Title: Albert A' ANGEHRN
1Albert A. ANGEHRN Thierry NABETH
C-VIBE A Virtual Interactive Business
Environment addressing Change Management Learning
CALT The Centre for Advanced Learning
Technologies INSEAD The European Institute of
Business Administration Fontainebleau, France
2CALT RESEARCH AGENDA - Key Research Areas
CALT Key Research Areas
Individual Learning Systems
Organizational Learning Systems
Advanced Simulations
Virtual Communities
E-nnovation Studies
Intelligent Learning Agents
Innovation Change Processes
Knowledge Management
e-Business e-Management
Key Application Domains
CALT Key Research Areas
Individual Learning Systems
Organizational Learning Systems
Advanced Simulations
Virtual Communities
E-nnovation Studies
Intelligent Learning Agents
modelling of highly inter- active learning
change processes modelling of knowledge
domains (ontologies) intelligentconversation
al agents (InCAs)
cyberentrepreneurship cases and studies
innovation processes at company and market
level sector-specific studies (banking,
content, etc.)
online platforms design and evaluation
analysis of online social dynamics
analysis of knowledge- value-creating
processes (learning communities)
effectiveness of advanced experiential
learning systems design of multi-user,
virtual reality environments object-oriented
modelling of organizational dynamics
Innovation Change Processes
Knowledge Management
e-Business e-Management
Key Application Domains
4C-VIBE Project
- The Context Addressed
- Modeling organizational dynamics to support
- effective learning in hard, highly relevant
domains such as Managing Change/Innovation in
Organizations - Designing effective Experiential Learning
Systems - (advanced UI/interaction design and evaluation)
CALT The Centre for Advanced Learning
Technologies INSEAD The European Institute of
Business Administration Fontainebleau, France
5EIS Simulation Modeling Organizational Change
CALT The Centre for Advanced Learning
Technologies INSEAD The European Institute of
Business Administration Fontainebleau, France
6OD Simulations Different Scenarios
Diads/Pairs Here users can experience and test
their effectiveness in one-to-one interactions
with a (virtual or human) character. Such
interactions can take place in different
contexts, such as salary negotiation, project
reporting, performance reviews, feedback
sessions, etc. Scenario can include situations
helping the user to address specific attitudes
(defensiveness, emotions, etc.) to make such
one-to-one interactions more productive. Small
Groups Here users can experience and test their
effectiveness in managing the dynamics of a set
of (virtual or human) characters in a team
setting. Such interactions can take place in
different contexts, such as regular staff
meetings, workshops, decision making sessions,
etc. Scenarios can be made particularly
challenging by modelling different forms of
dysfunctional behavior in some of the simulated
team members, to trigger the users reaction and
intervention. Larger Groups/Organizations/Commun
ities Here users can experience and test their
effectiveness in trying to have an impact in a
organizational context populated by (virtual or
human) characters displaying different behaviors
and attitutes. What is modelled in this case is
the process of an organizational intervention
such as the introduction of different types of
innovations (managerial, technical, cultural) in
a company. Here again, scenarios can be made
particularly challenging by modelling different
forms of dysfunctional behavior in organizations,
to trigger the users reactions and interventions.
CALT The Centre for Advanced Learning
Technologies INSEAD The European Institute of
Business Administration Fontainebleau, France
7Business Navigator A Framework for VIBE Design
CALT The Centre for Advanced Learning
Technologies INSEAD The European Institute of
Business Administration Fontainebleau, France
8Presentation Objectives
- Present and discuss research ongoing at CALT in
the field of Advanced Experiential Learning
Systems - Establish links with researchers designing and
evaluating distributed 3D, avatar-based - experiential learning systems
- Establish links with researchers interested in
the design and evaluation of OD Simulation (e.g.
modeling dysfunctional situations in a learning
CALT The Centre for Advanced Learning
Technologies INSEAD The European Institute of
Business Administration Fontainebleau, France