Title: MGT 459 Negotiation
1MGT 459 - Negotiation
2Think About It
- Whenever two good people argue over principles,
they are both right. - Marie Ebner Von
Eschenbach - My father said, You must never try to make all
the money thats in a deal. Let the other fellow
make some money too, because if you have a
reputation for always making all the money, you
wont have many deals. J. Paul Getty
3A Win-Win Negotiation is Not
- Compromise
- Win-win is not how the pie is divided, its how
the pie is enlarged - Even split
- Feeling good
- Building a relationship
- Often those with the most interest in the
relationship fail to reach integrative agreements
Source Adapted from Thompson, The Mind and Heart
of the Negotiator, 2005
4Integrative Agreements
- All creative opportunities are exploited
- No resources are left on the table
- Also known as win-win deals
Source Adapted from Thompson, The Mind and Heart
of the Negotiator, 2005
5Signs of Integrative Potential
- The negotiation contains more than one issue, or
other issues can be brought in - Single-issue negotiations cannot be win-win
- Almost always possible to identify other issues
- Side deals can be made
- May increase the size of the bargaining pie
- Parties have different preferences
- Satisfy most important issues, concede on least
important issues
Source Adapted from Thompson, The Mind and Heart
of the Negotiator, 2005
6Common Barriers to Pie Expanding
- False conflict (illusory conflict)
- Lose-lose effect on compatible issues
- Premature concessions
- Fixed-pie perception
- Repeated in text multiple times because until it
is overcome, win-win is nearly impossible
Source Adapted from Thompson, The Mind and Heart
of the Negotiator, 2005
7Ineffective Pie-Expanding Strategies
- Commitment to reaching a win-win deal
- Compromise
- Adopting a cooperative orientation
- Taking extra time to negotiate
Source Adapted from Thompson, The Mind and Heart
of the Negotiator, 2005
8Effective Pie-Expanding Strategies
- Build trust and share information
- Transparency is an illusion
- Ask diagnostic questions
- Make package deals, not single-issue offers
Source Adapted from Thompson, The Mind and Heart
of the Negotiator, 2005
9Effective Pie-Expanding Strategies
- Make multiple offers simultaneously
- Multiple-issue offers
- Offers of equal value to you
- Presented at the same time
- Multiple offers allow more favorable anchoring,
elicit more information, and help overcome
concession aversion
Source Adapted from Thompson, The Mind and Heart
of the Negotiator, 2005
10Effective Pie-Expanding Strategies
- Structure contingency contracts by capitalizing
on differences - Should not create conflicts of interest
- Should be enforceable
- Should be clear, measurable and readily evaluated
- Require continued interaction
- Create pre-settlement and post-settlement
Source Adapted from Thompson, The Mind and Heart
of the Negotiator, 2005