Title: Transforming Informal Learning Spaces
1Transforming Informal Learning Spaces
- Meg Brady
- Director, Educational Technology
- Missouri ST
2Learning Spaces
- Where does learning occur?
- Formal spaces (classrooms)
- Informal spaces (hallways, coffee shops,
libraries) - How does space influence learning?
- Physical or virtual, they can
- Bring people together and encourage exploration,
collaboration, and discussion, or, - Carry an unspoken message of silence and
Oblinger, Diana, Space as a Change Agent,
Learning Spaces, Educause2006, http//www.educause
3The Process for Developing Informal Learning
4Evaluating Needs
- General
- Human-Centered Design
- Active Learning
- Social Interactive
- Space Needs
- Holistic view of campus learning real estate
- Often determined by size/shape of existing
physical area - Department specific requirements
- IT Expectations
- Economies of scale, support and lifecycle
management - Availability of duplex printing
- Adaptability to new technology over time
5Choosing the Site
- Location, location, location
- Impact on student population
- Costs and funding
- Additional requests
6Exploring Solutions
- Intentional Design
- and
- Continuous Improvement
- Use Your Resources
- Design guides
- Environmental Psychology
- Space research findings
- User input on existing spaces
- Consultation with involved parties
7Implementing Changes
8Two Recent Transformations
9Engineering Management 222Before
10Engineering Management 222After
11Computer Science 212/213Before
12Computer Science 212/213After
- Perspectives Student v. Faculty
- Data Quantitative v. Observational
- Time Changes Everything
14How can this apply at your campus?
- Intentional Design
- Understanding your students
- Partnering across campus
- Creating buy-in with all parties
- Administration
- Faculty
- Students
- Be flexible
- Think ahead
15Changing Perceptions
- I learned in hard chairs in the heat, and they
can too. - Students will steal anything not nailed down.
- Students will ruin anything upholstered or
carpeted with their carelessness.
16For More Information
- Watch for our article in the new online,
multi-media version of Educause Review, due out
April 2, 2009 at educause.edu - Contact us at
- Educational Technology _at_ Missouri ST
- http//edtech.mst.edu
- edtech_at_mst.edu