Title: Abraham and Isaac
1Abraham and Isaac
from the Bible, Genesis 221-19 Textbook p. 904
God came to Abraham and said, take your beloved
son Isaac to the land of Moriah and set him on
fire for me up in the mountains.
2 Label a piece of lined paper with -Your Name
-Your Period -Abraham and Isaac -p. 904 Use
the lined paper to write down notes and responses
for the rest of todays class (except for the
literary term)
3Literary Term (add to your list)
THEME The central idea or message revealed
in a work of literature. Usually implied (not
stated directly) Open to interpretation
(different viewpoints)
4First Reading Read and Listen
DIRECTIONS Read and listen carefully to the
selection. Make a heading in your notes titled
First Reading Under the heading First Reading,
write down what you think is the theme or message
of this story.
5Second Reading Sequencing
Make a new heading on your paper that says
Second Reading Sequencing. Number from
1-5. Reread the selection to
yourself Then, sequence these events from
the story by writing the letters of the events in
correct order from first to last. Sequence these
Events 1.____ a. Abraham sees a ram caught in
the thicket. 2.____ b. Isaac asks his father
where the sheep is. 3.____ c. Abraham binds his
son to the wooden altar. 4.____ d. The angel
tells Abraham he will have many
descendants. 5.____ e. God tells Abraham to
take Isaac to Moriah.
6Summary Paragraph
In one paragraph (5-7 sentences), write a
succinct summary of the story of Abraham and
Isaac that we just read. 1. Re-read/skim the
story and pick out important information to
include in your summary. 2. Write your summary
on your piece of lined paper in paragraph form.
Make sure the events are in chronological order.
3. Trade with a partner and compare summaries.
Is there anything important that either of you
left out? Anything non-essential that you could
take out? 4. Revise and write a final draft of
your summary paragraph, adding and deleting as
7The Parable of the Old Man and the Young
by Wilfred Owen Page 907 Elements of
Literature Textbook
British author Wilfred Owen wrote this poem
during World War I. Read background at top of
page. Listen to/read the poem carefully.
8 9 The Parable of the Old Man and the Young
So Abram rose, and clave the wood, and went,And
took the fire with him, and a knife.And as they
sojourned both of them together,Isaac the
first-born spake and said, My Father,Behold the
preparations, fire and iron,But where the lamb
for this burnt-offering?Then Abram bound the
youth with belts and straps,And builded parapets
and trenches there,And stretched forth the knife
to slay his son.When lo! an angel called him out
of heaven,Saying, Lay not thy hand upon the
lad,Neither do anything to him. Behold,A ram,
caught in a thicket by its hornsOffer the Ram
of Pride instead of him. But the old man would
not so, but slew his son,And half the seed of
Europe, one by one. -- Wilfred Owen (1893 - 1918)
10 Analyze Directions Answer in complete sentences
on your lined paper.
- What inspired Wilfred Owen to write this poem?
- In this poem, who are the old and who are the
young? - How does Owen relate the story of Abraham and
Isaac to events occurring in his own world?