Title: Creating a Departmentwide Strategic Plan for DOI
1Creating a Department-wideStrategic Plan for DOI
- Consultation, Cooperation, Communication - All in
the Service of Conservation
DRAFT as of 8/08/02 Abridged Version
This document is subject to change.
For Internal use only by the U.S. Dept. of the
2Mission Statement
Department of the Interior MISSION COMPONENTS
- Resource Use
- Manage Resources to Enhance Public Benefit,
Promote Responsible Use, and Ensure Optimal Value - Deliver Water and Power in an Environmentally
Responsible and Cost Efficient Manner
- Resource Protection
- Improve Health of Watersheds and Landscapes
- Sustain Biological Communities
- Protect Cultural and Heritage Resources
- Serving Communities
- Protect Lives, Resources and Property
- Advance Knowledge through Scientific Leadership
- Fulfill Indian Trust Responsibilities
- Advance Quality Communities for Tribes
- Increase Economic Self-Sufficiency for Insular
- Recreation
- Ensure Access to Recreation
- Ensure Quality of Recreation
- Receive and Provide Fair Value in Recreation
4Resource Protection Contribution to Society
Protect Public and Environmental Health by
Protecting, Preserving, and Restoring the
Nations Cultural and Natural Resources
5Resource Protection - Watersheds and Landscapes
(Goal 1)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
Outcome Goal Improve Health of Watersheds and
Landscapes that are DOI Managed or Influenced
- Strategy 1 Restore and maintain proper function
to watersheds and landscapes - Enhance Wetlands Health X acres achieving
appropriate wetland conditions as specified in
land management plans - Enhance Riparian Conditions X of riparian
stream/shoreline miles in Proper Functioning
Condition or upward trend as specified in land
management plans - Enhance Upland Conditions X of acres achieving
land health standards - Appropriate Condition of DOI managed or
influenced lands maintained or restored to
appropriate use or condition as specified in land
management plans - Improve Fire Management
- Percent of acres degraded by wildland fire with
post-fire rehabilitation treatments underway,
completed and monitored - Number of acres in fire regimes 1, 2, or 3 moved
to a better condition class that were identified
as high priority through collaboration consistent
with the Implementation Plan in total and as a
percent of total acres treated - Number of acres in prior measure moved to a
better condition class per million dollars of
gross investment - Average gross cost per acre for suppression and
emergency stabilization and rehabilitation by
size class and fire regime for (a) fires
contained within initial attack, (b) escaping
initial attack, (c) within wildland-urban
interface areas, (d) outside wildland-urban
interface areas, (e) in areas with compliant fire
management plans, and (f) in areas without
compliant fire management plans - Strategy 2 Reduce sources of degradation to
watersheds and landscapes - Water Pollution Target water quality criteria
for designated use achieved by DOI operations or
restoration activities in waters under DOI
management or influence - Land Contaminants of contaminated sites
remediated on public land - Air Quality of air quality violations (NAAQS)
emanating from DOI lands by X per year - Mitigate degradation to land and water from past
mining of land acres and waterways for which
degradation from past mining has been mitigated - ideally,
a risk reduction measure is preferred, but is not
- Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
Process. - Percent of burnable acres covered in federal fire
management plans in compliance with Federal
Wildland Fire Policy - Percent of burnable acres covered by state fire
management plans in compliance with state policy - Percent of prescribed fire conducted consistent
with all Federal, State, Tribal and local smoke
management requirements
Outcome Measures Land Health LAND AREAS -
Federal lands functioning within normal range of
parameters for particular soil types, climate,
indigenous biotic communities and land forms for
each defined area - of land area showing
minimal evidence of abnormal (or accelerated)
erosion RIPARIAN AREAS - riparian/wetland
areas functioning within normal and expected
range of parameters for producing biotic
diversities typical for the indigenous soil,
climate and land form conditions of an
area. Water Quality of surface waters that
meet Water Quality Standards ( managed,
influenced) CONTINUED
End outcomes with this indicator are not an ideal
outcome statement, but rather a proxy measure,
because the ideal measure is not within the
mission or expertise of DOI to define. It is
instead more appropriately defined by other
agencies. Since other agencies have considered
end outcomes in their processes which produced
this output-type measure,we are tying our
performance to their output measure
6Resource Protection - Watersheds and Landscapes
(Goal 1 cont.)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
CONTINUATION Outcome Goal Improve Health
of Watersheds and Landscapes that are DOI Managed
or Influenced Water Quantity Preserve and/or
restore X number of surface and ground water
systems directly managed or influenced by DOI, as
specified in management plans and statutes, to
meet human and ecological needs Air Quality
Actions on DOI lands affecting air quality meet
standards X of time
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
- Strategy 3 Enhance information base, resource
management, and technical assistance - Management Plans acres of DOI lands and waters
with current resource management plans - Baseline Information of lands and waters
managed or influenced by DOI for which condition
(quality/quantity) is known. - Expand Science Base of resource with
state-of-practice data sets - Forge effective partnerships Satisfaction scores
improved by X on resource protection and air
quality partnerships
example - Expand the use of technology in
decision-making of people trained
End outcomes with this indicator are not an ideal
outcome statement, but rather a proxy measure,
because the ideal measure is not within the
mission or expertise of DOI to define. It is
instead more appropriately defined by other
agencies. Since other agencies have considered
end outcomes in their processes which produced
this output-type measure,we are tying our
performance to their output measure
7Resource Protection - Biological Communities
(Goal 2)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Strategy 1 Create habitat conditions for
biological communities to flourish - Habitat Protection acres/stream-miles of habitat
achieving appropriate habitat conditions - Habitat Restoration acres/stream-miles of
habitat treated to achieve habitat condition
objectives for sustainable fishery populations
consistent with fishery management plans. - Habitat for Imperiled Species of imperiled
fish populations with access to spawning habitat - Invasive Species
- Prevention of potential invasive species
introductions prevented through known
pathways/vectors - Early Detection/Rapid Response X of known
invasive species outbreaks detected and
eradicated before the invasive species has a
minimum viable population - Control/Management XX animal species
populations and XX of acres treated for plant
invasive species remaining free of targeted
species after 5 years - Integrated Management Acres of landscapes and
watersheds managed through partnerships and
networked lands to achieve habitat protection (
acres covered) - Voluntary Stewardship Partnerships of acres
achieving habitat/biological community goals
through voluntary agreements -
- Strategy 2 Manage populations to self-sustaining
levels for specific species - Species Supplementation of supplementation
activities discontinued due to achievement of
recovery - Stock Ratio Ratio of fish hatchery stocks to
natural stocks compared to change in population
levels (by population) - Success rate of stocking hatchery stock that
survives to selected life stage - Manage Harvests of managed harvests resulting
in desired population condition fishery
populations where recruitment exceeds total
mortality - Meet International Obligations of species
under international treaty, in which DOI has a
role, which are in desired population condition
of priority species of international concern
which benefitted from improved conservation
efforts -
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
Process. -Species Reintroductions -Reduce
overpopulation - Mitigate Disease -Habitat
Treatment acres/stream miles of habitat treated
to achieve habitat condition objectives for
individual populations () and multi-species
communities ()
- Outcome Goal
- Sustained Biological Communities on DOI Managed
and Influenced Lands and Waters - Outcome Measures
- of populations of threatened and endangered
species listed a decade or more that are
stabilized or in an upward trend - of candidate species where listing is
unnecessary as a result of conservation actions
or agreements - acres from baseline without major infestations
of invasive species - of species that are under DOI authority or
influence that are managed to the desired
8Resource Protection - Cultural and Heritage (Goal
Input Outputs
Intermediate Outcomes
End Outcomes
- Outcome Goal
- Protect Cultural and Heritage Resources
- Outcome Measures
- Historic and Prehistoric Resources
- historic and prehistoric properties and
collections in DOI inventory in good or protected
condition as defined by the Facilities Condition
Index - Visitor/viewer/owner satisfaction with
stewardship of DOI managed or influenced
historic/prehistoric resources ( average score) - Heritage Resources of wild horse and burro
populations maintaining desired population levels - Understanding and Appreciation of Indian and
Alaska Native students demonstrating knowledge of
native language, history and customs
- Strategy 1 Expand availability and quality of
cultural and heritage assets - Properties under DOI protection fully
inventoried - X of Historic Structures inventoried
- X for archeological sites
- X for museum property collections
- Accessibility of cultural and heritage
resources accessible for appropriate use - Indian Language Preservation Strategy of
Indian schools managed by BIA with curriculum and
instruction in tribal language, history and
customs -
- Strategy 2 Reduce and manage risks to cultural
and heritage resources - Reduce Risk to Sites unauthorized use and
vandalism ( violations annually) - Manage Populations of areas achieving
Appropriate Management Levels for Herd
Management Areas supporting the wild horse and
burro population - Mitigate or restore damaged sites as appropriate
Restore X of damaged sites or structures -
- Strategy 3 Improve information base and
technical abilities to manage cultural resources - Shared Data of states covered under shared
cultural resource data set agreements - Partnerships Partner satisfaction scores with
DOI on cultural and heritage resource
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
9Resource Use Contribution to Society
A Society Capable of Responsibly Meeting
its Resource Needs to Sustain a Dynamic
Goal 1 Manage Resources to Enhance Public
Benefit, Promote Responsible Use, and Ensure
Optimal Value Energy Non-Energy
Minerals Forage Forest Products Goal 2
Deliver Water and Power in an
Environmentally Responsible and Cost
Efficient Manner Water Power
10Resource Use Provide Access for Responsible Use
and Optimal Value (Energy)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Outcome Goal
- Manage Resources to Enhance Public Benefit,
Promote Responsible Use, and Ensure Optimal Value
- Energy - Outcome Measures
- Provide for access onshore acres available for
resource exploration/development consistent with
applicable management plans or permitting
requirements - Facilitate exploration and development
- leases actively explored
- BOE added to known reserves inventory through
exploration - potentially commercial leases that are actively
developed consistent with applicable management
- Strategy 1 Effectively manage and provide
incentives for access and development - Land Use Management Plans of acres covered by
current management plan - Plan Implementation of acres available for
leasing consistent with responsible use
requirements - Permit Processing
- Cycle time ( or - days ) for preparation of
mining plan of operation and permitting processes
excluding coal permits consistent with
responsible use requirements - Cycle time ( or - days ) for preparation of
exploration plan of operation by industry per
lease - Cycle time ( or - days ) for preparation of
development/production plan of operation by
industry per lease - Infrastructure
- rights-of-way corridors requests for regional
and transcontinental pipelines and transmission
lines addressed within X - Reduce by X backlog in requests for rights of
way for pipelines, power lines, roads and other
infrastructure necessary for resource extraction
consistent with responsible use requirements - Collaborative Access Management Total acres
not offered due to objections by
inter-governmental partners or litigation by
external constituents - Timely Access Management Aggregate number of
Days delayed/ahead of schedule as defined by
Critical Action Dates for Five Year Schedule - Shift Responsibility for Data Quality of
reporters using interactive, self-correcting
system - high potential areas with drilling
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
Process. -Track ISO 14000 or best management
11Resource Use Provide Access for Responsible Use
and Optimal Value (Energy cont.)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Outcome Goal
- Manage resources to Enhance Public Benefit,
promote Responsible Use, and Ensure Optimal Value
- Energy - Outcome Measures
- Responsible Use
- permitted acres or leases maintained in
conditions suitable for healthy species, land,
water, and air - degraded lands/waters restored to appropriate
land condition and water health standards - DOI permitted activities and facilities
achieving specified resource conservation and
production efficiency levels
- Strategy 2 Enhance Responsible Use Management
Practices - Improved Use of Conservation Practices
- Coal of eligible mines achieving maximum
economic recovery requirements under Resource
Recovery and Production Plans - Geothermal of time facilities are operating
under appropriate temperature and pressure - Other Renewable facilities with strategies
forcost effective renewable energy use - Reduce Sources of Pollution and Environmental
Degradation - Complaints of noise and site complaints from
the public related to production and extraction
activities regulated by DOI - Coal Ensure XX of active sites are free of
off-site impacts - Geothermal X of facilities complying with air
emissions standards - Restore and Mitigate Damage
- Oil/Gas
- of suitable sites with of rigs-to-reef projects
- of onshore surface acres reclaimed per year
- of onshore orphan wells plugged each year
- Coal
- acres released from Phase III Performance Bonds
- of acres reclaimed
- Conservation Practices
- X of gas that is flared
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
Process. -Track ISO 14000 or best management
practices -Drainage protection drainage cases
End outcomes with this indicator are not an ideal
outcome statement, but rather a proxy measure,
because the ideal measure is not within the
mission or expertise of DOI to define. It is
instead more appropriately defined by other
agencies. Since other agencies have considered
end outcomes in their processes which produced
this output-type measure,we are tying our
performance to their output measure
12Resource Use Provide Access for Responsible Use
and Optimal Value (Energy cont.)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Outcome Goal
- Manage resources to Enhance Public Benefit,
promote Responsible Use, and Ensure Optimal Value
- Energy - Outcome Measures
- Optimal Value
- Net revenues collected (Return on DOI
expenditures) consistent with access and
responsible use goals - acres offered receiving acceptable price or
of bids per tract - Total return Total net revenue through
royalties, bonuses, rents, and sales - of expected market value collected for current
year - cost to taxpayer per 1000 BOE collected cost
per additional compliance revenue collected - of disbursed payments received within XX days
- Strategy 3 Optimize Value through Effective
Lease Management - Improve Management of Royalty/Rent Systems
- Accuracy X of payment errors on royalty/rent
transactions - Timeliness
- Cycle time on revenue payments by X
- Payments are within expected payment range at the
due date for X of DOI payments - Rights of Way of ROW appraisals that reflect
current values for ROW rentals for BLM and FS
lands - Competition
- of nominations of tracts
- of leases receiving multiple bids
- Production verification/accountability
instances of fraud and unauthorized resource
extraction - Drainage protection
- of drainage cases processed
- BTU or value produced under drainage
agreements - Production verification of oil production
verified of gas production verified - Strategy 4 Improve assessment and information
for decision making - Shared Data of acres leased with appropriate
soil surveys, vegetation mapping, site surveys,
sea floor mapping, hydrologic assessments,
archeological inventories, and wildlife and
habitat assessments - Expand Science Base
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
Process. -Track ISO 14000 or best management
practices -Drainage protection drainage cases
Resource Use Provide Access for Responsible Use
and Optimal Value(Non-Energy Minerals)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Outcome Goal
- Manage Resources to Enhance Public Benefit,
Promote Responsible Use, and Ensure Optimal Value
Non-Energy Minerals - Outcome Measures
- Access acres available for resource
exploration consistent with applicable management
plans - Responsible Use
- lands leased, sold, or mines claimed maintained
at appropriate land condition and water and air
standards - degraded lands/waters restored to appropriate
land condition and water health standards - Optimal Value
- Increase in net revenues collected (return on DOI
expenditures) where relevant by statute - Total return Total net revenue through
royalties, bonuses, rents and sales - Total Value of acres offered receiving
acceptable price bids
- Strategy 1 Provide access to and incentives for
production - Land Use Management Plans of acres covered by
current management plan - Plan Implementation of acres available for
exploration/development consistent with
responsible use requirements - Permit Processing Cycle time ( or - days ) for
preparation of mining plan of operation and
permitting processes consistent with responsible
use requirements -
- Strategy 2 Promote responsible use
- Conservation eligible mines achieving maximum
economic recovery for leaseable minerals - Restore Damage of surface acres reclaimed per
year -
- Strategy 3 Optimal value
- Productivity Return tons increase in
production per unit change in royalty rate, where
applicable public sector ROI for sand, gravel
or other mineral materials production - Strategy 4 Improve assessment and information
for decision making - Shared Data of acres acres leased with
appropriate hydrologic assessments, and habitat
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
End outcomes with this indicator are not an ideal
outcome statement, but rather a proxy measure,
because the ideal measure is not within the
mission or expertise of DOI to define. It is
instead more appropriately defined by other
agencies. Since other agencies have considered
end outcomes in their processes which produced
this output-type measure,we are tying our
performance to their output measure
14Resource Use Provide Access for Responsible Use
and Optimal Value (Forage)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Outcome Goal
- Manage Resources to Enhance Public Benefit,
Promote Responsible Use, and Ensure Optimal Value
Forage - Outcome Measures
- Access AUMs available for resource use
consistent with applicable management plans - Responsible Use
- permitted acres maintained at appropriate land
conditions and water and air standards - degraded lands
- Strategy 1 Provide access for grazing
- Land Use Management Plans of acres covered by
current management plan for grazing based on
five-year review - Plan Implementation of acres available for
livestock grazing consistent with current
management plan and responsible use - Permit Processing Cycle time ( or - days) for
preparation of livestock grazing permits -
- Strategy 2 Promote responsible use
- Conservation Practices rangeland areas with
forage reserves available - Environmental Performance
- stream miles achieving appropriate hydrologic
function - of operators using best grazing management
practices as identified in current management
plan - Restoration acres with DOI range improvements
resulting in sustainable grazing -
- Strategy 3 Manage for optimal value
- Cost efficiency improvement in DOI
cost-per-acre managed consistent with applicable
laws and regulations -
- Strategy 4 Improve assessment and information
for decision making - Shared Data of acres leased with appropriate
soil surveys, vegetation mapping, hydrologic
assessments, and wildlife assessments
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
Process. -Track ISO 14000 or best management
practices - operators in compliance with terms
and conditions of permit
End outcomes with this indicator are not an ideal
outcome statement, but rather a proxy measure,
because the ideal measure is not within the
mission or expertise of DOI to define. It is
instead more appropriately defined by other
agencies. Since other agencies have considered
end outcomes in their processes which produced
this output-type measure,we are tying our
performance to their output measure
Resource Use Provide Access for Responsible Use
and Optimal Value (Forest Products)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Outcome Goal
- Manage Resources to Enhance Public Benefit,
Promote Responsible Use, and Ensure Optimal Value
Forest Products - Outcome Measures
- Access
- Allowable Sale Quantity offered for sale
- volume of wood products harvested consistent
with applicable management plans - Responsible Use
- acres lands/waters restored to appropriate land
conditions and water health standards - Optimal Value Net return on DOI expenditures
(positive good) per acre/unit managed
- Strategy 1 Provide access to and incentives for
production - Land Use Management Plans of acres covered by
current management plan for forest and woodland
harvest based on five year review - Plan Implementation of acres available for
forest and woodland harvest consistent with
current management plan and responsible use of
permits and contracts for woodland products
(e.g., Christmas trees, post/poles, etc.)
consistent with current management plan - Permit Processing Optimize cycle time ( or -
days ) for preparation of forest and woodland
harvest contracting and permitting processes
consistent with responsible use requirements -
- Strategy 2 Promote responsible use
- Resource Efficiency acres with forest stand
treatments and growth enhancements growth in
volume generated from small diameter wood
products - Environmental Quality operators using best
forestry practices as identified in current
management plan - Restoration acres of reforestation projects
meeting land management plan objectives -
- Strategy 3 Manage for optimal value
- Accountability of instances of fraud and
unauthorized resource harvest - Cost Efficiency improvement in DOI cost per
acre managed consistent with applicable laws and
regulations -
- Strategy 4 Improve assessment and information
for decision making - Shared data of acres leased with appropriate
soil surveys, vegetation mapping, hydrologic
assessments, and habitat assessments -
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
Process. -Track ISO 14000 or best management
End outcomes with this indicator are not an ideal
outcome statement, but rather a proxy measure,
because the ideal measure is not within the
mission or expertise of DOI to define. It is
instead more appropriately defined by other
agencies. Since other agencies have considered
end outcomes in their processes which produced
this output-type measure,we are tying our
performance to their output measure
16Resource Use Deliver Water and Power in an
Environmentally Responsible and Cost Efficient
Manner Production (Water)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Strategy 1 Operate and Maintain Safe and Secure
Infrastructure - Facility Condition of facilities in good
condition for maintenance, operations and safety
(facility condition index) -
- Strategy 2 Effective Water Management to
Optimize Supply - Supply Management
- water use efficiency change ( acre-feet)
realized through management initiatives (e.g.,
desalination, conservation, reuse, recycling) - acre-feet made available through exercised
management options (e.g., water acquisition,
banking, transfers, etc., water well
rehabilitation or installation) for timely
drought mitigation or emergency relief. - Long-term Planning of western watersheds with
25 Year Needs forecasts completed - Water Rights NATIVE AMERICAN WATER RIGHTS
follow up meeting with Dept. Office of Water
Rights (lead office) to determine feasibility of
measure. BIA and BOR have offered supporting
role - Customer Satisfaction
- score of satisfaction for water customers
served by DOI - of acre feet delivered on time as defined in
contracts -
- Strategy 3 Incorporate environmental
requirements into facility operating plans - of facilities with identified environmental
impacts that incorporate into their facility
operating plans environmental requirements as
defined by Federal and State Law
- Outcome Goal
- Deliver Water in an Environmentally Responsible
and Cost-efficient Manner - Outcome Measures
- Water Delivery of contracted water orders
delivered RE-EVALUATE - Reliability Acre feet or cfs of capacity not
available for use/total capacity - - of water facilities meeting environmental
requirements as defined by Federal and state law. - Maximize Cost-Efficiency and Value Cost-per acre
foot of water delivered
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
17Resource Use Deliver Water and Power in an
Environmentally Responsible and Cost Efficient
Manner Production (Power)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
Outcome Goal Deliver Power in an
Environmentally Responsible and Cost-efficient
Manner Outcome Measures Achieve Cost
Efficient Power Generation Achieve the top
quartile of lowest cost hydropower producers
Percentile of lowest cost hydropower producers,
comparing cost per megawatt of installed
capacity Assure Reliability of Reclamation
Generation Reclamation-wide weighted forced
outage rate ( of hours of out of service due to
forced outage/8,760 total hours in the year
weighted for plant size and capacity) - of
water facilities meeting environmental
requirements as defined by Federal and state law.
- Strategy 1 Operate and Maintain Reliable, Safe
and Secure Power Facilities - Facility condition
- of hydropower facilities in good condition for
maintenance, operations and safety (facility
condition index) complete X category 2
maintenance recommendations - Complete x of category 2 maintenance
recommendations - Strategy 2 Improved Power Generation Management
to Maximize Supply - Achieve the Industry Average or Lower Forced
Outage Rate of time in forced outage equal to
or better (lower) than the industry average -
- Strategy 3 Incorporate environmental
requirements into facility operating plans - of facilities with identified environmental
impacts that incorporate into their facility
operating plans environmental requirements as
defined by Federal and State Law
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
18Recreation Contribution to Society
Safeguard Property and Financial Assets
while Improving Quality of Life for Communities
and Trust Beneficiaries
Goal 1 Ensure Access to Appropriate
Recreation Opportunities on DOI Managed or
Influenced Lands and Waters Goal 2 Ensure a
Quality Experiences and Enjoyment of Natural and
Cultural Resources on DOI Managed or Influenced
Lands and Waters Goal 3 Provide for and
Receive Fair Value in Recreation
19Recreation - Ensure Access to Appropriate
Recreation Opportunities on DOI Managed or
Influenced Lands and Waters (Goal 1)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Strategy 1 Improve infrastructure and
capabilities - Strategic Construction/Maintenance increase in
access satisfaction ratings within one year of
infrastructure improvement - Disability Access of accessible programs and
facilities in relation to the total number of
sites -
- Strategy 2 Promote recreation opportunities
- E-government of visits to Recreation One Stop
- Efficient Transactions of recreation
transactions supported by DOI ( of people
served of transaction opportunities) -
- Strategy 3 Provide seamless access through
partnerships - One-Stop Access
- multi-jurisdictional acres of recreational
lands and waters covered under a one-stop service
system - individuals using interagency pass
- Commercial Services persons served by
commercial service activities increase of
services offered - Effective Signage
- sites with multi-agency signage
- sites with effective signage coverage
- signage consistent with international signage
- Outcome Goal
- Ensure access to appropriate recreation
opportunities on DOI managed or influenced lands
and waters - Outcome Measures
- Total number of visitors per year to targeted
areas (total , annually) - Satisfaction of meeting public demand (avg. 4
scale) - Services ()
- Information ()
- Facilities ()
- Transportation ()
- Wait time ()
- Value
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
Process. -Include section 508 for Rec. Online
Information -Disability signage - commercial
services plans completed
20Recreation - Ensure Quality Experience and
Enjoyment of Natural and Cultural Resources on
DOI Managed and Influenced Lands and Waters (Goal
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Strategy 1 Enhance the Quality and Variety of
Recreation Opportunities - Effective Management sites with Recreation
Management Plans reflecting use needs - Effective Implementation identified RMP
activities achieved Camping Hunting
Driving Off-Highway Vehicle Fishing
Swimming Bird Watching - Strategic Construction/Maintenance of total
facilities in good or fair condition based on the
DOI Facility Condition Index - Strategy 2 Provide Effective Interpretation and
Education Programs - Facilitated Programs visitors served by
facilitated programs - Volunteers and Donations volunteer hours per
year supporting RMP goals -
- Strategy 3 Ensure Appropriate Conduct in
Recreation - complaints (e.g., for behavior and use)
- Strategy 4 Improve Assessment and Information
for Decision Making - Expand Science Base
- Stakeholder satisfaction score for adequacy of
information base for recreation - Manager or partner satisfaction scores for
technical assistance and science products
improved by X for recreation purposes
- Outcome Goal
- Ensure a quality experience and enjoyment of
natural and cultural resources on DOI managed or
influenced land and waters - Outcome Measures
- Satisfaction with quality of experience (avg. 4
scale) - Goals Met
- Sporting/Physical Experiences
- Spiritual Experiences
- Natural Experiences
- Educational Experiences
- Needs Met
- Services
- Information
- Facilities
- Transportation
- Value
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
Partnerships sites covered under law
enforcement partnerships
21Recreation - Provide for and Receive Fair Value
in Recreation (Goal 3)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Strategy 1 Promote Quality Commercial Services
for Recreation - Increase Competition
- concession activities with performance-based
contracts - competitions receiving multiple bids
- Enhance Compliance instances of violations of
contract, lease or permit terms -
- Strategy 2 Effectively Manage Commercial Service
Fees and User Fees - Revenue Per Unit-of-Service Average X
concession revenue collected change in number of
visitors served in response to change in
royalties or fees charged - Efficiencies recreation services achieving
benchmark cost-per-unit or better - Timeliness Ensure payments are received on time
in X of cases - Improve consistency similar services charging
similar fees within and across agencies -
- Strategy 3 Enhance Partnerships with Local
Communities - recreation areas with gateway community
partnerships - gateway communities satisfied with recreation
- Outcome Goal
- Provide for and receive fair value in recreation
- Outcome Measures
- Customer Satisfaction with value for fee paid
(avg. score) - Public benefit from recreation concession
activities - collected in concession fees
- value of in-kind services
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
22Serving Communities Contribution to Society
Safeguard Property and Financial Assets while
Improving Quality of Life for Communities and
Trust Beneficiaries
Goal 1 Protect Lives, Resources and
Property Goal 2 Advance Knowledge Through
Scientific Leadership and Inform Decisions
Through Applications of Science Goal 3 Fulfill
Inidan Trust Responsibilities Goal 4 Advance
Quality Communities for Tribes Goal 5 Increase
Economic Self-Sufficiency for Insular Areas
23Serving Communities - Protect Lives, Resources
and Property (Goal 1)
Input Outputs Intermediate Outcomes
End Outcomes
- Outcome Goal
- Protect Lives, Resources and Property
- Outcome Measures
- Property Disputes Improve Property Holder
Satisfaction with DOI Decision Making ( score) - Wildland Fire
- Loss of life is eliminated, and firefighter
injuries and damage to communities and the
environment from severe, unplanned and unwanted
wildland fire are reduced - Amount of time lost from firefighter injury in
proportion to the number of days worked across
all agencies (low numbers better) - Number of homes and significant structures lost
as a result of wildland fire - Law Enforcement
- Visitor lives lost or injuries due to illegal
activities on DOI lands and in DOI facilities
(incidents per 100,000 visitors/resident days) - Homeland Security
- Facility Risk Reduction
- - All DOI facilities meet national physical
security guidelines -
- Strategy 1 Improved Fire Management
- Fire Suppression
- unplanned and unwanted wildland fires
controlled during initial attack - Number of acres burned by unplanned and unwanted
wildland fires - Hazardous Fuels Reduction
- Number of acres treated per million dollars gross
investment in a) the Wildland Urban Interface
(WUI), and b) in condition classes 2 or 3 in fire
regimes 1-3 outside of WUI - Strategy 2 Improve Public Safety and Security
and Protect Public Resources from Damage - Public Safety and Resource Protection
- of cases successfully adjudicated
- Visitor satisfaction scores on public safety
- Resident satisfaction scores on public safety
- of illegal incidents leading to lives lost or
injuries - of illegal incidents leading to damage or loss
to Federal property or private property located
on DOI lands or areas of interest - Value of resources lost due to illegal activity
or actions - of Declarations/CITES permits collected
annually - Homeland Security
- of undocumented alien interdictions on DOI
lands or areas of interest/trust
- Goals and Measures to be identified in Bureau
Performance Plans, and Annual Budget Process. - Hazardous Fuels Reduction
- Percent of acres treated to reduce hazardous
fuels by mechanical means with by-products
utilized - Community Assistance
- Percent of States with a prioritized list of
at-risk wildland-urban interface communities - Percent of communities at-risk with completed and
current fire management plans or risk assessments - Percent of communities at-risk with fire
prevention programs in place and being
implemented - Percent of communities at-risk that initiate
volunteer and community funded efforts to reduce
hazardous fuels resulting in removal of the
community from the at-risk list
24Serving Communities - Protect Lives, Resources
and Property (Goal 1)
Input Outputs Intermediate Outcomes
End Outcomes
- Outcome Goal
- Protect Lives, Resources and Property cont.
- Hazards
- communities using DOI science on hazard
mitigation, preparedness and avoidance for each
hazard management activity (flood, earthquakes,
etc.) - Decision Maker Satisfaction
- Met need for information
- Helped Achieve Goal of Reduced risk
- Injury Reduction
- of fatalities and injuries among employees at
DOI - fatalities and injuries among workers in DOI
permitted activities. - fatalities and injuries in recreation on DOI
managed lands and waters - Facility Safety
- DOI facilities maintenance/construction
projects prioritized based on presence of
critical Environmental, Health, and Safety
- DOI Permitted Operators operators managing
under certified Environment, Health and Safety,
ISO, or comparable industry safety system - Mitigate Hazards from Past Mining of
hazardous sites that have been mitigated - Strategy 3 Provide Information to Assist
Communities in Managing Risks from Natural
Hazards - communities with risk management plans
incorporating standards and practices using DOI
hazard science - sampled stakeholders reporting adequacy of
science base to inform decision-making for each
hazard management activity (flood, earthquakes,
etc.) score satisfaction -
- Strategy 4 Promote Respect for Private Property
- Title, boundary and survey information
townships with Geographic Coordinate Database
completed customer satisfaction scores with
accuracy and service provided - Land conveyances approved disposals and
conveyances completed - Voluntary Activities acres protected through
voluntary activities resulting from DOI
relationship - Appeals Cases average one yearor less before
OHA average days that cases in the 4th
quartile are pending before OHA - Property Impacts
- satisfaction ratings for cooperative actions
involving property holders (of random sample) - of judgments against DOI for DOI actions
relating to private property (low good) -
- Strategy 5 Enhance Safety in Offshore Operations
- Operator Safety Index improvement in composite
operator safety index reduced range in composite
operator safety index
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
25Serving Communities - Advance Knowledge through
Scientific Leadership (Goal 2)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Strategy 1 Expand the Scientific Knowledge Base
- Content and expanse of knowledge base
- land with temporal and spatial monitoring/data
coverage to meet land use planning and monitoring
requirements - of databases with real time or timely
information - data accessible
- Interpretive tools
- satisfaction score with interpretive tools
- satisfaction with data integration tools
- Strategy 2 Enhance the Quality and Objectivity
of DOI Science - Quality methodologies, data, studies
validated through peer review or other method -
- Strategy 3 Lead and Facilitate Exchange and Use
of Knowledge - Exchange of Knowledge
- of citations in Science Citation Index
- demand ( of requests) for DOI science
- Ease of Access Customer satisfaction ( score)
with ease, timeliness of access - Ease of Use Customer satisfaction ( score) with
documentation and ease of integration with other
data and information
- -conduct impartial investigations on scientific
processes - -develop and improve interpretive and predictive
models - -develop and implement innovative analytical
approaches - -encourage the exchange of scientific ideas and
findings in key science consortia ( attended) - -sponsor scientific consortia and conferences (
sponsored) - -encourage the interchange of scientific ideas
and applications with land and resource
management issues in regional fora ( held) - plan and execute satellite missions to acquire,
interpret, and disseminate data from active (i.e.
Landsat) for natural resources and hazards
applications - Maintain continuous record (archive) of remotely
sensed data - increase in network capacities and speeds
- databases and information offered through
one-stop access? - -ETC
- Outcome Goal 1
- Advance Knowledge Through Scientific Leadership
and Inform Decisions Through the Applications of
Science - Outcome Measure
- Research
- Soundness of methodology, accuracy, and
reliability of science (Program evaluation, peer
review) - Inform decisions through the applications of
science - Improved access to needed science information (
score) - Stakeholders reporting that information Helped
Achieve Goal ( score)
26Serving Communities - Fulfill Indian Trust
Responsibilities (Goal 3)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Strategy 1 Improve Indian Trust Beneficiary
Services - Tribal Leadership satisfaction with consultation
and communication on trust issues (Avg. score) - Responsiveness of DOI to Tribal and individual
trust concerns and needs (Avg. score) - Strategy 2 Improve Indian Trust Ownership
Information - Probate of estate assets distributed in
standard probate process cycle time ( X days) - Appraisals appraisal reports completed within
X days cycle time - Strategy 3 Management of Land and Natural
Resource Assets - Ensure Timeliness of payments to American
Indians revenue disbursed by MMS to OTFM with
24 hours of receipt of dollars received for
which MMS provides distribution detail to BIA
within XX days of MMS receipt - Compliance with Indian Lease Terms XX of gas
properties in compliance with index zone Major
Portion/Dual Accounting - Technical Assistance of Indian mineral assets
where management activities are managed by Indian
tribes - Strategy 4 Manage Trust Fund Assets for Timely
and Productive Use - individual and tribal beneficiaries receiving
quarterly account statement statements - of trust data validated, by Agency
- Strategy 5 Supporting Indian-Self Governance and
Self-Determination - Technical Assistance Backlog of technical
assistance for Tribal Management of trust assets
to X
- Outcome Goal
- Fulfill Indian Trust Responsibilities
- Outcome Measures
- Beneficiary Services
- Provide accurate, timely information to Trust
beneficiary ( accuracy) - Ownership Information
- of IIM and tribal accounts for which historical
accounting has been completed) - Trust Fund Assets
- random audits of IIM and tribal accounts
confirming consistency with beneficiary financial
plan - Indian Self-governance and Self-determination
- of Tribes with completed financial plans
- Natural Resource Assets on reservations managed
by Tribes that seek to do so
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
27Serving Communities - Quality Communities for
Tribes (Goal 4)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Strategy 1 Improve Communication and
Responsiveness with Tribes, Alaskan Natives, and
Individual Native Americans - Leadership Satisfaction
- Tribal Leadership Satisfaction with consultation
and communication (Avg. score) - Responsiveness of DOI to Tribal concerns and
needs (Avg. score) - Access to and protection of religious and
cultural sites on public lands (Avg. score) - Needs Assessment Tribes for which top issues
have been identified annually -
- Strategy 2 Improve Education and Welfare Systems
for Indian Tribes - Learning Environment
- BIA schools in good condition based on the
Facilities Condition Index - Learning Approach
- improvement in teacher proficiencies in select
subject areas - increase in teacher retention
- increase in student attendance rate
- Learning Outcomes
- children able to read independently by the 3rd
grade - students at proficiency level for math
- students at proficiency level for language arts
- students achieving high school graduation or
- Outcome Goal
- Quality Communities for Tribes
- Outcome Measures
- Education and Welfare Achieve parity between
tribal community and US National Average on high
school graduation, mortality and substance abuse
rates - Economic Growth Achieve parity between tribal
community and US National Average on unemployment
rates - Public Safety Achieve parity between tribal
community and US National Average on violent
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
28Serving Communities - Quality Communities for
Tribes (Goal 4) (cont.)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Strategy 3 Promote the Economic Vitality of
Indian Tribes - Capital
- jobs created through capital provided by DOI
loans - retention one year out
- cost per job achieved
- Legal Regime of tribes with appropriate legal
regime (court system, contract law,
tort/liability, intellectual property, etc.)
conducive to economic development, where
applicable -
- Strategy 4 Enhance Public Safety
- Child/Spousal Abuse incidents
- Violent Crime Part 1 Violent Crimes to XX per
100,000 inhabitants - Detention law enforcement facilities in
fair/good condition - Incidence of violence and substance abuse in BIA
- Outcome Goal
- Quality Communities for Tribes
- Outcome Measures
- Education and Welfare Achieve parity between
tribal community and US National Average on high
school graduation, mortality and substance abuse
rates - Economic Growth Achieve parity between tribal
community and US National Average on unemployment
rates - Public Safety Achieve parity between tribal
community and US National Average on violent
Goals and Measures to be identified in MBO,
Bureau Performance Plans, and Annual Budget
29Serving Communities - Quality Communities for
Island Communities (Goal 5)
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
- Strategy 1 Improve Insular Governments Financial
Management Practices - Audits Number of auditor qualifications to
annual financial statements Total number of
audit findings - Responsiveness to audit findings total days late
for all insular genreral fund financial
statementsX of audit findings resolvedwithin
one year - Financial Manager Training X of financial
management employees with certified status - Economic Data Number of insular governments that
are capable of generating reliable economic data
sufficient to properly track fiscal and economic
progress - Strategy 2 Increased Economic Development
- Infrastructure of non-Federal share of
infrastructure development - Education and Health Care of technical
assistance projects achieving identified goals
within one year of completion - Homeland Security Improve capability assessment
of readiness by X over FY 2002 FEMA baseline - Environmental and Cultural Resource Preservation
of technical assistance and infrastructure
projects achieving identified goals within one
year of completion - Strategy 3 Increased Federal Responsiveness to
Unique Needs of Island Communities Striving for
Economic Self-Sufficiency - Satisfaction and Confidence
- DOI Confidence Rating XX
- DOI Satisfaction Rating XX
- Outcome Goal
- Increase Economic Self-Sufficiency of Insular
Areas - Outcome Measures
- Ratio of local to Federal resources in insular
budgets - Federal assistance as a percentage of GDP for
insular eonomies - Ratio of private sector jobs to total employment
- Develop accountability standards for OIA aid
Input Outputs Intermediate
Outcomes End Outcomes
Outcome Goals/Measures Improve Transparency
and Accountability Achieving Mission -Improve
overall program performance results by x over
prior year ( DOI GPRA performance measure
targets met) Accountability -Obtain unqualified
audit for DOIs eight bureaus, the Departmental
offices, and the Departments consolidated
financial statements Workforce Has Job-related
Knowledge and Skills Necessary to Accomplish
Organizational Goals - managers who indicate
that their workforce has sufficient knowledge and
skills to do their job (source OPM survey) -
customers satisfied with knowledge and skill
level of employees Operational Efficiency and
Conservation -Aggregate cost savings realized
from process improvements Improve Service To
Customers -