Title: International Folklore
1Move over Cinderella! Make way for Paul Bunyan
and company! Folktales Tall-talesNola Huey,
Youth Services LibrarianGreat Falls Public
3Folklore grows from long-ago seeds
Source North American Folklore Folk
Customs by Dr. Alan Jabbour
Just as an acorn sends down roots even as it
shoots up leaves across the sky, folklore is
rooted deeply in the past and yet still lives and
grows today. It spreads through our modern world
with branches as wide and sturdy as any oaks it
grounds us in yesterday even as it helps us make
sense of both the present and the future.
4- that are learned and passed along by ordinary
people as part of the fabric of their lives and
culture - Costumes fabrics jewelry head gear
- Dance
- Objects toys dolls bells sleigh
Source North American Folklore Folk Customs by
Dr. Alan Jabbour
5- we share with others in our communities
- Cultural traditions from far away and long ago
- Build identities to develop a sense of belonging
- Shared meals
- Prayers
- Songs
- Ethnic foods
- Religious
- Occupational
- Regional
Source North American Folklore Folk Customs by
Dr. Alan Jabbour
6- ourselves from each other
- Folklore thus is both a sign of identity,
experienced as a special marker of our special
groups, and at the same time a cultural coin that
is well spent by sharing with others beyond our
group boundaries.
Source North American Folklore Folk Customs by
Dr. Alan Jabbour
7- Folklore is written or oral
- A record as old as humanity
Source North American Folklore Folk Customs by
Dr. Alan Jabbour
8- moral and social values through the way people
deal with one another and with the dilemma that
confronts them
Source Tatterhood and Other Tales edited by
Ethel Johnston Phelps
9- Folklore is how we introduce ourselves.
Source North American Folklore Folk Customs by
Dr. Alan Jabbour
- Life advancements
- Predict future
- Teach
Source World Book 2004 vol. 7 p. 322-325
- Special occasions
- Special foods and costumes
Source World Book 2004 vol. 7 p. 322-325
- Work
- Games
- Seasons
- Holidays
- Weddings
- Funerals
- Birth
- Childhood
- Lullabies
- Heroes
- Courtship
Source World Book 2004 vol. 7 p. 322-325
- Religious stories
- Considered to be true
Source World Book 2004 vol. 7 p. 322-325
- Told as if they are true
- Set in the real world
- Legendary heroes
- Supernatural creatures
- The action is not completed
Source World Book 2004 vol. 7 p. 322-325
- Fictional stories
- No specific setting
- Certain beginning/ending
Source World Book 2004 vol. 7 p. 322-325
- Chain Tale
- Tricksters Tale
- Explanation Tale
- Numbskull Tale
- Survival Tale
Source World Book 2004 vol. 7 p. 322-325
18Folk tales are just another of the many things
the worlds people have in common.
- Source Tales Alive! Retold by Susan Milord
- Fold one sheet in half
- Fold top edge back
- Flip sheet
- Fold other top edge back
- (makes an according book)
- Repeat with other sheet
- Slip opposite ends of sheets together
- Glue in place
- Cut 2 decorative paper pieces to fit
- Cut 1 piece of ribbon
- Center, lay glue ribbon under one decorative
paper - Glue other decorative
- Illustrate your folk tale
22Folk stories of the Hmong Peoples of Laos,
Thailand, and Vietnam compiled by Norma J. Livo
Tales Alive Multicultural Folktales with
Activities retold by Susan Milord
A Ring of Tricksters Animal Tales from America,
the West Indies, and Africa retold by Virginia
Nelson Mandela's Favorite African Folktales
collected by Nelson Mandela
The Headless Horseman and Other Ghoulish Tales
retold by Maggie Pearson
Mightier Than the Sword World Folktales for
Strong Boys collected by Jane Yolen
Golden Tales Myths, Legends, and Folktales from
Latin Americaretold by Lulu Delacre
Read-Aloud Tales from Around the World Silly
Silliertold by Judy Sierra
Can You Guess My Name? Traditional Tales Around
the World selected by Judy Sierra
23The Magic of Spider WomanA Navajo Taleby Lois
Rhinos for Lunch and Elephants for Supper! A
Maasai Tale by Tololwa M. Mollel
The Lonely Lioness and the Ostrich Chicks
retold by Verna Aardema
The Lion's Whiskers An Ethiopian Folktale by
Nancy Raines Day
Coyote and the Fire Stickby Barbara Diamond
Keepers of the Earth Native American Stories
and Environmental Issuesby Michael Caduto
Anansi and the Magic Stickby Eric Kimmel
True Friends A Tale from Tanzaniaby John
The Great Ball Game A Muskogee Storyby Joseph
Hold up the Sky and other Native American Tales
from Texas and the Southern Plainsretold by
Jane Louise Curry
Ladder to the Sky How the Gift of Healing Came
to the Ojibway Nationretold by Barbara Esbensen
Zomo the Rabbit A Trickster Tale from West
Africa retold by Gerald McDermott
The ChaseA Kutenai Taleby Beatrice Tanaka
Fly, Eagle, Fly! An African Tale retold by
Christopher Gregorowski
The First Strawberries A Cherokee Storyby
Joseph Bruchac
24How the Stars Fell into the Sky A Navajo
Legendby Jerrie Oughton
Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters An African Tale
by John Steptoe
Kokopelli, Drum in Belly A Pueblo Taleby Gail
E. Haley
Snail Girl Brings Water A Navajo Storyretold
by Geri Kearns
The Legend of the Lady Slipper An Ojibwe
Taleretold by Lise Lunge-Larsen
The Honey Jar A Maya Taleby Rigoberta Menchu
Old Bag of Bones A Coyote TaleA Shoshoni
Taleby Janet Stevens
Arrow to the SunA Pueblo Taleby Gerald
Native American Animal Storiesretold by Joseph
Brave Wolf and the ThunderbirdA Crow Storyby
Joe Medicine Crow
The Naked Bear Folktales of the
Iroquoisedited by John Bierhorst
The Boy Who Lived With the Bears and Other
Iroquois Storiesby Joseph Bruchac
How Glooskap Outwits the Ice GiantsMaritime
Indian Talesby Howard Norman
Coyote Steals the Blanket A Ute Taleretold by
Janet Stevens
The Story of the Milky WayA Cherokee Taleby
Joseph Bruchac
25Tales from Central Russia Russian Tales Book
One and Twoby James Riordan
The Turtle Who Went to War and Other Sioux
Basho and the River Stones by Tim Myers
The Monster from the Swamp Native Legends of
Monsters, Demons and Other Creaturesby C. J.
The Tongue-cut Sparrow retold by Momoko Ishii
Tlingit Tales Potlatch and Totem Poleedited
by Lorie K. Harris
Coyote Places the StarsA Wasco Taleretold by
Harriet Peck Taylor
Three Samurai Cats A Story from Japan by Eric
A. Kimmel
In a Circle Long Ago A Treasury of Native Lore
from North Americaretold by Nancy Van Laan
The Girl Who Loved Caterpillars A
Twelfth-century Tale from Japan by Jean Merrill
Buffalo Dance A Blackfoot Legendretold by
Nancy Van Laan
The Gigantic Turnip Russian Tale by Aleksey
Nikolayevich Tolstoy
The Crane Wife by Odds Bodkin
The Tale of the Mandarin Ducks by Katherine
Glass Slipper, Gold Sandal A Worldwide
Cinderella by Paul Fleischman
The Painter and the Wild Swansby Claude Clement
26Half a Kingdom A Tale from Iceland by Ann
Ghosts, Vampires, and Werewolves Eerie Tales
from Transylvania by Mihai Spariosu
The Beautiful Butterfly retold by Judy Sierra
The Thread of Life retold by Domenico
Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories by Isaac
Bashevis Singer
Wiley and the Hairy Manadapted by Molly Garrett
The Hedgehog Boy A Tale from Latvia adapted by
Jane Langton
The Black Bull of Norroway retold by Charlotte
With a Whoop and a Hollerby Nancy Van Laan
Norwegian Folk Tales by Peter Christen Asbjornsen
The Lifting Stoneby Anne Eliot Crompton
Sure as Sunrise Stories of Bruh Rabbit andhis
Walkin Talkin Friends by Alice McGill
The Fisherman and His Wife translated by
Randall Jarrell
Two Ways to Count to Ten A Tale from
Liberia adapted by Ruby Dee
Boots and His Brothers retold by Eric A.
Little Johnny Buttermilk by Jan Wahl
Jamie ORourke and the Big Potato by Tomie
Tops and Bottomsadapted by Janet Stevens
Sun Mother Wakes the World A Tale from
Australia adapted by Diane Wolkstein
Magic Mischief retold by Shirley Climo
27Two Pairs of ShoesA Near East Taleretold by
P. L. Travers
In the Moonlight Mistby Daniel San Souci
Stories of Hope and Spirit Folktales from
Eastern Europe by Dan Keding
Petite Rouge A Cajun Red Riding Hoodby Mike
Masha and the Firebirdby Margaret Bateson Hill
No DinnerA Tale from India by Jessica Souhami
The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring
by Ruth Sanderson
One Eye, Two Eyes, Three Eyes retold by Eric
A. Kimmel
The Flame of PeaceAn Aztec Taleby Deborah
Nourse Lattimore
The Cock, the Mouse, and the Little Red
Henillustrated by Graham Percy
Spotted Bear A Rocky Mountain Folktaleby
Hanneka Ippisch
Nacho and LolitaA Mexican Taleby Pam Munoz
Horse Hooves and Chicken FeetA Mexican
Taleselected by Neil Philip
A Right Fine Life Kit Carson on the Santa Fe
Trailby Andrew Glass
White FlowerA Maya Taleselected by Victor
The Magic Gourd A Tale from Mali by Baba Wague