Education in Ireland: An Overview - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Education in Ireland: An Overview


The HEA an independent statutory body manages third level but remains ... Real recognition by Irish government of importance of education for economic, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Education in Ireland: An Overview

Education in Ireland An Overview
  • Presentation to
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of Industry and Commerce
  • and Delegation
  • Colombia

Dr. Catherine Kavanagh Department of
Economics University College Cork, Ireland and
Former Manager Expert Group on Future Skills
Needs Forfas, Ireland
  • Structure of Education in Ireland
  • The Policy Context
  • Growth and Research
  • What Have We Learned
  • Concerns and Challenges for Ireland

Structure of Irish Education
  • First Level - Primary
  • Second Level
  • Third Level - Higher Education
  • Fourth Level Doctorate and Post-Doctorate Level

Primary Level
  • Years 1-8
  • Statutory age entry is 6 years although most
    start at 4
  • Curriculum is child centred and allows for
    flexibility in timetabling and teaching methods
  • No formal examinations at the end of primary cycle

Second Level
  • Includes
  • Junior Cycle (3 years)
  • Transition Year (optional 1 year)
  • Senior Cycle (2 years)
  • Different types of 2nd level schools, mainly
    differentiated by sources of funding, e.g.
    Secondary schools, community schools, vocational
  • Two examinations Junior Certificate and Leaving
  • All schools follow curricula laid down by
    Ministry of Education and Science
  • Compulsory education is from age 6 to 16 or until
    students have completed 3 years of second level

Third Level Higher and Further Education
  • Third Level
  • Universities (7)
  • Institutes of Technology (14) formerly Regional
    Technical Colleges
  • Colleges of Education (5)
  • Specialist Institutions
  • Medicine
  • Law
  • The Arts
  • Private Colleges
  • Adult/Further/Community Education

Governments Role
  • Responsibility for governments role in education
    rests with the Department of Education and
    Science primary and second level
  • Third Level NO separate Ministry. The HEA
    an independent statutory body manages third level
    but remains answerable to the Minister for
    Education and Science

Department of Education and Science
  • Highly centralised system
  • Rules and regulations
  • Recognition of schools
  • Curricula
  • Resourcing
  • Staffing
  • Teachers salary scales

Higher Education Authority
  • Statutory Planning and Development Body for
    Higher Education and Research in Ireland
  • Wide Advisory Powers
  • Funding Authority
  • Quality Assurance Procedures
  • Strategic Development Plans

Teaching Profession
  • High status
  • High salaries relative to EU counterparts
  • Quality of in-take to colleges
  • Colleges
  • Teacher training
  • Curriculum development
  • In-career education
  • New teaching methodologies

Policy Context in Ireland
  • General consensus that
  • Education has long been central to Irelands
    cultural, social and economic development
  • A key strength of Irish education in the past has
    been its relevance to wider social and economic
  • In a changing society and in a rapidly evolving
    economy, education must continually re-invent
    itself to remain relevant and responsive
  • General view of all stakeholders that Ireland
    should progress to a knowledge-based economy
  • View that government investment in education is
    justified on a number of levels

Wider Policy Context
  • Importance of productivity growth - improving
    living standards key driver is productivity
    growth in the future
  • What drives productivity? human capital
    (skilled labour force) is one key element
  • Global, technological and demographic change
    emphasise importance of human capital

Wider Policy Context
  • Impact of human capital investment evidence of
    growth and productivity?
  • Increase average education in population by one
    year has positive impact on productivity of
    between 3-6 - OECD
  • Third level education more important for OECD
  • Stage, level and type of education matter for
  • Human capital plays key role in fostering
    technological change and diffusion
  • Human capital has positive impact on physical

Wider Policy Context
  • Range of wider social effects of greater human
    capital include
  • Lower risks of unemployment higher chance of
    labour market participation
  • Increases in social cohesion
  • Superior health status, increased level of
    exercise, more frequent use of seat-belts
  • Lower smoking consumption, lower incidence of
    excessive alcohol consumption
  • Lower levels of crime
  • So societal benefits gt private benefits

Irelands Remarkable Growth
  • Various reasons put forward including
  • Full, active participation in EU
  • Low Corporation Tax Rate
  • Success in attracting large multi-national
  • The skills and experience of the IDA
  • Young English-speaking population
  • Increased participation in labour market
  • Immigration not emigration
  • Returning graduates
  • Partnership agreements
  • More stable public finance position
  • however

Irelands Remarkable Growth
Sustained investment in education the critical
driver of our economic success and social progress
Investment in Education in Ireland
  • Slower to evolve in Ireland than in other OECD
  • Attempted economic expansion in the early 1960s
    not very successful because
  • Shortage of people with suitable qualifications
    and skills mix
  • OECD Report 1966
  • Free education introduced (1967)
  • Beginning of serious investment
  • Expenditure as percentage of national income has
    doubled since early 1990s
  • Free third level education introduced in 1996
  • Real recognition by Irish government of
    importance of education for economic, social and
    cultural development

Investment in Education
  • 5.4 of GNI, less in terms of GDP
  • Small level of expenditure on private
  • Overall expenditure on education in Ireland
    approx 15 of total government spending but
    expenditure by student is less than EU and OECD
    average at all levels
  • 84 of all current expenditure at first and
    second level is for salaries
  • 74 of current expenditure in higher education
    for salaries

Education Policy
  • Two strands to Irish education policy
  • Education policy aims to facilitate the
    accumulation of human capital in the economy with
    aim of fuelling economic growth
  • Education policy aims to aid the governments
    policy objective of equity by ensuring equal
    access to, and opportunities within, the system
  • Ireland cooperates at EU level in the development
    of education and training policies e.g. Bologna

Policies Aimed at Growth
  • The work of the Expert Group on Future Skills
    Needs (EGFSN)
  • Range of initiatives to promote science at all
    levels of education
  • Life-long learning initiatives
  • Role of HEA
  • Role of Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
  • Research initiatives

  • Programme of Research in
  • Third-Level Institutions (PRTLI)
  • Scientific and Technology Investment Fund
  • Strategy for Science/Technology
  • and Innovation (2006 2013)
  • Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)

Programme of Research in Third-Level
  • Provides separate funding for research
  • Develops major research centres
  • Funds major research projects
  • Independent selection of projects

  • Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) established in
    2000. Role is to support research in strategic
    areas that advance the countrys technological
    and economic success and reputation
  • IRCSET and IRCHSS provide new sources of funding
    for researchers and research projects in these
  • HEAs Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) established
    in 2006 (fund of 300m)
  • SSTI key targets established, e.g. doubling
    number of PhDs

Research Investment
  • Has created new capacity to highest world-class
  • New researchers employed
  • New career paths for existing researchers
  • New dynamic in institutions
  • Inter-institutional co-operation
  • Ireland now a significant international
  • research player

Higher Education Institutions in Ireland
  • Traditional Universities
  • Other higher education institutions
  • Institutes of Technology

Institutes of Technology
  • 14 Institutes
  • Strategically located around the country
  • Comprehensive range of courses from
    craft/apprenticeship programmes to
  • post-doctoral level qualifications
  • High quality applied research
  • Programmes career-focused

Institutes of Technology
  • Innovative partnerships with industry
  • Ongoing research and consultancy services
  • to industry
  • Strong reputation as centres of excellence
  • Have demonstrated an ability and agility
  • to respond to changing economic growth
  • Strong international collaborations

How Does Ireland Perform?
  • 41 of all 25-34 year olds in population have 3rd
    level qualification up from 27 in 1999, EU
    average 28
  • 86 of 20-24 year olds in population have upper
    second level attainment, above the Lisbon Target
    of 85
  • PISA (test of OECD 15 year olds) Ireland
    performs very well in relation to reading, less
    well on Mathematics and Science and just above
    OECD average
  • of 17-18 year olds in population that have
    upper second level education 91
  • Programmes at primary and secondary level have
    focused on retention and achievement of students,
    especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds

So Investing in People is Important
  • By 2015, 80 of the existing workforce will still
    be there meanwhile, 80 of all technology will
    be replaced (ILO)
  • Lifelong learning and skills enhancement of
    existing workforce is crucial
  • Positioning Ireland to continue to be
    internationally competitive, innovative and

Lifelong education should not be seen as a cost
but rather as an investment which will generate
massive returns in the future. (OECD)
Goal Building World-Class Third-Level
  • Should produce graduates to the highest possible
  • Cornerstone of economic success
  • Bedrock of the knowledge society
  • Essential in making transition to higher value
  • Challenge to develop the mix of creativity and
    skills to respond to the needs of a constantly
    changing global labour market

Skills Tomorrows Competitive Advantage
  • Must develop competitive advantage in world-class
    skills, education and training in order to make
    this transition in which skills drive
    innovation, productivity and entrepreneurial
  • Knowledge and innovation are the key ingredients
    for success

Skills Requirements
  • Not static
  • World changing fast
  • Difficult to predict
  • Constant need for re-appraisal/change
  • particular skills and balance of skills
  • Shift to services/new knowledge economy
  • demands greater degree of innovative
  • ability and creativity
  • the application of knowledge

Future Skills Needs
  • Ongoing needs analysis in Ireland
  • Framework of skills
  • Fundamental skills
  • Literacy/numeracy/use of technology
  • People related skills
  • Communication/interpersonal/team-working/
    customer service
  • Conceptual skills
  • Collecting/organising information/problem
    solving/planning and organising/learning to
    learn/innovative and creative
  • Global Management and Leadership skills
  • Higher level skills
  • Science/Engineering/ICT and RD

What Have We Learned?
  • Respond quickly to skills needs extent to which
    Ireland can evolve to a knowledge economy will
    depend to a large degree on the ability of the
    educational system to respond quickly and
    efficiently to the evolving skill needs of
  • Flexible and adaptable Education and training
    environment must be flexible and adaptable. A
    process that is continuously proactive
  • 3rd Function of Higher Education in addition to
    education and research, the third level has a
    third role to play in promoting the development
    of enterprise through the provision of a range of
    services and interactions with industry
  • Integrated government policy required a coherent
    policy framework spanning relevant government
    departments and agencies
  • Co-ordination of the activities of all relevant

The Rewards
  • Improved education and training yields a social
  • Better social cohesion
  • Better public health
  • Mitigates against poverty, crime and social
    welfare dependency
  • Maximises the full potential of each individual
  • Rewards for meeting challenges great
  • Cost of not meeting challenges equally great

Concerns for Ireland
  • Demographic change falling proportion of 17-18
    year olds
  • Loss of internationally traded businesses
  • Irelands debt burden continues to grow while
    interest rates are rising
  • Dependence on the construction sector
  • Costs concern for business consumer prices,
    labour costs, and non-labour costs
  • External risks success in long-term depends on
    success in export markets, energy prices

Challenges in Future
  • Need for enhanced productivity has slowed in
    recent years, requires investment at all levels
    of education system
  • Promotion of competition costs
  • Tax system must be competitive broaden base
    and efficiency of public services
  • Innovation need to improve capabilities of our
    companies in moving up the value chain
  • Skills globalisation and ICT, fears about
    outsourcing and automation, growing demand for
    skills that require expert thinking and complex
    communications, need to retrain existing workers,
    need for strong basic skills and competencies,
    need for advanced skills
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