu) decided on Beijing in
1421. I guess everyone like the name because they
wont change the name anymore. I wouldnt change
my name that much! Beijing is also called Peking
by the Western World before 1949. Beijing City is
43.5m above sea-level. Beijing is about 16,808 sq
km big. It is around 160 km east to west and over
180 km north to south. It has 18 districts and
counties. The population is over 12 million. --
Sally AND Katie Parker
Us The Tying Shoes Girls!! Beware Evildoers We
will be tying our shoes!!!
Our Class (not everyone, though!)
Oh no, Sallys reading in her dictionary again!
Dear Diary, Sally and I have been to the Great
Wall Of China. Now we are going to The Forbidden
City and we are going to find out a few facts,
here are some 1 The Forbidden City was
named after that because the last emperor made it
Forbidden by war. 2 There were more than a
hundred emperors there. 3 The Forbidden City was
all because of war that attacked them. The
emperor was angry, so he made Beijing forbidden.
Katie Parker
The Forbidden City
Sally and I actually miss school!
Dear Diary, We have been to 2 places already! I
feel like I am living here! Well now we are going
on to the silk road. Here are some Fun facts that
I learned! The silk road was made because
people came and traded goods like silk, and food.
It was called the silk road because people
used to trade silk more than other things. You
would have to trade something that would be the
same price as the silk or anything that you
trade. But you cant trade a piece of cloth for a
piece of silk. It would not be an even trade.
The silk road is old now, you cannot trade
anything anymore, because they do not use that
much, so now it is just a place where people
visit and learn about the silk road. The silk
road was also a bad place, because some mad men,
they got angry and got mad at each other and
killed each other! ?Sally Parker
My class is checking out books in the library to
find out information
I was so excited when our teacher, Ms. Mew, said
we would go on a nature hike. We would hike
somewhere in the mountains in the province,
Gansu! We would camp out, then head back to our
apartment-hotel and relax. I am so thrilled!
LATER I am so excited, I can hardly write.
While we hiked, Sally accidentally let go of her
Lucky Bamboo Shoot and she trailed of the trail
after it. Then behind the bushes, she screamed.
We ran after her and saw two black-and-white
Giant Pandas! I knew which was the male because
he was longer, had stronger forelegs and I
estimated that it weighed 10 or 20 more than the
female. It seemed like they saw Sallys bamboo
shoot and wanted to nibble it a bit. They eat
bamboo, shoots and leaves. Their home ranges
average 8.5 square kilometers (3.3 square miles)
for ma les and 4.6 square kilometers (1.8 square
miles) for females. Did you know that the head,
top of the neck and rump are white, while small
patches of fur around the eyes, the ears,
shoulders, front legs, and rear legs are black.
You know, these majestic creatures are dying out
because people destroy bamboos to leave aside
land for villages, etc. Oh, I wish they wont let
these pandas be extinct!
I took a photo of it!!!
Ni Hao! That means hello in Mandarin. Anyway, I
just learned my name in Chinese. Its Peng Xie
Liu. Its really difficult writing the
characters. Did you know Xie means harmony and
Liu is willow tree or pleasure. Katies name is
Peng Kang Tan. Cool, isnt it? If I were a
little kid, my (Chinese) mother would probably
call me Xie-Xie or Liu-Liu. Thats because it
makes it easier for the little kid to remember
his (or her) name. Sally Parker
Peng Xie Liu
This ink was blotchy!!!
Got it from our laptops
Peng Kang Tan
I took a picture of a terracotta warrior.
We went to see the Terracotta Warriors. They were
made because Qin Shi Huang thought he would
receive eternal life and needed protection. In
their heaven, he would need protection. Thats
why he wanted the Royal Pottery Maker Thingy to
make life-sized lumps of clay in the shape of
warriors to protect him. They would come to life
in the Chinese heaven. Whats really cool about
it is that each warrior has a different face and
there are about 6,000 warriors. Wow! Thats a lot
of expressions, baking and molding!!!! The
warriors were dressed and ready for battle. They
would carry spears and other weapons. Each
warrior was dressed in a uniform fit for its
rank. The soldiers uniforms were painted red or
green. They also wore black and brown The paint
was probably chipped off during the course of
time. The colors now are gray, gray oh I forgot
another color a DULL gray. The terracotta
warriors were accidentally discovered by Chinese
peasants while digging a well. I wonder if Ill
discover Atlantis while digging for a plant.
By Katie Parker
Terracotta warriors
We were in a Market . This girl with ebony black
hair bumped into us. Her shopping fell down. We
helped her pick it up. Her name was Ao Kong Ning
(english name Kina Anihc). We helped her pick us
the stuff she dropped. She spoke perfect english.
She invited us to her house to stay overnight.
Wow! Our first sleep-over in China! LATER Kina
told us a bunch of stuff from Ancient China. You
know, most of the people of ancient China were
peasant farmers who grew crops on small plots of
land. Every member of the family helped grow and
harvest the crops. Farmers supplied food to the
army and to people in the city. Farmers grew the
things according to where they live. Farmers in
the north grew wheat, millet and barley. Farmers
way in the south grew rice to eat. Because there
were few farm animals to provide manure for
fertilizer, human excrement (poop) was used
instead. The human poop was collected daily from
villages and taken in carts and wheelbarrows to
the fields. I bet they used spatulas to flip it
on the carts and wheelbarrows. Oh so
DISGUSTING!!! Its so gross. Anyway, We slept,
said goodbye and wnet back to the hotel. We made
a friend in China . By, You-Know-Who, Sally Parker
So, Sally and Katie went back to Los Angeles.
They Learned LOADS of stuff about China. They
really liked, no LOVED China. SO, Theyre sorry
to Say

"Its finally, The End!!!!!"
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