Title: NIMS Integration Center 1
1National Incident Management System
NIMS Implementation and FY 2007 Compliance
Rick Jordan FEMA R7 NIMS Coordinator January 31,
2007 Nebraska Exercise Training
Conference North Platte, NE
2NIMS Implementation Key Concepts
- NIMS implementation is more than adoption of ICS
by State, local community, agency, or hospital - NIMS implementation is more than having personnel
complete a one-hour online training session on
NIMS - NIMS implementation establishes a comprehensive
system improving how the nation responds to
emergency incidents
3NIMS Implementation Key Concepts
- How do we integrate NIMS?
- Develop standardized organizational systems,
using common terminology during a disaster - Link communication systems
- Train and Exercise together
- Establish common resource base for incident
4NIMS Compliance Background
- All State, local and tribal jurisdictions
receiving Federal Preparedness Assistance are
required to comply with the NIMS - Grants, cooperative agreements, and direct
contracts - FYs 2005-2006
- Self-certification for NIMS compliance
- Initial measures have been reached and good
faith efforts are underway to comply - FY 2006 Implementation Matrices for
State/Territorial, tribal/local - Actions required for compliance
- Guidance and technical assistance resources
- Future activities
5NIMS Compliance Summary
- FYs 2005-2006 34 on-going NIMS implementation
activities prescribed by the NIMS Integration
Center - FY 2007 Seven new activities for States and
territories Six new activities for tribal
entities and local jurisdictions - All jurisdictions should remember that
implementation activities from previous fiscal
years remain on-going commitments - All jurisdictions must continue to support all
implementation activities to achieve NIMS
6FY 2007 NIMS Compliance Transition
- Transition in FY 2007 towards performance-based
metrics - Metrics based on compliance requirement
statements (matrix) - FY 2007 NIMS Compliance
- Letter to Governors identifies implementation
requirements and compliance metrics in October
2006 - Compliance Metrics incorporated into NIMSCAST
- DHS Office of Grants Training conducts NIMS
monitoring - Technical Assistance from all FEMA Regions
7NIMS Compliance Metrics Goals
- Gather information on current state of NIMS
compliance - Measures performance of NIMS implementation
activities - Helps determine appropriate compliance targets
- Compile best practices and identify compliance
shortfalls - Provide continued guidance and feedback for
increased NIMS compliance - Assist refinement of metrics and NIMSCAST
8NIMS Compliance Metrics Tiers
- Tier 1 Metrics
- Required for FY 2007 NIMS Compliance
- Jurisdictions must record affirmative answers
- Mechanism to measure performance
- Establish targets for FY 2008
- FY 2008 DHS GT validates responses for Tier 1
metrics - Tier 2 Metrics
- These questions monitor ongoing (FYs 2006-2007)
NIMS implementation activities, - Jurisdictions are not required to record an
affirmative answer to achieve FY 2007 Compliance
- Answers to these questions must be submitted
- Inform the NIC on successes, gaps, and shortfalls
- Establish targets for FY 2008 (potentially)
9NIMS Compliance Summary
- Future refinement of the NIMS will evolve as
policy and technical issues are further developed
and clarified. - Additional requirements may be issued by the NIMS
Integration Center as to what will constitute
NIMS compliance in FY 2008 and beyond. - With completion of FY 2007 activities, State,
territorial, tribal, and local jurisdictions will
have the foundational support for future NIMS
implementation and compliance. - The effective and consistent implementation of
the NIMS nationwide will result in a strengthened
national capability to prevent, prepare for,
respond to and recover from any type of incident.
- NIMCAST National Incident Management System
Capability Assessment Support Tool - NIMCAST Launched January 2005
- Assess compliance against the NIMS document
- State, territory, tribal, local, and/or
discipline - Created overall report
- NIMSCAST NIMS Compliance Assistance Support
Tool - NIMSCAST Released in FY 2007 3rd Quarter
11NIMSCAST Navigation Upgrades
- Original NIMCAST module will remain (FY05/06
NIMSCAST Assessment) - FY07 State/Territory and Tribal/Local Metrics
- Account reporting
- Search features name, email address, account
name - Accounts identified by discipline
12Additional Upgrades
- Request a New Password
- Change email address within NIMSCAST
- Structure Public Accounts by State/Territory
- Delete empty Public Accounts
- More reporting features
- Users will receive email when added or deleted
from an account - Detailed user guide and website instructions
- GT may review before a monitoring visit
- Other grant making agencies could request report
for monitoring - Assist in compliance verification
14 15Training Who needs to take what?
- IS-700 NIMS An Introduction
- All personnel with a direct role in emergency
preparedness, incident management, or response - IS-800a NRP An Introduction
- All Federal, state, territorial, tribal, and
local emergency managers or personnel whose
primary responsibility is emergency management - ICS-100 Introduction to ICS
- All Federal, State, territorial, tribal, local,
private sector and non-governmental personnel at
the entry level, first line supervisor level,
middle management level, and command and general
staff level of emergency management operations - ICS-200 Basic ICS
- All Federal, State, territorial, tribal, local,
private sector and non-governmental personnel at
the first line supervisor level, middle
management level, and command and general staff
level of emergency management operations
16New FY 2007 and Out Year Training
- ICS-300 Intermediate (Required in FY07)
- All Federal, State, territorial, tribal, local,
private sector and non-governmental personnel at
the middle management level, and command and
general staff level of emergency management
operations - ICS-400 Advanced (Required in FY07)
- All Federal, State, territorial, tribal, local,
private sector and non-governmental personnel at
the command and general staff level of emergency
management operations - Additional NIMS Training (Recommended)
- Training available for all audiences in the
following areas NIMS Multi-agency Coordination
Systems, Public Information Systems,
Communications and Information Management,
Resource Management, Resource Typing, Mutual Aid,
and NIMS Preparedness - ICS-Position Specific Training for FY08
- Training required for ICS Command and General
Staff positions Incident Commander, Safety
Office, Liaison Officer, Public Information
Officer, Operations Section Chief, Planning
Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, and
Finance/Admin Section Chief
17NIMS Training
- One of the most important and essential elements
of NIMS compliance - Required as a condition for receiving federal
preparedness funds - NIMS base-line training must become an integral
element of any jurisdiction / agency respective
training programs - Successful implementation is dependent upon
participation and integration of all response
disciplines within this training
18Incident Command System (ICS) Training
Emergency management / response personnel,
trained in ICS, do not require retraining
if Previous training is consistent with current
DHS standards (to include ICS courses managed,
administered, or delivered by the Emergency
Management Institute, the National Fire Academy,
FIRESCOPE, the National Wildfire Coordinating
Group, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the
Environment Protection Agency, and the U.S. Coast
19Performance Measuring
- The NIC is moving towards performance
measurements in our training requirements as well
as other NIMS requirements - FY07 State and local NIMS implementation
activities will be based on metrics vice
self-certification - Presently pilot testing 9 ICS Command and General
staff position specific training courses that
will be based on performance based all-hazard
core competencies
20Current Activities
- ICS Position-specific Training for Command and
General Staff Positions - Pilot testing was done at NETC last fall (9
Command and General Staff positions) - A second round of pilot testing will be done
during the second quarter of FY 2007. - After the second round of pilots are completed, a
release will be made to utilize all training
delivery systems - All-Hazard Core competencies for each ICS
position have been developed and are posted
online for viewing. - Competencies were developed and involved many
training partners at the state and federal level
to including EMI, USFA, USCG, EPA, and NWCG.
- The NIC has started to processes necessary to
developing a 5-year NIMS training Plan to assist
all training partners. - Contract with the Homeland Security Institute has
been established. - This will involve an initial 3 month effort with
a completion date of June 2007 - A Training Focus group will be established to
assist in this effort. - The NIC will also solicit input from both the
FEMA Regional, Federal and State training
22- NIMS Resource Typing and Credentialing
23Resource Typing
- Provides Capability Scale for Resources
- Obvious attributes easy to inspect (count or
measure) - Attributes unlikely to change
- Basis for matching capabilities of resources to
be used together - Tier 1 - Resources that require National
Definition for Inter-State Mutual Aid - Tier 2 - Resources that are specialized and used
for localized response
- Addresses both Identification and Attributes
- Identity vetting specified by Real ID Act or
HSPD-12 - Attributes are not obvious
- Attributes can be transitory
- Tier 1 - Persons that must be pre-credentialed
for Inter-State Mutual Aid - Tier 2 - Persons that can be credentialed after
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26When to Resource Type or Credential
- External attributes that are obvious
- Measurable
- Countable
- Things
- Unlikely to change
- Could have data plate
- Quantitative - Descriptive Definition
- Equipment and Teams
- Internal attributes that are not obvious
- Skills
- Knowledge
- Ability
- Can to be transitory
- Vetted Identity
- Badge to combine Identity and Attributes
- Persons
27Resource Management Projects
- Resource Typing
- Maintenance of current 120 Resources
- Phase 2
- Policy on National Typing
- Resources to be added to National Catalogue
28National Response Plan and National Incident
Management System Review and Revision Process
- NIMS issued March 2004 NRP issued December 2004
- Notice of Change released on May 25, 2006
included 11 topics - Secretary of DHS is responsible for conducting an
interagency review of the document - DHS FEMA is the Executive Agent for the NRP
- FEMA partnering with DHS Preparedness Directorate
(PREP) to co-chair a NRP/NIMS Task Force - Participation from all levels of stakeholders
(Federal, State, local, tribal, private sector,
and NGOs) - DRG PCC approved NRP/NIMS Work Plan in September
30NRP/NIMS Review Process Coordination Structure
- Strategic oversight
- Department/agency policy positions
- Interagency policy deconfliction
- Steering Committee
- Co-Chairs FEMA DHS Preparedness
- Members Select ESF Coordinators and stakeholders
- NRP/NIMS Interagency Task Force
- Coordinates department/agency input
- Explore, validate issues, propose solutions,
draft - policy positions
- Resolve non-policy issues prior to raising them
to the DRG - Members All NRP Signatories, other stakeholders
- Writing Team
- Assign and track writing tasks to work groups
- Vet initial rewrites with affected groups
- Members Selected by Steering Committee and Task
Examples of possible work groups
NIMS Work Group
Roles Responsibilities Work Group
International SupportWork Group
31NRP Key Issues
RED - New Issue
Annex issues are not prioritized. They will be
worked concurrently with Base Plan Issues and
with each other
32NIMS Key Issues
- Guidance required to clarify roles and
responsibilities within NIMS framework - Better include concept of preparedness into NIMS
- Refine NIMS to ensure it can be easily understood
by all stakeholders - Better tie between NIMS and Homeland Security
Presidential Directive-8 National Preparedness,
NRP, and other Federal response efforts - Emphasize importance of NIMS training for all
emergency management, response personnel and
disaster workers, private sector and
nongovernmental agencies
33NRP/NIMS Work Groups
- Work Groups are responsible for vetting issues
and providing resolutions/recommendations to the
Writing Team for their functional area or issues
which they have been assigned - Work Group leads report back to the Writing Team
a Writing Team member or Steering Committee staff
member will be present at all Work Group meetings - Membership is open to Federal, State, local,
tribal, private sector representatives and
nongovernmental organizations - Subject matter experts will be invited to attend
Work Group meetings on an as needed basis - Depending on the size of the Work Groups,
sub-groups may be established
34Work Groups
- Volunteer and Donations Management
- Evacuations and Sheltering
- International Support
- Training and Implementation
- Companion Animal Issue
- Special Needs Work Group
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Incident Management and Coordination
- Functions
- Catastrophic Planning
- Communications
- These work groups will meet early in the
process to help establish policies for these
specific issues which will be integrated into
other work groups.
35Proposed NRP/NIMS Review Timeline
Jun 2007
Dec 2006
Phase 2 Targeted Rewrite and Product Completion
NIMS Work Group Meets/Develop 1st Draft of NIMS
Dec Jan 26
Dec Feb 16
NRP Work Groups Meet/Provide inputs to Writing
1st Comment Period on NIMS
Feb 1 - 19
Writing Team Develops 1st Draft of NRP
Feb 19 Mar 9
Feb 19 Mar 26
Adjudicate comments on 1st draft of /Prepare 2nd
draft of NIMS
1st Comment Period on NRP
Mar 12 30
Mar 26 Apr 6
2nd Comment Period on NIMS
Apr 2 20
Adjudicate comments on 1st draft of NRP/Prepare
2nd draft of NRP
Adjudicate NIMS comments/prepare final draft of
NIMS for approval
Apr 9 27
Apr 23 May 4
2nd Comment Period on NRP
Adjudicate NRP comments/ prepare final draft of
NRP for approval
May 7 - 23
NIMS Work Plan
Approval Process for NIMS
May 1 - 31
NRP Work Plan
May 23 31
Expedited Approval Process for NRP
Jun 1
NRP and NIMS Announcement and Electronic Release
36NRP-NIMS Revision Process Input
The NIMS Integration Center
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