Title: Money and Power Lecture 9
1Money and PowerLecture 9
- Can politicians make you rich?
2Money and Power. OutlineLecture 9
- Possible roles for the state
- Keynesian view
- What can politicians do to help the system work?
- How do politicians implement such a strategy?
- Why dont politicians always do it?
- Who has adopted a Keynesian policy today?
3Money and Power. Possible roles for the state
Lecture 9
- Neo-conservative view
- Neo-liberal view
- Keynesian view
- Socialist view
- Marxist view
- Green view
4Money and Power. Keynesian view Lecture 9
- The system fails due to lack of aggregate demand
Financial economy
Firm making goods
Firms investing
Finance - The City
Spending on consumer goods
Income, wages, dividends etc.
Household buying goods
Households saving
Income not spent
Real economy
Law of Aggregate Demand
5Money and Power. What can politicians do to help
the system work?Lecture 9
- Politicians can use the state to adjust aggregate
Government spending
- Now 3 sources of
- aggregate demand
- Consumption spending
- Investment spending
- Government spending
Firm making goods
Firms investing
Finance - The City
Spending on consumer goods
Income, wages, dividends etc.
Household buying goods
Income not spent
Households saving
1st rule of aggregate demand management
6Money and Power. How much does the state
spendLecture 9
- UK 2004 (all types of public spending)
- Spending 488bn
- Tax 455bn
- GDP 1.1 trillion
- US 2004 (federal budget)
- Spending 2.139 trillion
- Tax 1.798 trillion
- GDP 11.466 trillion
Types of UK Government expenditure
7Money and Power. How do politicians manage
aggregate demandLecture 9
- 2nd rule of demand management
Budget deficit difference between government
expenditure and taxation revenues
In 2004 UK deficit 488bn - 455bn 33bn As
percentage of GDP 3
In 2004 US deficit 2.139tr 1.798tr
0.341tr As percentage of GDP 3
IN UK, deficit is determined every year following
the Budget in March
8Money and Power. How are deficits
financedLecture 9
Gordon must borrow 33bn to finance deficit
From whom?
Governments bank Bank of England
City private finance
Government issues bonds
Expands money supply
9Money and Power. Why dont politicians always do
this?Lecture 9
- 1970s and 1980s unemployment and inflation
- Monetarist critique (Milton Friedman)
- Supply side critique
10Money and Power. Keynesianism todayLecture 9
- UK not very Keynesian golden rule
- US is Keynesian especially Reagan and Bush
- Keynesianism in a globalised world
- How is US avoiding globalisation problem
- Private debt
- International borrowing (from China)
- Future
- Can US sustain position
- Can we have an international Keynesianism