Title: Hiring, Training, Managing and Keeping a Team
1Hiring, Training, Managing and Keeping a Team
- Karen M. Videtic
- Associate Professor
- Virginia Commonwealth University
2What makes a good manager?
- Theory of Expectations
- Yours do you get what you expect!?
- Employees what do they want?
- Contemporary issues for management
- Diversity gender
- Multiple lifestyles changing values
- Today's skills
- Empowerment
- Participative decision making
- Team building
- Vision for the future
3Contemporary Challenges
- Employee expectations
- Legal issues
- Discrimination
- Interview process
- References
- Cost of benefits, turnover, unemployment
insurance - Need for more savvy employees with product
knowledge. - Ethics
- Understanding why people work.
4Teams Whats the big deal?
- A team shares information and makes decisions to
reach a desired goal or outcome. - A good team
- Improves quality service
- Provides greater flexibility
- Manages problems faster and with more success
- Engages employees hence improving satisfaction
and retention. - Has the ability to shift leadership and roles.
5Think of Teams Like Geese
- Work together
- Share leadership crossed trained
- Same goals
- Assist when needed
6What makes a great team?
- Openness candor
- Leadership that doesnt dominate
- Decisions by consensus
- Acceptance of assignments
- Understood accepted goals
- Assessment of progress results
- Comfortable atmosphere
- Involvement participation
- Debate discussion of issues
- Members listen to each other
- Common access to information
- Win-Win approach to conflict
- Relatively low turnover
7Understanding Team Formation
- Forming, Storming, Norming Performing Stages
- Cohesiveness motivation to stay work together
- Leadership informal formal
- Groups vs. teams
- Real teams share common goals and consistently
have high performance.
8Hiring the right people for your team.
- Team develops a job description
- Responsibilities
- Activities
- Team determines qualifications for the position
- Knowledge
- Skills
- Education
- Compose interview questions based on the job
description and qualifications. - The entire team should be involved in the
interview process.
9What you can and cant ask.
- Yes
- Employment history
- Education
- Skills
- Interests
- Personal characteristics
- Why they want to work for you?
- NO!
- Do you have children or plan to have children
- Age
- Disabilities
- Physical Characteristics
- Maiden name
- Lawsuits
- Arrest record
- Smoking
10Training formal vs. informal
- Training is key to employee success.
- Use the job description resume to develop a
training plan to fill in the gaps. - Role model behaviors with best employee for
each skill or knowledge. - Product knowledge sales.
- Evaluate performance often to see where more
training is needed. - Cross training improves team performance.
11Motivating Employees
- Create a work environment where people want to do
their best work - Rewards
- Ownership empowerment
- Acknowledgment
- Challenging work
- Provide the tools
12I cant get better unless you tell me whats
wrong performance appraisals.
- Performance appraisals provide
- Exchange of information
- Records
- Check points did we reach our goals
- Expectations
- Opportunity to determine training
- Basis for raises promotions terminations.
- Use job descriptions as an evaluation tool.
- 360 degree evaluations
- Team should be part of the evaluation process
- Separate raises from performance appraisals.
13Dismissing, Firingletting people go???
- Team often acts as a gate keeper.
- Use of progressive discipline
- Hot stove principle 1st time its warm but it
gets hotter, everyone, every time, - Steps
- Verbal warning
- Written warning
- Suspension
- Dismissal
- Can you make it win-win?
14Team Challenges
- Poorly defined goals or direction
- Infighting
- Shirking responsibility
- Lack of trust
- Critical differential of skills or skill gap
- Lack of support
15Thank you.