Title: Using Asterisk to Implement Intelligent Call Center Solutions
1 Using Asterisk to Implement Intelligent Call
Center Solutions
James Kleckner AMTELCO
2Introducing AMTELCO
3What Are Intelligent Call Center Solutions?
Intelligent Call Center Solutions are software
solutions that simplify, streamline, and enhance
the ACD capabilities of the SIP-enabled Asterisk
switch for Call Center Agent Desktops.
4What Can Intelligent Call Center Solutions Do?
- Soft Call Center Agent
- Soft Intelligent Console
- Local and Remote Agents
- Multiple Call Handling
- Perfect Answer
- Software Based Call Logging
- On-Call Appointment Schedules
- Call Flow and Message Scripting
- Contact Dispatching
- Paging, Email, SMS
- Monitoring and Reporting
- Enterprise Web Applications
- All through a single, unified interface
5Call Center Solutions - Intelligent Soft Agent
The AMTELCO Intelligent Soft Agent is a
software-based solution that adds a Soft Call
Center Agent Desktop, Scripting, and
Applications to the SIP-enabled Asterisk switch.
6Call Center Solutions - Asterisk Setup
- Intelligent agent configuration employs the
Asterisk call queues to distribute incoming calls
to the desktop agents. - Asterisk macros are used to control call
routing and present the appropriate call handling
scripts for incoming calls.
7Call Center Solutions - Asterisk Setup Macros
Amtelco-SetDNID Macro macro-Amtelco-SetDNID
This macro will set a custom SIP header to
transfer incoming DNIS to Amtelco 1Call Agent
For this function to be successful, the
Amtelco-PrepareDNID macro has to be called on an
incoming call. All this is necessary because
the DNIS received from telco gets lost after call
is queued and transferred to an agent. exten
gt s,1,Verbose(1Amtelco Set DNID) exten gt
Amtelco-PrepareDNID Macro macro-Amtelco-PrepareDN
ID ARG1 DNIS, which will most likely be the
EXTEN from calling context this macro must be
called on an incoming call. This macro will
copy the incoming DNIS to a channel variable so
it will be available later for screen-pop.
This macro will most likely be paired with the
Amtelco-SetDNID, which will set appropriate
custom SIP header. exten gt s,1,Verbose(1Amtelco
Prepare DNID) exten gt s,n,Set(__AMTELCO_DNIDA
8Streamlining Call Flows with Intelligent
Solutions Customization UI
- A clear, easy to use UI provides the ability
for end users to manage and utilize all functions
of the Asterisk ACD. - Toolbars and shortcut keys can allow instant
and simplified access to ACD and database
9Streamlining Call Flows with Intelligent
Solutions Perfect Answer
- Call lines display ANI ANI name, and provide
operators with the ability to easily utilize
Asterisks multiple call handling features. - Dynamic answer phrases allow for the creation
of both text and recorded operator greetings that
can be fully customized by client, time of day,
operator, or ACD group.
10Streamlining Call Flows with Intelligent
Solutions AMTELCO Sandbox
- Intelligent searching evaluates queries and
presents appropriate call and message actions,
enabling quick completion of common call flows. - Intuitive and straightforward user interfaces
reduce the time and cost of operator training.
11Intelligent Soft Agent Custom Call and Message
- Intelligent scripting can create customized
branching that guides operators seamlessly
through simple and complex call flows and message
tickets. - Input, drop down, and selection boxes of all
types can be automatically populated based on
data obtained earlier in the call. - Real-time error checking and validation
provides automated quality control throughout the
call center.
12Intelligent Soft Agent Contact Based Dispatching
- Intelligent Dispatching enables operators to
easily pass messages to end-users via phone, TAP
and digital paging, email, fax, SMS. - Dispatch automation ensures that messages get
delivered promptly, correctly, and via the
desired method of contact for each end-user.
13Database and Directory Integration
- Intelligent call center applications enhance ACD
functionality through database and directory
integration - Simultaneous Multiple Database Searching
- LDAP Synchronization
14Enterprise-Wide Intelligent Solutions
- Intelligent, lightweight desktop clients can
extend the capabilities and functionalities of
the Asterisk ACD throughout entire organizations. - Unified directories and Active Directory
synchronization via the LDAP protocol create a
single data repository for call processing,
contact management, and enterprise reports.
15Intelligent On-Call and Appointment Scheduling
- Scheduling tools save time and reduce errors by
providing structure and automation to an often
complex set of processes. - Integration of scheduling and scripting tools
allow for intelligent dispatching to the
appropriate people via their desired methods of
contact, without the need for time-consuming and
error-prone manual lookups.
16Web-Enabling Intelligent Solutions
- Browser-based directory and dispatching tools
provide end-users with the ability to
communicate throughout the organization without
needing to involve operators for every call,
message, and schedule change.
17Integrating Call Logging Recordings
- SIP-based call logging provides a powerful tool
for call auditing, administrative tracking, and - operator training.
18Integrating Auditing and Reporting
- Report creation tools allow developers and call
centers to customize reports and audits by
combining, evaluating, and displaying call
statistics and information in any manner desired. - Event-driven call statistics provide call
center managers with all of the necessary data
for labor resource management.
20THANK YOU!James KlecknerProduct
838-4197 x196