Le organizzazioni efficaci sono
garrule, maldestre, superstiziose, ipocrite,
mostruose, tentacolari, erranti e scontrose
(Karl Weick) e oggi magari
virtuali! In IBM 6000 persone lavorano a tempo
pieno tramite i propri avatar in mondi digitali
In UK il Dipartimento del Commercio e
dellIndustria ha creato uno strumento didattico
per i managers il CSR Competency Framework
che insegna ad acquisire le caratteristiche
necessarie per essere un leader capace, attento
ai cambiamenti e alle proprie responsabilità nei
confronti della società civile
3The Competency Framework
consists of a set of 6core characteristics that
describe the way all managersneed to act in
order to integrate responsible businessdecision-m
aking 1 Understanding society Understanding
the role of eachplayer in society government,
business, trade unions,nongovernmental
organisations and civil society.2 Building
capacity Building capacity and externalpartnershi
ps and creating strategic networksand
alliances.3 Questioning business as usual Being
open to newideas, challenging others to adopt
new ways of thinkingand questioning business as
usual.4 Stakeholder relations Identifying
stakeholders,building relations with internal
and externalstakeholders, engaging in
consultation andbalancing demands.5 Strategic
view Taking a strategic view of thebusiness
environment.6 Harnessing diversity Respecting
diversity andadjusting your approach to
different situations.