... g. Gnutella, KaZaA) and structured networks .. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... g. Gnutella, KaZaA) and structured networks ..


... g. Gnutella, KaZaA) and structured networks ... Examples: Gnutella, KaZaA ... or 'ultrapeers' as in KaZaA and Gnutella v0.6) as it is vulnerable in attacks ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: ... g. Gnutella, KaZaA) and structured networks ..

Phenix Supporting Resilient Low-Diameter
Peer-to-Peer TopologiesRita H. Wouhaybi, and
Andrew T. Campbell
  • Antonis Papadogiannakis

  • Introduction
  • Phenix Algorithm Description
  • Simulation and Evaluation
  • Experimental Results
  • Conclusion

  • P2P networks are mainly unstructured with no
    specific topology
  • Resilient networks their performance does not
    affect from network dynamics (nodes joining and
    leaving, node failure and network attacks)
  • Low diameter networks low average distance
    between nodes, good performance, fast response
  • Diameter average shortest path between two nodes
  • There are two classes of P2P networks
    unstructured networks with better resilience
    (e.g. Gnutella, KaZaA) and structured networks
    with better performance (e.g. Chord, CAN)

Unstructured VS Structured networks
Phenix A P2P Algorithm
  • Neither structured nor unstructured networks
    offer both good performance and resilience
  • Phenix algorithm constructs low-diameter
    resilient topologies so it offers both
    performance and resiliency
  • Does not impose structure but it create some
    order instead of total randomness
  • Low diameter by creating topology of nodes whose
    degree distribution follows a power-law
  • Phenix algorithm is fully distributed and does
    not require any central server
  • Even in targeted attacks Phenix preserves low
    diameter by efficiently rearrange the nodes
    connectivity with low cost

Main Design Goals of Phenix
  • To construct low-diameter graphs for fast
    response times and small number of hops between
  • To maintain low-diameter topologies under
    conditions where nodes join/leave the network and
    under malicious conditions where nodes attacked
    and removed from network
  • To implement the algorithm fully distributed
    without the need of any central server (also
    without supernodes or ultrapeers as in KaZaA
    and Gnutella v0.6) as it is vulnerable in attacks
    and malicious nodes
  • To support the peer connectivity generally so a
    wide variety of applications can use this network

Phenix Algorithm Description
  • Outline
  • Power-Law Properties
  • Phenix Algorithm design
  • Network resiliency
  • Preferential Nodes

Power-Law Properties (1/2)
  • Power-law (or scale-free) networks their degree
    distribution follows a power law, p(K)K-? ,
    where Kdegree, p(K)the number of nodes with
    degree K and ? is the exponent, in most
    networks it tends to be close to 2
  • This means that in power-law networks many nodes
    have low degree and few nodes have a very high
  • These high connected nodes act as hubs for the
    rest nodes
  • In Phenix nodes with degree higher than the
    average emerge as preferred nodes
  • Every new node that joins the network wants to
    connect to a preferred node (with high degree)
    for better visibility
  • This approach guarantees power-law for degree

Power-Law Properties (2/2)
  • Power-law networks have a low diameter and they
    can grow while maintaining a low diameter
  • Large diameters cause more network traffic or
    degraded performance if lower radius search is
    chosen (tradeoff)
  • Phenix constructs P2P topologies that follows a
    power-law for its node degree distribution and
    leads to low diameter

Phenix Algorithm Design (1/2)
  • Algorithm for node i joins the network
  • connect_to_network(i)
  • obtain Ghost,i from host cache server
  • divide Ghost,i into Grandom,i and Gfriends,i
  • let s be the size of Gfriends,i
  • Gcandidates,i Ø
  • for (x0 xlts x)
  • send M0 where M0ltsourcei,
    destGfriends,ix, typeping, TTL1, hops0gt
  • Gcandidates,i Gcandidates,i U Gneighborsx
    x sends a pong to i with its neighbors
  • Gfriends,ix sends a M1 ping message to its
    neighbors with sourcei, hops1 and TTL0 and
    each neighbor j adds i to a Gj list for a period
    of time t
  • Gpreferred,i g1, g2, , gp sorted(
    Gcandidates,i ) sort by appearance frequency
  • create connection with all nodes in Gi
    Grandom,i U Gpreferred,i

Phenix Algorithm Design (2/2)
  • for (every m that belongs in Gpreferred,i)
  • if (i belongs in Gm) cm
  • if (cm?) creates backward connection
  • cm cm - ?
  • Gbackward,mGbackward,m U i at most
    din,m/? backward connections
  • Gpreferred,i Gpreferred,i m
  • Ghighly_preferred,i Ghighly_preferred,i m
  • list of neighbors Gi Grandom,i,
    Gpreferred,i, Ghighly_preferred,i, Gbackward,i
  • Example

Network Resiliency
  • Power-law networks often collapse under targeted
    attacks in nodes with high degrees (network
  • Guidelines for resiliency
  • Hide the identity of high connected nodes
  • Node maintenance, rearrange connections under
  • Assume that attacker can force a node to drop out
    of network (e.g. DOS attack) when it knows the
    nodes IP
  • Goal of resilience in Phenix is a network graph
    close to a strongly connected graph as possible

Hiding Node Identities
  • Three mechanisms for limiting the knowledge of a
    malicious user for the network connections graph
  • When a node i sends a ping message M0 the
    receiver sends a M1 ping message to neighbors and
    they add i to their Lj list (black list) for a
    period of time. If i sends ping again (crawling
    capture graph state) it will be in the list and
    no pong will be sent back. This will slow the
    crawl progress
  • Discard any ping message with TTL greater than 1
  • Backward connections are not included in pong
    messages in order to protect possible
    preferential status for this node. Only the
    subset Goutside_worldGrandom, Gpreferred,
    Ghighly_preferred is included

Node Maintenance Mechanism (1/3)
  • A state probing mechanism for node failure or
    attack cases
  • The number of neighbors of a node i (hi) is
    hi hir hip hib , where hir,
    hip, hib represent random, preferential (standard
    and highly) and backward neighbors
  • If hir hip lt threshold, node i runs a
    maintenance procedure
  • If a node leaves gracefully it informs neighbors
    but if it leaves forcefully a neighbor node can
    be informed only through probing
  • Probing message M2ltsourcei, typeping, TTL0,
    hops0gt is send to all neighbors by a node i
    waiting for response in a timeout if neighbor is

Node Maintenance Mechanism (2/3)
  • Number of neighbors before node maintenance is
    where dri(tn), dpi(tn), dbi(tn) are the
    number of random, preferential and backward
    neighbors lost since the last node maintenance
  • After the node maintenance we will have
  • where uri(tn), upi(tn) are the numbers of new
    nodes added randomly and preferentially
  • Ratio of preferential and random neighbors for a
    node i where ai(t0)1

Node Maintenance Mechanism (3/3)
  • The updates on neighbors is performed as below
  • where is the average number of
    preferential nodes dropped out over the last l
    cycles and µp is the expected value of neighbors
    disappeared in 1 cycle
  • The final number of neighbors is

Preferential Nodes (1/2)
  • Phenix encourages the use of nodes with higher
    degree than the average (preferred nodes)
  • If µ is the average number of neighbors a new
    node will connect to µ/2 nodes from Grandom,i and
    to µ/2 nodes from Gcandidates,i that appears most
    (Gpreferred,i) since ai(t0)1
  • The probability that a node appears at least
    twice (preferred node) is
  • where mµ/2 and N the number of nodes in the
  • Since µ/Nlt1 it follows

Preferential Nodes (2/2)
  • Probability that a preferred node appears (a node
    that appears at least twice in candidates list)
    versus the average number of neighbors for
    different values of N (number of nodes in the
    initial network)

Simulation and Evaluation
  • Results from implementation of Phenix algorithm
    in a simulation environment based on Java
  • Power-Law Analysis
  • Attack Analysis

Power-Law Analysis
  • Degree distribution for a network with 1,000
    nodes and for a network with 100,000 nodes on a
    log-log scale shows the emerging of power-law in
    Phenix system

Attack Analysis (1/2)
  • Three different types of attacks
  • Modest attack a user that acquires host cache
    information and candidates list like a normal
    user and then attacks to the nodes that appears
    most, removing them from the network
  • Group Type I attack add a number of nodes to
    network that only point to each other for
    increasing the possibility to emerge as preferred
    nodes and then create anomalies and suddenly
    disconnect all at the same time for partitioning
    the network
  • Group Type II attack add a number of nodes to
    network that behaves like normal nodes and then
    create anomalies and suddenly disconnect all at
    the same time for partitioning the network
  • Last two attacks are possible as network is open
    without any authentication or authorization

Attack Analysis (2/2)
  • Simulations in network with 2000 nodes (starting
    with 20), each node chooses a number of neighbors
    between 5 and 8
  • Metric percentage of unique reachable nodes in
    the network vs. the number of hops (TTL)
  • Comparison between a random network (Gnutella
    v0.6) and Phenix network under attack

Modest Attach Analysis
Group Attack Analysis
Type I Attack Analysis
Type II Attack Analysis
Attack Analysis in Different Networks
  • Same simulations for hybrid attacks in network of
    20,000 nodes and 2,000 nodes
  • TTL increment does not improve reachability after
    a value

Giant Component
  • Giant component the largest portion of network
    that remains strongly connected under attacks
  • Metric percentage of nodes in giant component
    vs. percentage of malicious users (group attack)

Alpha behavior
  • a parameter contributes in creating highly
    connected nodes when it decreases, so it helps
    for fast recovery
  • Simulation with hybrid attack 10 Group Type I
    and 20 Group Type II, a behavior studied

Experimental Results
  • Phenix implementation in a real Internet-wide
    environment on the PlanetLab testbed
  • Experiments in 81 PlanetLab nodes
  • Implementation
  • Degree Distribution Experiments
  • Targeted Attacks Experiments

  • Modifying the JTella API, based on Gnutella v0.6,
    for Phenix needs (instead of Gnutellas random
  • Each node consists of two layers
  • First layer implements Phenix algorithm and
    consists of two types of connections, one that
    waits incoming connections from other nodes and
    sends/receives ping messages and an other for
    Phenix outgoing connections
  • Second layer is used for experimental purposes,
    for monitoring connections and controls the node
    (join/remove to the network)

Degree Distribution Experiments
  • Network started with 10 nodes connected randomly
    and every new node get a list of 4 nodes. min3
    and max4 as bounds for neighbors (out-degree)
  • Out-degree (number of neighbors) distribution

Targeted Attacks Experiments
  • Three of the nodes with high degree (with 5, 10
    and 18 connections) removed from the system, and
    the time for recovery using node maintenance was
  • Results gives a fast recovery (for most nodes
    less than a sec) and new (final) network consists
    of four new highly connected nodes ensuring

Conclusion (1/2)
  • Phenix designed fully distributed in order to
    create low-diameter and resilient P2P topologies
  • Phenix supports high performance in terms of
    low-diameter and fast response times, is robust
    to attacks and resilient to network dynamics
    (joins/leaves, failures, attacks)
  • Rise in number of security attacks makes the need
    for resilient networks (with also good
    performance) necessary
  • In simulations section node maintenance didnt
    consider. Using the mechanism of node maintenance
    the network can recover from group attacks with
    90 malicious nodes
  • Phenix seems to have very good response to
    attacks that assumed in this paper
  • Sophisticated attacks used in the paper for
    simulations, but there are also many other attacks

Conclusion (2/2)
  • Much future work
  • Authentication or authorization for extra
  • Sharing the black lists with higher layer
  • It is not possible for any node to handle any
    traffic, so many nodes would refuse to be highly
  • Choosing the neighbors geographically, using
    response times
  • More extensive experiments in larger scale
  • Phenix only constructs effective topologies for
    P2P networks. There is no proposal for other
    operations of Phenix P2P system, e.g. any smart
    query technique for searching in these topologies
  • The experiments done in this work (using 81
    nodes) was in a small scale for real P2P systems
    (with thousands nodes)

  • Thanks for listening
  • Merry Christmas and happy 2005!
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