Title: CVHNS
- Nova Scotia Health Information Management
Association - Spring Workshop
- May 10, 2007
2Who We Are
3Nova Scotia Provincial Programs
- Disease/disorder-specific programs
- Cardiovascular Health Nova Scotia (CVHNS) is 1 of
9 - Funded by, and accountable to the DOH
- Located outside the DOH in host organizations
- Provincial, not one facility/DHA
- Mission
- Improving cardiovascular health care of Nova
Scotians - Develop evidence-based standards
- Recommend service delivery models
- Facilitate continuing education
- Monitor outcomes
- Facilitate local/provincial use of data for
quality improvement
5CVHNS Scope is Broad
- Full healthcare continuum - health promotion to
rehabilitation - Stroke cardiac disease
6What We Do
7Selected Activities
- Acute Coronary Syndrome guidelines
- Stroke guidelines
- Provincial stroke audit
- Provincial/DHA cardiac data
- Safer Healthcare Now! Reports to DHAs
8How We Collect Data
9Cardiac Data Collection
- Retrospective chart audit
- Trained HRTs
- Move from paper to electronic near complete
- All discharges CHF, unstable angina AMI
- Continuous cardiac data since October 1997
10Sample Of What We Can Do With Our Data
11Trends in DischargeDrug Use for AMIin Nova
12Trends in ThrombolyticUse Door-to-Needle Time
13ACS Rates, by Place of Residence, 2002-2005
185 pts/yr 723/100,000/yr
784 pts/yr 786/100,000/yr
256 pts/yr 704/100,000/yr
327 pts/yr 600/100,000/yr
368 pts/yr 587/100,000/yr
160 pts/yr 452/100,000/yr
Nova Scotia 3971 pts/yr 555/100,000/yr Range
435 to 786/100,000/yr
1325 pts/yr 435/100,000/yr
252 pts/yr 526/100,000/yr
Individuals rates per 100,000 population gt age
20 4-year average. From ICONS Database
316 pts/yr 645/100,000/yr
14Trends in Cardiac RiskFactor Clusteringin AMI
CRF smoking diabetes hypertension
hyperlipidemia overweight (BMI gt 27)
15AMI In-Hospital Mortality
16CHF Patients with LVEF Assessment In-Hospital
17Quarterly Email Bulletin
18Visit Our Website
- www.gov.ns.ca/health/cvhns