Title: Moor House School Topic Web
13O Topic Web Autumn 2009
English Class text Krindlekrax Philip
Ruskin Sentence Level Comprehension/ Grammar/
Punctuation Word Level Spelling (inc. THRASS /
Use of ACE dictionary)
Geography Weather Climate
Lifeskills / P.S.H.E The School Community
Learning about Ourselves
Science Atoms and elements, compounds and
mixtures, rocks and weathering, the rock cycle.
I.C.T. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher.
Drama Moral tales e.g. Aesops Fables.
Maths Maths at Key Stage 3 is grouped. All
groups will, throughout the year, do work within
the three main areas of Number, Shape and Space,
and Data Handling. Higher ability students will
be working towards targets as defined in the
National Curriculum with a view to preparing for
National Assessment Tests and then Entry Level or
GCSE. Lower ability students will also be
working towards targets as defined in the
National Curriculum, but with more of a view
towards gaining practical numeracy skills for use
in everyday life.
R.E. Christianity
D.T. / Food Tech. Mirrors and Mazes Soups,
chopping and cutting. Weighing, measuring and
Art The Natural World
History What is history?
P.E. and Games Trampoline and Circuit Training
Music Harvest hymns Instrument families Descriptiv
e sounds