Microprocessors - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Removed features inhibiting high performance. We will look at the R2000 here ... ANDI And immediate. ORI Or immediate. XORI Exclusive or immediate ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Microprocessors

  • The MIPS Architecture
  • (User Level Instruction Set)
  • Mar 21st, 2002

Generations of MIPS
  • Original architecture R2000
  • Later version R3000-R10000
  • Added instructions
  • Moved from 32-bit to 64-bit
  • Doubled number of fpt registers
  • Removed some restrictions
  • Removed features inhibiting high performance
  • We will look at the R2000 here

Overall Characteristics
  • Byte Addressed Memory
  • 32-bits 4 gigabytes max memory
  • Configurable on reset to big/little-endian
  • Normally run in big-endian mode
  • Registers
  • 32 x 32 integer registers
  • Multiply/divide registers HI/LO (32 bits)
  • Program Counter 32 bits

More on Registers
  • Register 0 is special
  • Reads as zero bits
  • Discards any write attempts
  • Registers 31 is special
  • It is the link register for CALL instruction

More on Memory
  • In user mode, 2 gigs addressable
  • Positive addresses from 0 to 7FFF_FFFF
  • Memory is mapped and cached
  • In system mode
  • User memory mapped and cached as above
  • 8000_0000 9FFF_FFFF (cached only, maps to first
    0.5 gig of physical memory)
  • A000_0000 BFFF_FFFF (not cached, maps to first
    0.5 gig of physical memory)
  • C000_0000 FFFF_FFFF (mapped and cached)

Instruction Execution
  • Uses 5-stage pipeline
  • IF instruction fetch
  • RD decode and read register values
  • ALU perform required operation
  • MEM access memory
  • WB write back results to registers
  • One clock per pipe line stage

Pipeline Configuration
  • R2000 Instruction Pipeline
  • One instruction enters pipeline on each clock

Interface to Memory
  • External Cache memory
  • First chip with large cache memory
  • Separate cache for memory and instructions
  • Allows fetching instruction and data in same
  • Write Buffer
  • All data is written to write buffer
  • Reads go through write buffer
  • To ensure serial consistency

Instruction Formats (One Slide!)
  • All instructions are 32 bits
  • I-type (Immediate)
  • op rs rt immediate 6 5 5 16
  • J-type (Jump)
  • op target 6 26
  • R-type (Register)
  • op rs rt rd shamt funct 6 5 5 5 5 6

I-Type Instruction
  • I-type (Immediate)
  • op rs rt immediate 6 5 5 16
  • The opcode is always first 6 bits
  • The rs field is source register
  • The rt field is target register
  • The immediate field is a 16-bit signed val
  • Used for reg instructs rt rs op immed
  • Used for load/stores rt is register
    loaded/storedAddress for load store is rs (base)
  • Used for conditional jump instructions rs, rt
    areregisters tested, immediate is a 16-bit
    signed offset

More on Load/Stores
  • Addressing modes are
  • Immediate (first 32K of memory, really useful
    only for operating system), base 0
  • Register indirect. Base is the register, offset
    is set to zero.
  • Registeroffset. Base is the register, offset
    gives a /- 32K offset from this register

J-Type Instruction
  • J-type (Jump)
  • op target 6 26
  • The opcode is always first 6 bits
  • Target is 28 bit address (last 2 bits zero)
  • Used for unconditional jumps/calls
  • Can only address 256 megabytes
  • Upper 4 bits of PC is unchanged

R-Type Instruction
  • R-type (Register)
  • op rs rt rd shamt funct 6 5 5 5 5 6
  • Opcode is always first 6 bits
  • Typical use is rd ? rs (op) rt
  • (op) is determined by opfunct fields
  • shamt is shift amount for shift instructions

The Instruction Set
  • The following slides cover the entire user level
    instruction set of the MIPS R2000
  • Contrast this with the extensive instruction set
    of CISC chips (or modern RISC chips!)

Load Instructions
  • LB - Load byte, sign extended
  • LBU Load byte, zero extended
  • LH Load halfword, sign extended
  • LHU Load halfword, zero extended
  • LW Load word
  • LWL Load word left
  • LWR Load word right

Notes on Sign/Zero Extension
  • Sign extend means copy sign bits
  • For example, for LB, if memory has FE (-2) then
    32-bit register will have FFFF_FFFE (which is
    also -2)
  • Zero extend means supply zero bits
  • For example, for LB, if memory has FE (-2 or 254
    depending on how you look at it), register wil
    have 0000_00FE (254)

Notes on Load Left/Right
  • Memory references must be aligned
  • Load Left/Load Right allow a non-aligned word to
    be loaded in two separate instructions
  • Load left loads left bytes of register
  • Load right loads right bytes of register

Load Delay Slot
  • Instruction immediately after a load cannot
    reference the loaded register
  • If it does reference it, then result is
  • Idea is that if data is in cache, then no need to
    delay or interlock (1 clock is enough time to get
    the data)
  • If data is not in cache, pipeline will stall

Store Instructions
  • SB Store byte
  • SH Store halfword
  • SW Store word
  • SWL Store word left
  • SWR Store word right
  • SWL/SWR allow storing of non-aligned word in two

Computational Immediate
  • ADDI Add immediate
  • ADDIU Add immediate unsigned
  • SLTI Set on less than immediate
  • SLTIU Set on less than immediate (uns)
  • ANDI And immediate
  • ORI Or immediate
  • XORI Exclusive or immediate
  • LUI Load upper immediate

Note on Set Instructions
  • For the set instructions
  • A comparison is done (signed or unsigned) on the
    two source values (register and immediate, or
  • The result register has 0 or 1 depending on
    whether the less than condition is false or true
    (same values as used by C language)

Note on Load Upper Immediate
  • LUI Load Upper Immediate
  • The immediate value is loaded into the upper 16
    bits of the target register, lower 16 bits are
    set to zero.
  • Use with following ORI to set full 32-bit
    immediate value (e.g. an address).

Note on signed/unsigned add
  • For add/subtract instructions
  • Signed instructions trap on signed overflow
  • Unsigned instructions do not trap
  • Result is same (in the absence of trap)
  • 2s complement used for signed values

Computational Reg/Reg
  • ADD Add registers
  • ADDU Add registers unsigned
  • SUB Subtract registers
  • SUBU Subtract registers unsigned
  • SLT Set on registers less than
  • SLTU Set on registers less than unsigned
  • AND Logical and registers
  • OR Logical or registers
  • XOR Logical exclusive or registers
  • NOR Logical nor registers

Shift Instructions (fixed count)
  • Here rt is input, rd is output, shamt is shift
    count in bits
  • SLL Shift left logical (zero fill)
  • SRL Shift right logical (zero fill)
  • SRA Shift right arithmetic (sign bit fill)
  • Note this not quite an ordinary divide, since -5
    shifted right one bit gives -3, not -2

Shift Instructions (variable count)
  • For these instructions, rt is input register, rd
    is output register, low 5 bits of rs is shift
  • SLLV Shift left logical variable
  • SRLV Shift right logical variable
  • SRAV Shift right arithmetic variable

Multiply/Divide Instructions
  • For these, input is in rs,rt, result in HI/LO
  • MULT Signed multiply
  • MULTU Unsigned multiply
  • For these, rs is dividend, rs is divisorLO gets
    quotient, HI gets remainder
  • DIV Signed divide
  • DIVU unsigned divide

Accessing HI/LO registers
  • MFHI Move from HI to rd
  • MFLO Move from LO to rd
  • MTHI Move from rd to HI
  • MTLO Move from rd to LO
  • Note for the move from instructions, there is an
    interlock to wait for completion of the
    (relatively long) divide/multiply

Jump Instructions
  • J Unconditional jump (26 bit target)
  • JAL Jump and link (26 bit target, R31 set to
    instruction address 8)
  • JR Jump Register (target is in rs)
  • JALR Jump and link register (target in rs, rd
    set to instruction address 8)

Branch Instructions
  • All these instructions use rs/rt as input
    instructions and the target is in offset
  • BEQ Branch on Equal, branch if rs rt
  • BNE Branch on Not Equal, branch if rs / rt
  • BLEZ Branch on LE zero, branch if rs lt 0
  • BGTZ Branch on GT zero, branch if rs gt 0
  • BLTZ Branch on LT zero, branch if rs lt 0
  • BGEZ Branch on GE zero, branch if rs gt 0
  • BLTZAL Branch and link on LT zero
  • BGEZAL Branch and link on GE zero
  • Note last two instructions set 31 to instruc 8

Jump/Branch Delay Slots
  • All jumps and branches have a delay slot
  • This slot is unconditional
  • The instruction in the delay slot is executed
    logically before the jump
  • Jump cannot depend on value from instruction in
    delay slot
  • This is why link register set to instruction 8,
    since that is the return point

Special Instructions
  • Initiates system call trap
  • Parameters passed in registers (like Int 21 in
    DOS on the ia32)
  • Transfers control to system exception handler
  • Initiates breakpoint trap
  • Transfers control to system exception handler

Thats All Folks!
  • This is slide 33
  • And we have done the ENTIRE MIPS user level
    instruction set without any omissions
  • Well we left out floating-point, but technically
    that is the coprocessor, not the MIPS processor
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