Title: INCOGEN 2003 Overview and Look Ahead
1Enhancement of Sensitivity and Resolution of
SELDI-TOF MS records
ENAR 03/05
WM, INCOGEN, EVMS Collaboration
Hardware Issues
Performance Enhancement Tools
2SELDI Profiling Sources of Error
source and detector related DSij,
Dj (DM/z)
3Typical VIBE-MS Analysis Pipeline
4Enhancing Data Quality
- characterizing uncertainties
- Relevance (protein?) noise vs. signal
characteristics - Location (Dj?) alignment, deconvolution
- Intensity (DSij?) baseline, resampling,
5Comprehensive Data Survey
6Hardware Settings
7SELDI Surface Evolution
- Acquisition
- requires
- optimization
- TOF to M/z
- calibration
- may vary
- Process
- individual
- shots
8Overload Baseline
- Length is proportional to the number of overload
points - Single shot correction only
9Charge Accumulation Baseline
- Baseline is predictable
- from 3-parameter
- RC-modeling
- (Clin.Chem. 2005, 51 65-74)
- Single shot or average
10Peak Alignment Between Spots
QC record
- Detect shifts in time
- Align in time
Time point
11TOF-Jitter Within Spot
- TOF and intensity varies
- due to surface roughness
DTOF 2 ns/mm (2 mm/dwell period) /-10 mm ?
/-5 time points
12Subposition De-Jittering
- Correct by subposition de-jittering during
acquisition - Gain resolution (even from only 12 subpositions)
13Deconvolution With Shaping Filter
14SELDI vs. Isotopic Resolution
- Instrumental st const (lt 12 kDa) in time
- Isotopic st 2 time points (2-70 kDa)
15Effect of Resampling on TOF Signal
- For all peaks
- st const(t)
- Enhanced
- sensitivity
- for heavy ions
16Single Shot Noise Characteristics
- 8-bit ADC
- (max SNR 30)
- 2-point clock
- feed in FFT
- (high power)
- 2-channel
- differential
- amplifier
- (colored noise)
17Average Noise and Resampling
- Gaussian noise
- variance is
- increased
- 200-shot average
- variance is
- preserved
18Broad Range Deconvolution
- Know hardware to design data processing
- - Baseline models
- - Dejittering and alignment
- - Resampling and deconvolution
- Report uncertainties for data matrix
- Comprehensive data analysis with VIBE-MS
This work was supported by Virginias
Commonwealth Research Technology Fund IN2003-04,
and Phase II SBIR grant from the National Cancer
Institute CA101479 We thank our collaborators
and coauthors from EVMS, WM and INCOGEN for
assistance with acquisition and analysis of
calibration data for SELDI PBSII instrument We
are grateful to Dr. Stacy Moore and Dr. Scott
Weinberger from Ciphergen, Inc. for their help in
clarifying instrumental specifications and