Title: Upper Cumberland River Watershed Watch
1Upper Cumberland River Watershed Watch
Putting science in the hands of the people for
watershed protection 808 Monticello Street -
Somerset, KY 42501 1-606-679-8501, ext. 3255
Powered by PRIDE! A local operating unit of the
Kentucky Waterways Alliance Inc.
Volume 1, Issue 2
August 22, 2001
Watershed Watch Efforts Make the News Many of
you may have seen articles in your July
newspapers about the statewide efforts of
Watershed Watch. Ken timed his press release to
coincide with the July 14th sampling event taking
place in all watersheds. As a result these
releases, I received many requests for more
information, especially about exact locations of
sampling sites in respective counties and about
results of past sampling. Articles
specifically about UCRWW then appeared in
newspapers in Burkesville, Corbin, and London and
perhaps others I am not aware of. Articles of
a more general nature were also published in
papers with larger distributions, such as The
Lex-ington Herald and The Courier Journal. Not
only will this exposure ultimately help in the
recruitment of new volun-teers, but it will also
result in wider use of our data, and, hopefully,
in a more informed and vocal public.
Please mark your calendars for the next
Upper Cumberland River Watershed Watch
Sampling Event Friday, Sept. 14 in Pulaski,
Cumberland, Jackson and Wayne Co. and on
Saturday, Sept. 15 in Harlan, Bell, Knox,
Whitley and Laurel Co. Contact your county
coordinator as soon as possible if you have
conflicts with these dates.
Results of our last sampling event are enclosed.
Division of Water, has also posted results of
other sampling events at http//water.nr.state.ky.
Inside you will find the results of our most
recent sampling event, with some discussion of
the interpretation of numbers. Ken Cooke, Ky.
2No more excuse program aims to end straight
pipes Stricter enforcement and conversion of
a low interest loan program to a grant program
will remove any excuses for homeowners to
continue to pollute streams in the PRIDE service
area. The PRIDE initiative was announced by U.S.
Congressman Harold "Hal" Rogers and Natural
Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet
Secretary James Bickford this month. In addition
to providing 100 of the costs for installing
septic systems to qualified home owners, grants
are also available to counties and cities to
extend wastewater treatment lines to unserved
areas. These programs will serve to greatly
enhance water quality in our region and state.
Help spread this news and refer interested
homeowners to local Area Development District
Offices or their local PRIDE coordinator.
Find sampling data from past events
at http//water.nr.state.ky.us/watch/uc.htm
GIS training available Our current PRIDE
Community Grant provides for the training of
volunteers in the use of GIS software. Denny
Fries is currently working on organizing a
training session to take place on Oct. 11-12 at
UK/KGS facilities. UCRWW will pay the fee for
the course (75) for up to 16 individuals, but we
need to know ASAP for whom we should reserve
seats. Because we will pay for your class in
advance, you must be sure that you will be able
to attend the session. All students will receive
the book "Introduction to ArcView GIS" which
includes a CD with exercises and data. ESRI
certificates will be awarded upon successful
completion. Contact Denny at 606-678-0137 or
e-mail Loris at Loris.Sherman_at_kctcs.net. For
those who have already indicated an interest,
please reaffirm with either of us your intention
to attend.
Upper Cumberland River Watershed Watch 808
Monticello St. Somerset, KY 42501